Stupid pharmacy!

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If I take my repeat to the pharmacy they check if what should be on the script is in stock and if not they order it. Then when they get the script back from the surgery the script is processed with no problems.
If I take my repeat to the pharmacy they check if what should be on the script is in stock and if not they order it. Then when they get the script back from the surgery the script is processed with no problems.

grr and im nowhere near sussex
My old drug dealer was alright, show them the script they check their stocks say yes got it all be back in 15, I always double the time they say, and if I need to go back I also add time to when they say it'll be in!

I'm hoping when I need supplies out here I don't have to end up ranting on here! 🙄
My old drug dealer was alright, show them the script they check their stocks say yes got it all be back in 15, I always double the time they say, and if I need to go back I also add time to when they say it'll be in!

I'm hoping when I need supplies out here I don't have to end up ranting on here! 🙄

i'll hold you to that Rossi lol, you might be one of the lucky ones though 🙄
I've just changed which Pharmacy I use. Had loads of probs with the big one we all think of first (also a type of footwear!!!). Twice recently they've given me the wrong lantus cartridges. Rang them the first time and had a totally bizzarre conversation with the pharmacist - so have taken my quite considerable custom elsewhere!
Picked up my repeat perscription yesterday. This includes a copy for me to request the next. However, the great computer has decreed that I must visit the GP practice before I can have more insulin but I can have further syringes. It is only about four months since I was last there for the same reason (test strips then). I think their software must be written in some rubbish like Visual C++!
Picked up my repeat perscription yesterday. This includes a copy for me to request the next. However, the great computer has decreed that I must visit the GP practice before I can have more insulin but I can have further syringes. It is only about four months since I was last there for the same reason (test strips then). I think their software must be written in some rubbish like Visual C++!

...and by a rubbish programmer as well! I used to pride myself on producing virtually bug-free systems as I hated the 'comebacks' and complaints from users. My experience over the past few years though is that quite a lot of programmers don't share that desire for quality! Oops, moving off topic!
I've had those warning's before on my prescritpion and just put the repeat in and theres been no problem. Myabe you could just get a phone call with the GP rather than taking up an appointment. I can see that they don't want people just ordering stuff long after they should be needing it,but theres some things that people aren't going to stop needing.
Hi Sofaraway, I have tried that and it sometimes works as a one off. The problem seems to be that BigBrother computer tells the admin staff something and thats it. Things like this and patient records do not give me the faith in IT that the government has!
The IT isn't the problem, it's the programmers writing the software, I think they all train at Microsoft's School of Design Features. My old employers were called in at one stage to 'rescue' the current system and cordially declined the honour as the whole thing was a total shambles.
Do you think one day there will be a pharmacy run BY diabetics FOR diabetics? Surely there's some good pharmacies out there? I use Boots because it's the closest but it's sometimes a struggle extracting the correct 'goods' from them. Fair play though, they do run a late-night service that has come in handy on more than one occasion 😱
My GP is very good .. I have a 3 month perscription on repeat, if I go in between he always asks if I need anything. The pharmacy I go to is Asda , cos was fed up at the normal chemists.I must say I have great service there and the Pharmacistis mor than helpful

Hugs Mo :D

I'm the same, my GP gives me 3 months worth of meds on a repeat prescription.

I am also signed up to the Repeat Prescriptions Scheme with Boots the Chemist. They will even deliver your meds to your home or even work address.

Check out their web site for more info.
Diabetic pharmacy tech for hire!!!

A pharmacy for diabetics by diabetics? We're trying (one tech, one assistant and a porter, just need a pharmacist....) ....diabetic tech for hire here!! hehehehe. Unfortunately we're not the only people in the country who need drugs, but nice idea, i'd be up for that, band 5, two years post qualification experience...😛

Also, programmed in visual c++, really? coz i think ours in in Fortran.... We have the crappiest dispensing program ever!

