Sudden difficulties

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Jonathan Cooper

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi guys. First time poster here.
I was dxd 14 years ago and have been managing ok. Although my insulin doses were ridiculousy high. (75 Units of novorapid per meal) i was managing ok.
I have recently moved my injection sites to just above my belly button instead of in my lower stomache. Suddenly i am finding that injecting even 30 units is becomming too much for some meals. So naturally, i'm panicking a little that there could be an underlying cause. Currently waiting for cortisol and thyroid results back. Anyone else experience this drastic drop in insulin.
Im getting to the point now where im nervous everytime i eat. Its not good.

Thank you
Hi guys. First time poster here.
I was dxd 14 years ago and have been managing ok. Although my insulin doses were ridiculousy high. (75 Units of novorapid per meal) i was managing ok.
I have recently moved my injection sites to just above my belly button instead of in my lower stomache. Suddenly i am finding that injecting even 30 units is becomming too much for some meals. So naturally, i'm panicking a little that there could be an underlying cause. Currently waiting for cortisol and thyroid results back. Anyone else experience this drastic drop in insulin.
Im getting to the point now where im nervous everytime i eat. Its not good.

Thank you

Hi Jonathan

Welcome to the forum.

In general my understanding is that 'you need what you need' though I have to say your doses do seem quite high for a classic T1. Perhaps you have (or have had) a degree of insulin resistance too? And maybe this has changed?

There are many things that affect my insulin needs through the course of the year - general level of activity, weather becoming warmer or colder... That sort of thing can easily change my Total Daily Dose by 15-25%. I gather people also find that weight loss makes a difference - not sure of you've lost weight recently?

Do you use any method to measure or monitor the amount of carbohydrate you are eating and the adjust your doses to match each meal? I would find it very difficult to start working out what was happening unless I knew the carbs I was eating - as different meals that look and seem quite similar in size and how filling they are can need very different doses for me (and also whether the insulin needs to be delivered all at once or in several stages)
Hi mike. Thanks for the reply. Up to this point i have not counted the carbs with my meals. I just havent needed to. I will start to going forward i think. My only concern was the drastic drop in insulin requirements. The fact that i have been on the same amount and rates for 7-8 years now with no problems. Just seems strange to me.
Thanks again for the reply
Hi mike. Thanks for the reply. Up to this point i have not counted the carbs with my meals. I just havent needed to. I will start to going forward i think. My only concern was the drastic drop in insulin requirements. The fact that i have been on the same amount and rates for 7-8 years now with no problems. Just seems strange to me.
Thanks again for the reply
If you are saying you injected that amount of insulin in the same spot for years then you would have built up a lot of scar tissue, so moving to a fresh site would require a massive drop in insulin requirements. Has anyone ever checked your injection sites and have you ever done any basal testing as the amount of insulin you are using per meal is mind boggling 😱 I don't use that amount in 10 days including my basal insulin.
No doctor has checked my sites and i havent done basel testing before. It seems like im going to have to start to. My control has always been really good before this. I teat regularly so its not like ive been neglecting it. The doctors have just said "well of you need it then take it" i think im going to take a carb counting class and go from there. Get it properly under control.
Thanks for the reply
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