Sugar demon

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I have a terrible craving for some chocolate. I've been fighting it all afternoon, the wee demon on my shoulder is egging me on; "go on, one small bar won't kill you". But I know, that way lies the road to ruin, I don't think I could stop at one.

Oh but I want that chocolate.

ooooo alison aint it a pain I dont know if i do the right thing here but in the bottom of the fridge i have some snack size twixxes and there in my own little diabetic bit of the fridge lol, they come out to play when im finding it really hard to fight the craving for choc, i know its about will power and of course stopping at one is always a hardship but what i do is treat myself twice a week maybe dip into the choc .
Trouble is, if they're there, I'll eat them. That's why I don't have jelly babies around either, I have no will power at all.
I keep a small bar of "Green and Blacks" 85% handy for hypos. Despite Diabetes UK advising against it it seems to work for me as glucose can make me vomit. About once every few months I can give into temptation. A friend says it is my body telling me it needs the flavonoids and antioxidants!
One of the reasons I stopped carrying jelly babies is because I eat them if I've had a tough day or am feeling abit bored.

It is a tough one. One little bar of chocolate is never enough for me and if I pinch one of little fellers he notices it's missing!
I have a terrible craving for some chocolate. I've been fighting it all afternoon, the wee demon on my shoulder is egging me on; "go on, one small bar won't kill you". But I know, that way lies the road to ruin, I don't think I could stop at one.

Oh but I want that chocolate.

I bought a Caramac bar tonight. I didn't want one, it was in a box on the counter of the paper shop and I thought I haven't seen any of those in years. 45p lighter and it was all mine to caress home....

I'm trying very hard not to open it let alone sniff it.


I might have to keep it in the fridge just in case I feel too low. (Like now at 4.1)
I bought a Caramac bar tonight. I didn't want one, it was in a box on the counter of the paper shop and I thought I haven't seen any of those in years. 45p lighter and it was all mine to caress home....

I'm trying very hard not to open it let alone sniff it.


I might have to keep it in the fridge just in case I feel too low. (Like now at 4.1)

You lot are all going to the burny place for tormenting me. Cruel and unusual punishment it is!😡
Caramacs are truly gorgeous!😱

I've found that, the longer it's been since my diagnosis, the less I crave the sweet stuff - or even the savoury treats like crisps. Sometimes I want to eat a whole battenburg or swiss roll, but I think my horror of high numbers always wins out. I even eat ordinary digestives now as a treat instead of chocolate ones.

Things will get better Alison, but do treat yourself occasionally!🙂
I'm sure things will settle down eventually and one day I'll have the confidence to treat myself now and again. For now though, I'm too new at this to take the risk. This is the first time I've had such a strong craving and there I was congratulating myself for not being tempted.🙄
For my daily chocolate fix -I enjoy a cup of 'Options' drink.

Sometimes mix it really thick and put over pears in apple juice.

But in the odd occasions only a bar of Galaxy will do - oops

I have had a REALLY bad day, it's 3 years this weekend since my Mam died, so that is my excuse. I don't think I'll test until tomorrrow/

Anyway, try Options

I adore Caramac. Unfortunately I discovered it's made by Nestle, thus is totally off limits, due to my Nestle boycot. Since they're evil and what have you.

they're still evil?? gosh, that boycot has been going for years!
my stepson who is working in local independent supermarket keeps bringing the running out date stuff back...GUU chocolate cake and brownies...Nightmare and i dont even like sweet stuff...i take a taste...savour it and feel good...not loads and feel crap guilty etc like i used to...its like i cant drink red wine now...bad heart burn i just smell it..breathe in the aroma...before i just have to have the bottle!!
ally the cravings will go im sure ..but if its too much get the little bar of 85-90% cocaolate take a peice and savour it and feel good.
I think they sold milk powder to women in third world countries with babies so they would stop producing their own and couldnt afford to feed them anymore. (or something). Not sure if this is still the issue though. Becky? :D
Main issue is that breast milk is best for babies in nearly all circumstances, but particularly if there's no access to clean water to mix up powered baby milk. Not just Nestle make powdered baby milk, though.
Real shame that Nestle took over Quaker founded chocolate firms such as Terry's, Fry's and Rowntree's of York (they haven't taken over another Quaker founded chocolate firm, Cadbury of Borneville, Birmingham), as Quakers were at the forefront of improving working and living conditions of their employees and offering chocolate as an alternative to alcoholic drink and pubs.
I still haven't eaten the Caramac......😱

I sniff it occasoinally.....:D

16g of Carbs... 10g of Fat...:confused:
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