Sugars not going as high - Hot weather to blame?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

Does anyone find that hot weather means their blood sugars are lower than normal?

Over the past week I have been ill with a cold and then a mild stomach bug. Over the last couple of days I have been back to eating as normal, but I've noticed my blood sugars aren't raising as much as they previously did.

For example after dinner I would raise to around an 8 and stay there for a few hours. Now I'm not getting above a 6.5.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining! The closer I can stay to being I'm range the happier I am, but it just strikes me as odd as nothing has really changed with my diet.

I'm wondering if the hot weather in the UK is to blame? I've heard some people suffer with more hypos during the summer period.
If you’ve had a stomach bug and not been eating then that might be why you’re having lower bgs now, if your body’s glucose reserves are lower and your body’s putting out less sugar

Does anyone find that hot weather means their blood sugars are lower than normal?

Over the past week I have been ill with a cold and then a mild stomach bug. Over the last couple of days I have been back to eating as normal, but I've noticed my blood sugars aren't raising as much as they previously did.

For example after dinner I would raise to around an 8 and stay there for a few hours. Now I'm not getting above a 6.5.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining! The closer I can stay to being I'm range the happier I am, but it just strikes me as odd as nothing has really changed with my diet.

I'm wondering if the hot weather in the UK is to blame? I've heard some people suffer with more hypos during the summer period.
No real idea but you may have been drinking more fluids in the hot weather and that has helped.
If you’ve had a stomach bug and not been eating then that might be why you’re having lower bgs now, if your body’s glucose reserves are lower and your body’s putting out less sugar
That makes sense, I've just been eating normally for past few days so thought it would have corrected itself by now.
No real idea but you may have been drinking more fluids in the hot weather and that has helped.
Yeah, it's strange. I thought this as well at first but I always drink a lot, so I'm not drinking any more than normal.
Hot weather has an effect on your glucose and it is likely to be lower than normal. I got confirmation of this from my Specialist, although I'd kind of worked it out from experience. The problem is trying to adjust to it, then, when you have, the weather changes or in my case I've just come back from holiday.

Does anyone find that hot weather means their blood sugars are lower than normal?

Over the past week I have been ill with a cold and then a mild stomach bug. Over the last couple of days I have been back to eating as normal, but I've noticed my blood sugars aren't raising as much as they previously did.

For example after dinner I would raise to around an 8 and stay there for a few hours. Now I'm not getting above a 6.5.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining! The closer I can stay to being I'm range the happier I am, but it just strikes me as odd as nothing has really changed with my diet.

I'm wondering if the hot weather in the UK is to blame? I've heard some people suffer with more hypos during the summer period.
OMG. I am the same. I suffer from Type 1 and I'm on Insulin. All of a sudden its like all is right in the world. Last time I was unwell was when I ended up in hospital with DKA and got my diagnosis. So I was worried me being unwell will set my sugars out of whack when it's only done the opposite. I would love to know the reason behind this.
Happy for you. 🙂
It's a crude explanation but it's because your blood vessels are more open so everything is working more efficiently.
Mine go lower in the warmer weather to.
If you’ve had a stomach bug and not been eating then that might be why you’re having lower bgs now, if your body’s glucose reserves are lower and your body’s putting out less sugar

Not really.
When fasting BG can fall a little bit, but not by much. The alpha cells and beta cells tend to keep the level fairly constant (Within quite a narrow range) regardless of the state of 'stores' (I assume you mean the glycogen in the liver and muscles?).
I am also very interested in finding out whether the hot weather helps with lower blood glucose readings. I never thought that it was possible because there are many diabetics in hot countries. I therefore speculated whether it could be the significant sweating during exercise that contributes to it. I so happen to be in a very hot country at present with daily temperatures in the low 30s. I have been here for just over five months and my HbA1c has been surprisingly low. So yes, I am trying to find out how that is possible.
Hello @Swilko, I am intrigued.

Firstly I'm curious and a touch jealous about where you are geographically to be in the mid 30s. I spent several years living in warm Southern Europe some 20 years ago.

But secondly, if I have understood correctly you have already got your T2 into remission and fairly recently also had a series of low HbA1c readings - all of which without medications or particular dietary control. So could your even lower HbA1c now just be a consequence of your already unusual metabolism?

