Stupid receptionst

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi All ...

What is Dr's receptionist's problem, regarding repeat prescriptions ... I'm seriously hacked off with it ... Today after going to see if Nathan's prescription was ready to collect ... The usual pharmacist ... who is brill ... Said .. "Not quiet, Heidi .. the surgery phoned down .. asking why you want 2 pens as well ... and that you need to phone them to explain ... " ... with that BP shot right up ... and stormed home ..

Phoned and spoke to the receptionist I need to speak to and had to justify , why exactly Nathan needed 2 new autopen classics ... the list went like this ..
For a start they are 2 different dose setters, he has 2 types of insulin, he needs spare, and one for school, I only want 1x 1-21u, and 1x 2-42u.. what happens if one breaks.. he misplaces one etc ... 15 mins of explanation and conversation later .... receptionist says "Well I dont have a problem I suppose if he needs them" ... What exactly is her position ... 😡

I get sick of it all ... everything is such a hassle regarding a simple prescription .... fed up ..

Sorry for a bit of rant

Why do receptionist think they can do this! When I was diagnosed tit was the receptionist that told me I was diabetic and then told me to call back on Monday to make an appointment to see the doctor. My mum phoned up my sisters DSN who said she wouldn't of done this and phoned to doctors surgery her self and complained. We got a call from the doctors 10 mins later with the doctor on the phone saying he hadnt even seen the results yet!!! I was 15! Really hacks me off!!
When i swaped over to the junior pens (1/2 units) i had to have the cartridges, instead of the preloaded pens.
I got the 200 questions as to why i wanted insulin put onto my prescription when it was already on there! 🙄

Its a pain. receptionists are a pain.
receptionist think there above the whole surgery hun they should be done away with, they do nothing but make you feel bad for ordering the things you actually need to keep your son going and us going.They need to butt out and let the script be between you and your doctor (((hugs))) x its always why do you need this many why do y ou need that many grrrrrr

p.s sorry if any receptionist are on here your not all the same.
They always get up my nose, why do you need 2 sharps boxes, doh one for school & one for home!!! But you cant order more than one lot of testing strips in 28 days - then what should my daughter do stop testing? They must be the doctors body guards 😱
Ah, lovely, more receptionist tales! I wonder if they have their own forum where they discuss the things they do to wind the public up? When I reduced my lantus I needed to be able to reduce in single units, but my autopen was 2-42 units. I requested a 1-21 pen from my doctor's, writing down the exact description and the product code - there are four types of autopen: the Autopen Classic (1-21 and 2-42) and the Autopen 24 (1-21 and 2-42). Despite writing down clearly what I needed it took me four trips to get the correct pen - they prescribed EVERY other pen before giving me the right one even though I had stood in front of them telling them what I needed! Hopefully, they are receiving the (correct) treatment for their severe incompetence syndrome!😱🙄
Lol ... They all sneak in on this forum ... on tips to wind us up .... 😱

Life at the Drs would be much simpler if they stuck to making appointments .. instead of being on some power trip ...

Hopefully, they are receiving the (correct) treatment for their severe incompetence syndrome!😱🙄

A big dose of a common sence maybe?
i am very lucky with my receptionist then ? my gp also retired few weeks ago and i am a bit upset because there is only one doctor that i trust (is a partnership so you dont see the same every time)
I just wanted to say that I think my doctors receptionist hates me! lol
I wanted to post before about the problems I have had with them but thought it might just be me!
I have had trouble from them which has on more than one occasion has *mucked up my prescription collection people
How can they turn round and say "you only had that same prescription done 2 weeks ago? or you cant really be needing all of that? I mean I dont mind when the doctor does a review of your repeat as it gives you the chance to do a clear out but when the RECEPTIONIST gives you the 3rd degree about your medication in front of a busy waiting room... makes you wonder when they got their degree?? (thought it was only my doc who was qualified enough to make decisions about MY treatment in that place!!! lol

