
Well-Known Member
Drug companies urged to ‘release stranglehold’ on medicines such as Ozempic and Trulicity, as millions are priced out of treatment

Global Development section of The Guardian, article written by Kat Lay

Have plenty of personal insight this as told today by both my GP and Diabetes Nurse "there's global shortage of semaglutide drugs due to private clinics over-prescribing to private patients not diagnosed with diabetes abusing these prescription drugs to lose weight without any medical support and most likely damaging their livers, so no Mounjaro is not available on NHS prescription from this GP Surgery currently..."

Who could have have imagined big Pharmaceutical corporations were all part of some big greedy money-making schemes by over-charging and limiting supplies of popular drugs constantly name-dropped by high profile public figures in the mainstream media?! :mad:
It is scandlous isn’t it?!

And it seems to be spreading to other classes of meds too!

I have no idea why this uptick in demand could not have been foreseen, and why these shortages are taking years to resolve. :(
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Yes and I imagine to the lucky few who have been able to access semaglutide prescription drugs to treat patients diagnosed with diabetes (and not throwaway fashion fad for size zero models to get their "skinny jabs" after overindulging on macaroons at fashionista parties or whatever!), it must be very difficult setback as by all accounts until you become your own expert at managing your own metabolism, it's very easy to gain the weight lost by no longer taking semaglutides due to "global shortages", maybe it's best to focus on lifestyle changes, the long slow process of diet and exercise, and my weight loss journey is definitely about getting out of the danger zone for many physical health issues and squeezing into some comfy old clothes is bonus when it happens...

I know the support groups for weight management are not perfect, but at least they are there for the long-term weight loss peer support and are not flash in pan cliff edge you face with these greedy corporate Pharmaceutical companies pleasing their shareholders, and unfortunately it's the same story with HIV/AIDS and other complex conditions where they may be no competition to licensed approved drug first on the market and some wealthy developed countries may pay for access to some overpriced drugs, but the developing nations are left to wait decades for patents to expire and generic versions of branded drugs to be made available whilst patients die prematurely of treatable conditions...

Have you had your Gleemonex today? Kids In The Hall present Brain Candy (1996)