Sugar in coffee and tea

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Like my tea & coffee strong with just a splash of milk, no sugar or sweetmers.

Once you stop taking sugar in tea & coffee you appreciate taste more as its not masked by the sweetness.
I bought some Half Spoon on Saturday. Its ok - obviously halved my sugar in tea to 1/6th of a spoon! It just takes the edge off!
I also bought some Hovis 'Nimble' bread which is quite kind to diabetics but the slices are small and tasteless so it looks like I go without bread or just have a half baguette on a weekend!
I also bought some Hovis 'Nimble' bread which is quite kind to diabetics but the slices are small and tasteless so it looks like I go without bread or just have a half baguette on a weekend!
I found the same with Nimble. Likewise HiLo and LivLife. I've now settled on sharing my wife's Warburtons Seeded GF bread, which has slices that are pretty much normal size but are only 10.8g carb per slice. I don't need GF - I only use it because it's much lower carb than regular bread. Our son's wholemeal bread, for example, is 14.7g per slice.

Be careful with baguettes - they're extremely high carb and high GI (95). A quarter of a Sainsbury's Crusty White baguette is 52.4g carbohydrate according to their groceries website.
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Warburtons Seeded GF bread, which has slices that are pretty much normal size but are only 10.8g carb per slice. I don't need GF - I only use it because it's much lower carb than regular bread.
That's very useful to know - I had not looked at GF foods
My latest cunning plan is to put one spoonful of half spoon in my teapot and drink 3 cups of tea from it.
Its slightly too sweet so I can now reduce my sugar to 3 quarters of half spoon over 3 cups! so thats 3/4s of half divided by 3. So I think I have now dropped to one eighth of a spoon per cup! Lol. Never done so much maths since finding this site.
I know I'm a bit late to this post, and also a bit of a purest when it comes to coffee , but not all coffee is made the same. You may find trying different coffee brands you can find one that needs no sugar. Probably not in an instant type though. Tea is more difficult to find a naturally sweet option.
I have reduced from two to one sugar in tea and coffee

I love a cuppa and as my main source of sugar was from takeaways and junk food I think it's not going to make that much difference

I can't drink tea or coffee straight
as a T2 you need to try change and adapt if not then question why.
I have reduced from two to one sugar in tea and coffee

I love a cuppa and as my main source of sugar was from takeaways and junk food I think it's not going to make that much difference

I can't drink tea or coffee straight
It depends on how many cups you have a day and many peoples teaspoons are quite big and more than the standard 5g, so 5 cups a day would be 25g carbs at least.
You could try half a spoon as a step to weaning yourself off the added sugar.
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