Please don't misunderstand my curiosity. Your post just caught my attention when I was reflecting on (why after yet another strange BG day that I had yesterday) what I might have done differently yesterday. I gently walked quite a lot, in London, in the warmth. Naturally I considered the exercise and in the warmth; then thought about how I would be managing my D nowadays, if we had permanently relocated to Greece some 20 yrs ago .... and then your post bubbled up ... hence what if? My brain provokes some great time wasting thoughts!
Warmer weather generally leads to improved sensitivity to insulin for me too, so I often find my doses need to be pegged back a bit as the spring warms up, and again in the summer months.

I’ve definitely heard the dilated blood vessel thing too - I think that’s one of the reasons why hot tubs and saunas often carry a warning for people with diabetes.
Hello @Swilko, I am intrigued.

Firstly I'm curious and a touch jealous about where you are geographically to be in the mid 30s. I spent several years living in warm Southern Europe some 20 years ago.

But secondly, if I have understood correctly you have already got your T2 into remission and fairly recently also had a series of low HbA1c readings - all of which without medications or particular dietary control. So could your even lower HbA1c now just be a consequence of your already unusual metabolism?

Please don't misunderstand my curiosity. Your post just caught my attention when I was reflecting on (why after yet another strange BG day that I had yesterday) what I might have done differently yesterday. I gently walked quite a lot, in London, in the warmth. Naturally I considered the exercise and in the warmth; then thought about how I would be managing my D nowadays, if we had permanently relocated to Greece some 20 yrs ago .... and then your post bubbled up ... hence what if? My brain provokes some great time wasting thoughts!
Hello @Proud to be erratic, I am in the beautiful country of Malaysia. It is not exactly nice and warm but uncomfortably hot and humid hence the excessive sweating.

I have been fortunate to have been in remission for several years and it did cross my mind that it could be as a consequence of an unusual metabolism. I think it is possible to have a stronger or weaker metabolism but seriously doubt that it is unusual or different despite indulging in takeaways for two meals a day for over five months. I miss my home cooked meals. I do go for my daily brisk walks everyday but that is more for my heart as I had a close call in my early days in this country resulting in a angiogram being carried out. Luckily all is well.

I was also extremely curious how my blood glucose was performing so I had a HbA1c test done in late April at a hospital and was quite surprised that it had remained in remission. I have booked to have another one done at a pharmacy on June 1st to monitor the situation as it is relatively cheap. Hoping for the best.
We've had quite a few September holidays on various Greek islands and have loved southern Crete several times when it's been scorchio but well past the sandblasting of the meltemi wind in late July and August - anyway on MDI I've found I haven't needed any bolus insulin until evening dinner time even though I've had croissants and jam, or yog & honey for brekkie, a decent sized bread roll with meat & salad/ tuna salad/ or whatever in it and a fruit doughnut mid afternoon - but there again a 10-15 minute slow wander to the beach and back.

Does anyone find that hot weather means their blood sugars are lower than normal?

Over the past week I have been ill with a cold and then a mild stomach bug. Over the last couple of days I have been back to eating as normal, but I've noticed my blood sugars aren't raising as much as they previously did.

For example after dinner I would raise to around an 8 and stay there for a few hours. Now I'm not getting above a 6.5.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining! The closer I can stay to being I'm range the happier I am, but it just strikes me as odd as nothing has really changed with my diet.

I'm wondering if the hot weather in the UK is to blame? I've heard some people suffer with more hypos during the summer period.
Hello, I’m pretty insulin sensitive anyway. But it can get even more so in the heat? Did you raise your basal whilst you were ill? (Sick day rules.) some basal insulins can be slower to adjust.
Hello, I’m pretty insulin sensitive anyway. But it can get even more so in the heat? Did you raise your basal whilst you were ill? (Sick day rules.) some basal insulins can be slower to adjust.
I find taking a hot water bottle to bed can cause my blood sugars to go low
I find taking a hot water bottle to bed can cause my blood sugars to go low
Hello, not a trick question. 🙂 Is this regarding your sensor. Has this been corroborated with a meter?
weirdly, I was really hot in bed last night & my sensor low alarm was triggered. Yet I was in the low 5s. Though I did get a couple of confirmed lows during the day working out in the heat. (Using Libre2.)
Warmer weather generally leads to improved sensitivity to insulin for me too, so I often find my doses need to be pegged back a bit as the spring warms up, and again in the summer months.

I’ve definitely heard the dilated blood vessel thing too - I think that’s one of the reasons why hot tubs and saunas often carry a warning for people with diabetes.
Ditto. And I can’t do a bath until about 1 and a half hours after insulin dosing .
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