Sudden insulin sensitivity

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That's interesting - I didn't know that. I've had to reduce my Novorapid down to around half or just under half of what I used to take pre meals/snack and this seems to working ok so far for me, though not always - and post breakfast is proving really tricky as I keep hypoing straight after breakfast and then rebounding to quite a high level a couple of hours after. I managed to speak to my nurse a couple of days ago who suggested a couple of things to me. We decided that maybe if we can fix the breakfast/morning problem then the rest of the day might go a little smoother. One thing she suggested to me was that I reduce my breakfast bolus down even further. Another was to go back to injecting 15mins before my meal and see if that made a difference (I'd stopped doing this and just injected straight before eating as I was sometimes hypoing before I'd had a chance to eat my breakfast.) The other thing was to have another small snack about an hour after breakfast before leaving the house as sometimes I'm dropping before I'm even out the door in the morning. She also mentioned if I was still having issues we could discuss maybe trying a different insulin rather than Novorapid, though I'm a bit reluctant to do that just as I've been on Novorapid for years...hopefully one of these things will work! I'll give them a go next week. It's just so strange how it happens so suddenly - I really hope you get sorted with yours too and your nurse is able to help you get your BGs back on track.
Thank you for sharing all that. I’ve been diabetic for over 18 years and my issue has always been insulin resistance so for my sugar levels to be constantly dropping is very odd. It’s all happened so suddenly and there’s been no change to my diet or lifestyle. I’ve dropped the treseba from 96 to 72 units and have completely stopped the fiasp. I was injecting 5 units for 10g and now nothing. I just can’t believe how the body suddenly starts to function in a different way. Im worried something else is going on in my body. I will keep everyone updated. I hope by sharing our experience it can help others too.
Spoke to the nurse today. She said she doesn’t know why I’ve suddenly because sensitive to insulin. She’s ordered some urgent blood tests. She didn’t say much. Only that she will check my cortisol levels. I’m really worried especially as I’ve been Googling things.
Well - have you ever thought i wonder if such changes happen to people who don't have diabetes - except of course they don't EVER have the slightest idea how much insulin their body needs - because they don't have diabetes and therefore never even test their blood glucose or anything else cos their body just does all these complicated things quietly in the background. Everybody eats food. Everybody's blood glucose increases after eating it - but they don't know - only 'us lot' know.

However most people realise that human bodies change as the years pass - so why must all those changes be 'bad' ones? Can't some of em be 'good' things? I mean - I don't know the answer to that but I do know for a fact because people I trust to be truthful on this or the previous forum I infested that it's by no means unheard of for insulin needs to plummet, or increase for no apparent reason.

@R26 - the cortisol check is likely to be investigating whether you might have yet another auto-immune disease - called Addison's disease, which affects the adrenal glands. They're quite little and sit minding their own business at the top of each of our kidneys and doing a similarly essential job as all of our other internal glands we can't see and never have a clue about UNTIL they go wrong! The test might reveal something's up, but it can also show there's nothing wrong with them at all - the good thing is, they're trying to find out, 'just in case'.

I look at it like this - if they find out there's summat wrong with me - then we can set to and try and treat whatever it is, can't we? If we just ignore it because it could be scary - then how can anyone on earth help us!
Insulin needs do change, had to tweak own down probably due to time of year, some weight loss & increased exercising, it can go up if all was reversed, it's just diabetes.
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