Stupid pharmacy!

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just need to vent! The stupid pharmacy didn't have everything on my script yesterday (after waiting about 40 minutes to be told I'd need to return). Just been back for the promised missing items and they still don't have everything - they gave me a box of needles with 50 missing, what's all that about? And I had to wait another 20 minutes to be told I'd have to come back YET AGAIN. This happened last time too and it's exremely annoying. They've now said I can drop my repeat in to them rather than the surgery and they'll make sure everything will be ready 3 days later for me to pick up without waiting. They'd better, or I'm going to start taking my business elsewhere.😡😡

Rant over!😱
tut yes this aint the first time you have had script trouble is it ? when will these people stop letitng us down with this
Yes I know exactly how you feel Northener! I am sure if this was a trade where we were exchanging actual money with them there would more effort to retain our custom- bloody annoying isnt it?

I have a really good pharmacist, but I still look forward to some day in the future when all my supplies are delivered like my pump ones doo- to any address, at any time, in a 3 month bulk, ......ok, well Im allowed to dream!
Yes I know exactly how you feel Northener! I am sure if this was a trade where we were exchanging actual money with them there would more effort to retain our custom- bloody annoying isnt it?

I have a really good pharmacist, but I still look forward to some day in the future when all my supplies are delivered like my pump ones doo- to any address, at any time, in a 3 month bulk, ......ok, well Im allowed to dream!

Yeah, why do we have to go every month?? surely it makes sense to give us something more like 3 months at a time. So much of our lives is spent doing diabetes related stuff already (eg. TESTING!).
Yeah, why do we have to go every month?? surely it makes sense to give us something more like 3 months at a time. So much of our lives is spent doing diabetes related stuff already (eg. TESTING!).

Precisely!! It makes me laugh how some GPs are so stingy with prescriptions - it's not like we're going to get better is it?!! I think the real reason is that they get money each time they write a prescription so it's not in their interests to give people a year's supply of test strips, syringes, insulin etc. etc.

It stinks!
Yeah it proper stinks!

I heard we are entitled to a three months supply of our medications inc strips. I might need an ambulance if I turned up at my pharmacist and actually was given that- Id be in shock! I find I am there on average every 4-5 ish weeks, becuase of course things are running out at different times GRRR and then you end up in a situation like N where they dont have stuff anyway.....
I have to say i went to pick up my 0/hs script this morning for his gastro probs and he was given 2 months worth of pills. i get 50 test strips and they last me 3 weeks and thats if i have had no hypers.otherwise if i had they may last less time its totally stupid how we only get tiddley amounts worth
Yes, it's the test strips and needles that go out of sync with me. I use 4 needles a day (having only ever done 2 corrections!), but I test on average 6-7 times a day. Each prescription gives me 200 needles and 200 strips, so I end up sometimes just getting strips - ideally I would get 200 needles and 300 strips at a time then things would balance better - although you can never plan strip use accurately as you will use more when testing foods, feeling low/high, extra activity etc. All my other meds are 56 days supply. It's the test strips and needles they keep running out of, although I did have 4 visits to get a single-unit autopen for my lantus a while back - but that was the surgery's fault, not the pharmacy.
A few years ago I changed to a small independent pharmacy
as I was having a number of issues with one of the large chains. I was regularly going back to collect the balance which amazed me as they must have had many dozens collecting test striops, etc. The event that tipped the balance was that a script was sent down from the GP's for me to collect (non-diabetes related). The problem was it was for a medication that has an adverse reaction on me. This large pharmacy holds all your details on a computer which includes any allegies and yet they never queried it and wanted to dispense it. When I asked what purpose the database served they asked if I was going to take the medication with me? In return I asked who I had to sue when I was taken to hospital with an allergic reaction.