Its the same receptionist time and time again, she barely even looks at me and the tone of her voice is rediculous!
I know she doesnt like my dad (for a real reason) but im not him so why does she think its ok to treat me like I have done something wrong?
I hate going in there now!! 😡
Lou, next time ask her 'Do you have a life-threatening, chronic illness? Then don't presume to comment on my medication needs!' Or even better, make a complaint to the practise manager - this is appalling behaviour and you shouldn't be made to feel uncomfortable at your doctors. Grrr!😡
Someone needs to start a facebook group about these pesky receptionists.🙄
I know, they dont really give a dam i dont think! lol Ill hop in one day with my stump and say "you proud of yourself for saving your surgery a little extra now" Thats terrible I know, but it does feel like they would see you dead before giving you what you need sometimes! lol
I actually noticed it more when I was pregnant and that was the time I needed their support the most! Luckily my dietician and consultant wrote an angry letter to them but after a couple of month of me getting my prescription every two weeks they refused it again! Makes you sick to think that its ok for drug addicts and alcoholics to get all the appointments, drugs every morning at chemists and then get paid EXTRA cash off the dole for their "affliction" (sorry if I offend anyone) but its not right that people who have diabetes (an incurable disease) have to go through all of this time and again for things they NEED to stay alive!! Not something we need to stop us robbing an old granny for cash if we dont 😱lol

sorry ill be quiet now haha
It must be terrifically frustrating Lou, and I can understand that it seems people with 'self-inflicted' problems appear to get priority, but I doubt that is true, just a common misconception. People have complex reasons for developing their addictions and often they are just as unavoidable in some ways as diabetes (abuse, neglect, depression).

The bottom line is that doctors and their staff should be better educated in order to avoid this unnecessary conflict. You should get your DSN to write another letter, and maybe write a letter yourself to the practice manager.
Yeah your right northener, That was a bit mean... but some of the people I know with those addictions who think its like a free meal ticket (the ones with the attitude) those are the ones I am on about! My good friend died due to an alcohol dependency and it broke my heart thats why i get riled up with the pepole who obviously dont take it seriously (sorry again) 😱

But in regard to my doctors receptionist, I wouldnt even get my diabetes team to waste their ink to be honest! It wont make a difference, I tried to change doctors surgery (keeping in mind this has to do with the receptionist and not my doc) anyway the other place wouldnt take me as my "case load is too big".
I will just continue to argue with her in front of a crowded waitin area but next time ill take boxing gloves lol 🙄
I know, they dont really give a dam i dont think! lol Ill hop in one day with my stump and say "you proud of yourself for saving your surgery a little extra now" Thats terrible I know, but it does feel like they would see you dead before giving you what you need sometimes! lol
I actually noticed it more when I was pregnant and that was the time I needed their support the most! Luckily my dietician and consultant wrote an angry letter to them but after a couple of month of me getting my prescription every two weeks they refused it again! Makes you sick to think that its ok for drug addicts and alcoholics to get all the appointments, drugs every morning at chemists and then get paid EXTRA cash off the dole for their "affliction" (sorry if I offend anyone) but its not right that people who have diabetes (an incurable disease) have to go through all of this time and again for things they NEED to stay alive!! Not something we need to stop us robbing an old granny for cash if we dont 😱lol

sorry ill be quiet now haha

Nothing wrong with having a stump... granted mine is completely unrelated to diabetes and my hand lol i quite like my stump ( had it since birth ) lol
OH GOD im sorry, I took that too far I think 😱
It just gets me irate about these receptionists! x
Lou, can you ask your doc to increase what is on your prescription? To get 4 weeks' worth rather than just 2?

I remember back to before I started with thyroid problems and therefore qualified for free prescriptions that as I was coping on a budget my doctor prescribed me 2 months' worth of meds each time so it would help me afford them.

Shame you have to go in really, can it be automated? Through your local chemist perhaps? Sounds like the receptionist has a real problem so if you can avoid her, so much the better.
OH GOD im sorry, I took that too far I think 😱
It just gets me irate about these receptionists! x

LMAO!!! Dont worry really lol It takes alot to get me offended =) lol xxxx
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