Surgery for Type 1 Diabetes?

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Leanne S

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
In the waiting room for my last Diabetes check-up (where I discovered my most recent Hba1c was the best in my whole Diabetic life - hurray insulin pump!) I picked up a Type 1 magazine and briefly read that a survey had been conducted and said that 60% of Type 1's would rather inject than use an insulin pump or to have "surgery once or twice a year to manage their Diabetes".

I don't have the name of the magazine and I was called into my appointment shortly after having picked it up so I don't really have any further details, but I was wondering - has anyone heard of this surgery? What is it?

I wondered if they'd invented some kind of hypothetical alternative to injections/the pump, but couldn't imagine why this would be featured in a survey...
With the 6 month repeat mentioned, this might be the theoretical technique of implanting stem cell created beta cells in the liver. Which is years away from a standard treatment, and in any event would not completely replace injections or testing.
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