The main issue that bugs me about my repeat perscriptins is that everything has a "repeat factor" after which you must be reviewed. But all the repeat factors are different - quite bemusing.
Can't remember the last time I collected a box of pen needles - probably over year ago. I know many prefer to use a new needle each time, but for me, the benefit of only changing the needle on each one of 3 pen devices about once a week is less hassle, inlcuding less hassle getting supplies from GP / chemist.
My GP is very good .. I have a 3 month perscription on repeat, if I go in between he always asks if I need anything. The pharmacy I go to is Asda , cos was fed up at the normal chemists.I must say I have great service there and the Pharmacistis mor than helpful

Hugs Mo :D
My GP is very good .. I have a 3 month perscription on repeat, if I go in between he always asks if I need anything. The pharmacy I go to is Asda , cos was fed up at the normal chemists.I must say I have great service there and the Pharmacistis mor than helpful

Hugs Mo :D

Sounds like an enlightened GP Mo! The pharmacy I go to is right next door to the surgery, if I don't use them it's quite some distance to the next nearest. I do think they are trying to improve things after clearly having major problems when the previous pharmacist left, but the 'captive' market they have means they probably get away with much poorer service than if there was competition nearby. I didn't have these problems for the first year after diagnosis, just recently.
Know what you mean, happened to me three time on the trot!! And that's when they did the collecting for me from the surgery. Put my repeat prescripton in 10 days before i wanted it, twice they couldn't find it. had to go to surgery myself and find out who collected it, third time never even picked it up. Told them that if i did that when i was at work i'd have been suspended or even sacked. I even worked for the same Company and did a very similar job to theirs so i know what i'm talking about. Hopefully they'll get it right this time and it will be ready when i go to collect, but i'm not holding my breath!!! Will keep you posted.
My Gripe over.
Know what you mean, happened to me three time on the trot!! And that's when they did the collecting for me from the surgery. Put my repeat prescripton in 10 days before i wanted it, twice they couldn't find it. had to go to surgery myself and find out who collected it, third time never even picked it up. Told them that if i did that when i was at work i'd have been suspended or even sacked. I even worked for the same Company and did a very similar job to theirs so i know what i'm talking about. Hopefully they'll get it right this time and it will be ready when i go to collect, but i'm not holding my breath!!! Will keep you posted.
My Gripe over.

good luck art fingers crossed what a total nightmare for you ! its a simple thing we need these meds etc etc and these people who are paid to hand them over to us cant even get it right .
my pharmacy is usually pretty good, sometimes they don't have everything I need, but usually some of it, like they will give me 3 boxes of strips and will order me another one. currently waiting for some ketone strips and it's been a week and they are having trouble getting them in. Meant to be ringing me when they come in.
I Really Know How You Feel Nortener!!!
FGS!!!!!😡 went into chemist tuesday as from my other thread they where changing over from lloyds to boots well that was all sorted thursday and all back to normal, anyways i put my script in for my strips and she said right thurs afternoon they will be in i go in this morning she says ohh are you after your pills i said er no i got them 2 weeks ago i want my strips she said oh are they the ones that go in the fridge?? (wtf) im like no! ah right ill look on the computer she said and low and behold she says ah they will be in this afternoon after that i said well im not coming down again in thie weather ill see you tomorrow and walked off and tutted.. dam woman deals with me all the time even knows o/hs name and sons etc etc.I have 3 strips till tomorrow (fingers crossed no hypers)

rant over
I know how you feel Steff. I've finally fulfilled my last script after 4 visits. I still had to wait 15 minutes for my 50 needles (why they only had 50 needles in a box that holds 100 last time, I've no idea, unless they'd left someone else desperately short and had to give them the other 50.

I'm hoping that things will be better next time. I hand my repeat in at the pharmacy rather than the surgery next time, and rather than waiting two days and then having 3 return trips they should have my full box of tricks after waiting 3 days. I won't hold my breath!🙄
I know how you feel Steff. I've finally fulfilled my last script after 4 visits. I still had to wait 15 minutes for my 50 needles (why they only had 50 needles in a box that holds 100 last time, I've no idea, unless they'd left someone else desperately short and had to give them the other 50.

I'm hoping that things will be better next time. I hand my repeat in at the pharmacy rather than the surgery next time, and rather than waiting two days and then having 3 return trips they should have my full box of tricks after waiting 3 days. I won't hold my breath!🙄

yeah ive always handed mine into pharmacy, for the o/h i pick his up from surgery mind and he has no issues ever i can get it and thats it no waiting no second,third or forth visit, just seems they have more trouble if your diabetic to get it right 🙄
yeah ive always handed mine into pharmacy, for the o/h i pick his up from surgery mind and he has no issues ever i can get it and thats it no waiting no second,third or forth visit, just seems they have more trouble if your diabetic to get it right 🙄

Must be because we're special!:D
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