Sorry about all your problems guys (Superdrugs lost my prescription once, i nearly cried.), you'd think that the staff would be a tad more concerned when they know people's lives and quality of life depend on these things. And if they don't they're in the wrong job. I'm wondering if there's a supply problem of monsterous scale at the wholesalers coz we're running out of the dumbest things at the moment. But if you've had bad service or if you think your pharmacy is being slapdash with anything, tell em. Speak to the Responsible Pharmacist, community pharmacies (in my blinkered hospital pharmacy view) shouldn't be running out of test strips or needles and three days should be more than long enough to get these things back in to stock (unless maybe you're a small independant, but the big chains really shouldn't have a problem). we're in a recession, and we're the customers, they should be doing everything they can to make us want to come back for more. If you have got drug allergies or any concerns about your medication, don't be afriad to ask, that's what the staff are paid to do, if they don't or get funny about it, they're not doing the most important part of thier job.

Oh, about only getting a month or so's drugs at a time...sorry but if we had to dish out six months to a year of everyone's drugs we'd need pharmacies the size of wembley stadium and i'd take six to twelve times longer to dispense.😱

Rachel (the drug-santa's little helper... we have a list, we check it once and we check it twice....all i'd need are pointy ears..)
I have so many chemists and pharmacies near me it ain too hard to find another one if I need to, although I get good service from the one I use. The one I use most often is pretty good and usually has stuff when he says he's going to have it.
Just swopped to Lloyds as Boots are rubbish lately. Lloyds were great this morn, had a chat with the pharmacist about my "needs" and they are going to always try and keep enough stuff in - result!! Well Pleased!!
Grrr!!! Well, once again the pharmacy didn't have my items. I took my prescription in there on Monday as they told me last time that leaving it with them rather than taking it to the surgery would allow them to get all the items in and ready for me and I wouldn't have to wait. They were supposed to be ready yesterday but I thought I would give them an extra day. They hadn't even made the script up! They then found that they were missing needles and test strips - since I was only needing needles, test strips and insulin, that's quite a lot missing!

Bl**dy rubbish!😡 The woman didn't even apologise - when I said they should have been ready yesterday she just said 'I know, it's really busy' as though that was supposed to placate me. I can understand them being busy, but it's got nothing to do with the time of year - as you can see from this thread, it's happened every time I've been in over the past few months. Now I'm going to have to make another trip. I think I will also have to write a very snotty letter to Boots Head Office.😡😡😡
Gosh, they are rubbish!! My pharmacist (now Boots too) is so good. He was always very apologetic when he didn't have everything and now everytime I go it all seems to be there, so I think he's actually started making sure he has the stuff I ask for in stock 😱

I'm really starting to think I actually am the only type 1 in the village :D
Is there any pharmacy's near you that you can take your business to?
I find that they never have enough gabapentin for me, not too much fo a problem because as logn as I have some I can go back a few days later, i don't think I take that much that I use all their stocks up, but apparently so.
Gosh, they are rubbish!! My pharmacist (now Boots too) is so good. He was always very apologetic when he didn't have everything and now everytime I go it all seems to be there, so I think he's actually started making sure he has the stuff I ask for in stock 😱

I'm really starting to think I actually am the only type 1 in the village :D

The thing is, mine used to be very good then they got a new pharmacist and although she's a very nice lady she clearly doesn't manage things as well as the previous one. The whole point of me taking my script in on Monday was so that they could see what I needed and order it then if they had to - she hadn't even ordered it a day AFTER I was supposed to collect it, so what's the point? There are a couple of other pharmacies that are quite a lot further away, but I might as well try them because it's probably going to be quicker than repeated visits to this rubbish one!
three days should be more than long enough to get these things back in to stock (unless maybe you're a small independant, but the big chains really shouldn't have a problem).
Maybe it works better with small independents, all the pharmacies here are just that; owned by the pharmacist so it really does matter to them to keep your custom. When I went on a pump and arrived from the hospital mid afternoon wanting some Apidra rather than my usual novopens, he hadn't any in but somehow managed to procure one vial by 6pm and the rest the next day.
Last time I went in I got some prettily wrapped soaps and a case to keep my medical card and script in as a cadeau for Christmas!... but he does get over 2000? of business from me every year so it's worth giving me good service. There at least 6 more pharmacies in town if he doesn't.
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