Hi, I am about 5 weeks and are doing well hitting my post meal targets (at the moment!) but I am struggling to hit my overnight fasting targets of 5.3 and below. I am often around 5.5 when I got to bed but if I then just do my Levimir overnight without eating anything I go hypo so pre pregnancy I had a small snack to bring me up to about 6.5 and then do my overnight insulin and would often bring me out in range. But now in early pregnancy the snacks I am trying keeping bringing my blood sugar too high and then end up with a blood sugar around 5.9 - 6.8 when I wake. Any ideas on snacks that may help here? I had heard somewhere that protein snacks before bed might help with fasting glucose but I think that was in gestational diabetes patients so don't know if it works with other diabetes types, so would really appreciate your wisdom/ tips on how to approach this.