sugar in tea/coffee

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was just wondering whether anyone on here has a sugar & milk in their tea/coffee and gets away with it not affecting their levels too much? Or does everyone use sweetners instead?

I hate the taste of sweetners so I started having a small teaspoon of sugar instead, which I used to get away with, but i'm not sure I can anymore. Ive tried going without but I always fall off the wagon because I crave a sweet tea/coffee in the mornings sometimes. So I might have to resort back to sweetners, noooo!
Hi Katie..

Nathan does'nt drink tea or coffee..just water, cordial and coke zero...

Could you try halving your small spoon of sugar..see if that helps any...I know what you mean about the sweeteners....yyyuuuukkkkk.....:D

easy reply from me i dont do hot drinks full stop so never a problem my uncle tho he uses canderel and swears by it i dont think he has used granulated sugar for about 5 years now
Hi Katie..

Nathan does'nt drink tea or coffee..just water, cordial and coke zero...

sounds just like me lol 🙂 I drink to full fat pepsi...comes in handy though to give Nathan in hypo's..although he usually spits it out at me..and accuses me of trying to poison him....😱

xx🙂 I drink to full fat pepsi...comes in handy though to give Nathan in hypo's..although he usually spits it out at me..and accuses me of trying to poison him....😱


lolol no such luck here o.h dnt do fizzy drinks and luckily neither does our lad he wont touch it which i think is a good thing , he loves his robinsons summer fruits x
I wish I could give it up but dont think I can lol. I dreaful with diet coke, if I open a 2litre bottle it will be gone by the end of the day and then I don't get any sleep! Love it though 🙂
When I was first diagnosed I used to put that granulated sweeterner (i.e. not the tiny tablets) in tea and coffee. After a while though I decided I didn't like it so went back to sugar. I only have a small amount, ablut half a teaspoonful, and have been using skimmed milk for years so am used to that. Doesn't seem to affect my levels in the slightest, but neither does much else (ducks and runs!). I expect if I had the three sugars I used to have back in my thirties, it probably would have an effect. Isn't a teaspoon about 5g carbs?
I can't stand sweetners either. Because I need LOTS of sugar in coffee, I avoid coffee altogether. I can't stand sugar in tea.

Splenda and Candarel are good substitutes if I don't know I have them, but never knowingly put them in anything.

Not sure I can offer a solution to your dilema. I would suggest honey in tea, but it is a form of sugar too. I tried it in coffee, but it makes the coffee taste awfull, worse than no sugar.
Thanks steff

When I was first diagnosed I used to put that granulated sweeterner (i.e. not the tiny tablets) in tea and coffee. After a while though I decided I didn't like it so went back to sugar. I only have a small amount, ablut half a teaspoonful, and have been using skimmed milk for years so am used to that. Doesn't seem to affect my levels in the slightest, but neither does much else (ducks and runs!). I expect if I had the three sugars I used to have back in my thirties, it probably would have an effect. Isn't a teaspoon about 5g carbs?

It didnt used to affect me either :( I have quite alot of milk in my coffee so not sure whether it is that?! I will have to check the carb content. I might also try getting used to half a teaspoon because I think if I can taste a bit of sweetness it will cure my craving in the mornings!

I woke up to 5.3 and a few hours later I still hadn't eaten, just had a coffee and I was 8.5 - could be my basal still isn't sorted but I have a feeling the coffee I drink pushes my levels up a bit grr.
Thanks steff

It didnt used to affect me either :( I have quite alot of milk in my coffee so not sure whether it is that?! I will have to check the carb content. I might also try getting used to half a teaspoon because I think if I can taste a bit of sweetness it will cure my craving in the mornings!

I woke up to 5.3 and a few hours later I still hadn't eaten, just had a coffee and I was 8.5 - could be my basal still isn't sorted but I have a feeling the coffee I drink pushes my levels up a bit grr.

As I say, I used to have a lot more, but got used to just a tiny bit (probably not even a half). I've tried it without and it really makes a difference - I have to have that tiny bit!🙂

Didn't I read somewhere that strong coffee can affect your levels? Might not be the sugar/milk at all!
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Short-term studies indicate that caffeine impairs insulin action but not necessarily blood sugar (glucose) levels in young, healthy adults. However, in individuals with type 2 diabetes, the impact of caffeine on insulin action may be associated with a small but detectable rise in blood sugar levels, particularly after meals. The amount of caffeine noted to have caused this effect was about 500 milligrams (or the equivalent of five cups of plain, brewed coffee) a day.

For individuals with type 2 diabetes who are struggling to control their blood sugar levels, limiting your caffeine intake may provide a benefit.

found that god knows if it helps at all like ^^
Didn't I read somewhere that strong coffee can affect your levels? Might not be the usgar/milk at all!

I know other people who say that coffee puts their blood sugar up, so they bolus a unit or two for it. But as with everything about diabetes, your mileage may vary!

Can you try without the sugar once to see if it has the same effect?
When I was first diagnosed I used to put that granulated sweeterner (i.e. not the tiny tablets) in tea and coffee. After a while though I decided I didn't like it so went back to sugar. I only have a small amount, ablut half a teaspoonful, and have been using skimmed milk for years so am used to that. Doesn't seem to affect my levels in the slightest, but neither does much else (ducks and runs!). I expect if I had the three sugars I used to have back in my thirties, it probably would have an effect. Isn't a teaspoon about 5g carbs?

Dear Northerner,

5g sucrose is one teaspoon of sucrose, this yeilds 2.92g glucose and 2,92g of fructose. The fructose does not raise blood suger, it cannot because it isn't glucose! - but it isn't safe - it is metaboised by the liver to saturated fatty acids three molecules of which bind to a glycerol molecule to form triglyceride. This is loaded onto VLDL proteins and is shipped out to your fat depots. UG!

Regards Dodger
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I was just wondering whether anyone on here has a sugar & milk in their tea/coffee and gets away with it not affecting their levels too much? Or does everyone use sweetners instead?

I hate the taste of sweetners so I started having a small teaspoon of sugar instead, which I used to get away with, but i'm not sure I can anymore. Ive tried going without but I always fall off the wagon because I crave a sweet tea/coffee in the mornings sometimes. So I might have to resort back to sweetners, noooo!

Hi Twin , I love coffee but Ive never taken sugar in anything even before DB , I also only have Skimmed Milk . I do drink ALOT of coffee though so as a Low Carber I tend to Count the Carbs from the Milk into a Daily allowance That I allow myself 😱🙄
I just checked the carb contents of milk and there isnt much difference between the difference types of milk, so that's good! I dont like skimmed milk in coffee.

I'm going to work out how many carbs are in my cup of coffee and get back to you 😉
I just checked the carb contents of milk and there isnt much difference between the difference types of milk, so that's good! I dont like skimmed milk in coffee.

I'm going to work out how many carbs are in my cup of coffee and get back to you 😉

hehehe okies Twin , I only like Skimmed milk now , I changed from Semi Skimmed years ago when I was a Veggie /Anorexic 😱😉
hehehe okies Twin , I only like Skimmed milk now , I changed from Semi Skimmed years ago when I was a Veggie /Anorexic 😱😉

Just worked it out and it's 10g of carbs, which is 2units for me. Or at the moment about 10 units so i'm not surprised it pushes me up. I measured the milk out and everything lol. I'm going to use a smaller cup and I think I can get that down to 5g instead 🙂 And I'll try drinking more water instead because I never drink enough!

I used to use skimmed stuff in tea, the horrible UHT stuff but I didnt mind it. I'm sure I wouldnt notice with the fresh skimmed milk, but no one else will want it 🙄
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