Struggling with the news

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Yesterday was really hard for me I thought I was doing so well with myself i just had an really bad day yesterday done my pee test got to wait for that but the sugar in my blood was high so the diabetic nurse wants to put me on different medication but to that I have to prick my finger everyday today my reading came to 20.8mgl it said average on the meter 😳😳😳
Hi Sammy. Sorry to hear you're struggling. What medication have you been given? A BG reading of 20 is very high - you must be feeling really rough
Hi. Isn't 20.8mgl the USA measure? We use mmol in the UK. Is the meter a UK version or does it need to have the setting changed?
Hi. Isn't 20.8mgl the USA measure? We use mmol in the UK. Is the meter a UK version or does it need to have the setting changed?
Not likely it's in USA units, that would be really, really low. Think Sammy must have misreported the units!
@Sammy.Brown I hope you're doing fine... depending on the measurement mgl Vs mmol you are either dangerously low - in a hypo that may well be life threatening or a hyper that is very high causing longer term physiological damage if not controlled.

First step is making sure the measurement reporting is correct and keeping close contact with your health care team so support is there...

Really hope you're doing ok ...

Send best regards
Hi Sammy.Brown,

Sorry to hear this. Is does sound as though there's a mix up with the units. Would it be possible to have a chat with your nurse so she can go through the readings with you?

I got super confused at first as there are many numbers to consider! Either way, a bad day or even a bad week doesn't mean you can correct things. Double check the readings and focus on improving your numbers a day at a time.
Hope the new medication helps @Sammy.Brown

Do you remember what it was called?
Hello everyone hope everyone is good I have my glucose readings on my iPad C6B9ABAB-F9F6-4A54-B26C-654576FDF668.png


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You show us the readings you are getting in mmol, but you said in your original post mg. I think that may have changed some of the responses you have been getting.

I suspect your diet needs adjusting - what sort of food do you eat?
You show us the readings you are getting in mmol, but you said in your original post mg. I think that may have changed some of the responses you have been getting.

I suspect your diet needs adjusting - what sort of food do you eat?I
Hello @mikeyB i eat porridge in the morning with sultanas then I have a yogurt after lunch time can vary from an sandwich to a baguette it really depends to be honest
Hi @Sammy.Brown
I think you are eating quite a lot of carbs currently which will be why your BG is elevated. Porridge is not good and sultanas are very bad. Bread is also not good. Your body rapidly breaks down all carbohydrates including the starch in bread, pasta, rice, potatoes etc into glucose. You should try and reduce the portion of carbs you eat
Hello @mikeyB i eat porridge in the morning with sultanas then I have a yogurt after lunch time can vary from an sandwich to a baguette it really depends to be honest
In view of the readings you are getting, those foods are really more carbs than you can cope with, it would be a good idea to alter your menu to exclude sugar and starchy foods so you get closer to normal readings.
Hi @Sammy.Brown

A reading of 19.6mmol is very high - that would equate if sustained to an HbA1c of over 120 if I'm not mistaken.

As the others have pointed out, the suspicion is your diet may need re-examined. A white baguette is just about pure sugar when broken down and porridge with dried fruits is likely to spike you through the roof.

Your GP will have access to dieticians and nutritionists. Mine has enrolled me in Oviva which provides services to the NHS and could be a source of support and information for you.
@everydayupsanddowns will know of other programmes I'm sure.

It seems to me you are very carbohydrate intolerant and a diet overhaul would be a great start in getting BG down.

Sending my best - and hope all's well.
Oh @Sammy.Brown you have to reduce your carbs please, its not your fault you need to be taught
how to do it, I also eat porridge but I couldn`t without the use of insulin. Bread is very difficult to
manage so I leave it alone dried fruit is very naughty too, Carbs And Calories book or the shortened
version on the App is excellent to help. Your readings are very high and we are all concerned for your
welfare, may I ask you to post your morning reading as soon as you wake up on our 7 day waking post
here please?
this will allow us to keep an eye on you and maybe give you some appropriate advise.

You can join in a bit of banter too we like fun so join in my friend, we all get sad or pissed off at times but
great to hear the happy times too, speak with you later mate take care stay safe.🙂
Hello Sammy, @Sammy.Brown

Wondered how things are and if you've reached out to your health care team on your BG numbers and diet ideas?

Let us all know!

Sending best regards
Hello @mikeyB i eat porridge in the morning with sultanas then I have a yogurt after lunch time can vary from an sandwich to a baguette it really depends to be honest

Hello @Sammy.Brown

I wonder if it would help for you to call the Diabetes UK Helpline to chat things through with them and get some advice?

You can call them Mon-Fri 9-6 on 0345 123 2399, and they will be able to go through some options with you.

It certainly sounds like you need some extra help, as those levels are not good for you at all :(
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