Stupid stupid mistake

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I can not believe what I have just done........I keep both insulin's together and have never made a mistake but I have just taken 18 units of novorapid instead of levimir. I did it and now even questioning if I did it or not but i'm sure i did. My BS were 10.5 and i've started eating food to counteract the novarapid.....even though i'm not hungry and i'm on a diet. Feeling sooooooo stupid. Lesson learned will never keep together anymore but in 18 mths never mixed them up, must be very tired. :(
Oh no sorry to hear about that :( we all make mistakes, especially when tired! i mean after all we are only human! maybe you could label them so you dont get them mixed up again? or is this just a one off coz your tired...i know i will end up doing this one day i think its bound to happen to all of us at one stage! 🙄 dont worry about it too much was lucky it wasnt the other way around and gave yourself levemir instead of novo.....get eating those carbs! :D
They are so different hence never making that mistake before........but taking that much novarapid when I had not had a meal is worse than taking levemir instead of novarapid........isn't it?????

Best not go to sleep just yet and check BS.
They are so different hence never making that mistake before........but taking that much novarapid when I had not had a meal is worse than taking levemir instead of novarapid........isn't it?????

Best not go to sleep just yet and check BS.

Oh ok maybe you were just reaaaaly tired then! sorry i think i misread the bit about doing it before the meal....i thought it was after so you could just eat to counteract the novorapid in your system, i mean if you took levemir instead of your novorapid it could mess up your basal insulin such as if you take more levemir if you have already given your normal dose and dont realise and then eat and go to could end up going low in the i making sense lol its late 😱
It's something I've come so close to doing so many times, and I think a lot of diabetics have done it, or nearly done it, at some point. Seems bizarre as the pens are so different but I think injecting becomes such an automatic thing that's it's pretty easy to do.
How did you get on through the night?
Hi there Donna how are you now? Please dont beat yourself up we all make mistakes hun x
Well what a rubbish night even after eating and taking some glucose tablets before going to bed I still had a hypo and went down to 1.4, luckily I had every thing I needed right next to my bed and partner was on hand to help. I now feel a bit sick and have worst headache. Just done my levels and they are 11.9, think I over ate as I was scared it might happen again. Feeling really down about having this stupid disease.:(
cant really help you hunny as T2 but im sending big huggs and hope you feel better soon x🙂
Well what a rubbish night even after eating and taking some glucose tablets before going to bed I still had a hypo and went down to 1.4, luckily I had every thing I needed right next to my bed and partner was on hand to help. I now feel a bit sick and have worst headache. Just done my levels and they are 11.9, think I over ate as I was scared it might happen again. Feeling really down about having this stupid disease.:(

Donnamarie, please don't feel down about it, it really can happen to anyone. I think you become accustomed to reaching ofr the pen and setting it up, thinking only 'it's time for my injection' and not noticing you are using the wrong pen! More than once I've gone to inject (I thought) my lantus, only to realise just before doing so that it's bedtime, so why have I got my novopen in my hand? 😱 I don't think it's a case of having injected for over a year so you should know better - more of a case of it being automatic so sometimes if you're a bit distracted, you just don't notice until it's too late.

I hope the hypo head goes away soon 🙂 The good thing is that you probably won't do it again in a hurry!
As Steff said we all make mistakes and you mustn't get down about it. Whilst that doesn't take away how you feel, believe you me in the amount of time i have had this stupid disease i have done exactly the same and also have forgotten to do my nighttime insulin on occasions (what a plum)!

We have all been there and if not it will happen at some time.

I blame it on this heat - its doing funny things to everyone 🙄

Just keep a closer eye on your levels today and hopefully you will feel better in no time.

Take care and don't look back...look forward 🙂

Bernie xx 🙂
keep us updated won't you, and let us knwo you're ok.

its really scary when things like this happen. i've acidentally overdosed on novorapid before and when you realise you just kick yourself. I drank lots of coke, just kept sipping on it.

I would agree with you too that its more dangerous to take too much novorapid than levemir as it has the most devasting affects. Its not easy to counteract either types of mistakes though.

i really do hope you're ok. and don't worry about feeling down, if things feel awful they can only get better. it may just take some time and determination🙂 x
Donna - sorry to hear you had such a rough night. With a 1.4 hypo you are probably going to have a stonking hypo hangover today. Take it easy and look after yourself.

Dont beat yourself up about making a mistake, I am sure most of us have done it at some point. I put the wrong insulin in my pen once, so was having humalog not lantus. It took me 3 nights of really bad hypos to work out what I had done - doh!!
Hope you're feeling better by now. Dont know how much Novarapid you usually take, but I think ringing the doc or going to A&E is advisable if the dose is much more than you would normally take. They can put up a glucose infusion and keep an eye on you until the insulin wears off.
Clearly you managed this very well yourself overnight, but a hypo of 1.4 must have felt nasty! You poor thing, scary (and very easily done!!) thing to happen. Thinking of you.
Hey, don't beat yourself up about it too much. Really, I know it's very easy to feel like a prize idiot at this point, but I can relate. I've done it before as well. I even filmed it. Hope you're not feeling TOO awful right now 🙂
Yup been there done that.

Not nice, but not something to beat yourself up about. As others have said, injecting becomes so automatic that occasionally mistakes can happen.

Hope you're feeling better today.
Haven't done it yet, but know lots of people have. What I would ahve done is worked out how many carbs I would need to eat for the amount of insulin injected. Probably a lot! So would have tried to drink a good proportion of it.
I can not believe what I have just done........I keep both insulin's together and have never made a mistake but I have just taken 18 units of novorapid instead of levimir. I did it and now even questioning if I did it or not but i'm sure i did. My BS were 10.5 and i've started eating food to counteract the novarapid.....even though i'm not hungry and i'm on a diet. Feeling sooooooo stupid. Lesson learned will never keep together anymore but in 18 mths never mixed them up, must be very tired. :(
Hi donnamarie I have only done that once in 20 years took NovoRapid instead of Insulatard. Phoned NHS direct and they helped me out. You are certainly not stupid, we all make mistakes that's why we have rubbers on the ends of pencils!. Take care best wishes to you Sheena🙂
Thanks for all of the replies and that's mistake will not be repeated in a hurry. I've heard people on here talking about hypo hangovers and before today I don't think I could say I have experienced one. My lowest previously has been 1.8 and on the whole I seem to recover quickly, not today!!! But tomorrow is another day and it will all look a lot better i'm sure. 🙂 XX
Did you take your levemir as well, as you still need it?
I took half dose of levemir this morning as I was too scared to inject it last night. Levels today appear to be a little high though - sure they will be back to normal tomorrow.
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