Stripped of strips!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All,

I was newly diagnosed as T2 nearly 3 weeks ago and was basically given a booklet and told to go diet!. I then had to ring the surgery as I realised no follow up appt had been made. A very kind receptionist advised that I should see the nurse and I went yesterday.

I was basically asked why I needed the appt. I told the nurse I felt confused and wasn't sure if the diet I was doing was the right way to go. (She weighed me and I had lost 1,5 stone since 10th - yeah (but is this okay- it does seem a lot. I am not complaining as I have about 8 stone to lose!) I don't feel hungry and am now extremely active and feel much better than I did before.

The issue came up when I tried to discuss strips. She was absolutely adamant that T2's do not need to test other than the HBa1c that she will do every 3 months. She is also doing an annual check in a months time??
She strongly stated that the surgery would never provide strips on prescription for T2's and that she didn;t want to see pricks on my fingers.

I have been buying strips myself but they are so expensive. The strips have been encouraging me to get off my bum if my sugars go a little high and exercise away. They have also kept reminding me of why I am dieting. I therefore do feel a little lost without them, but at ?23 per pack - ouch!
I have been testing first thing in the morning and before and after 2 meals so this would cost me a fortune over a month.

does anyone have any suggestions/comments? I know my surgery will not give in. It appears only T1 get strips!

Sorry for the winge.
Hi All,

I was newly diagnosed as T2 nearly 3 weeks ago and was basically given a booklet and told to go diet!. I then had to ring the surgery as I realised no follow up appt had been made. A very kind receptionist advised that I should see the nurse and I went yesterday.

I was basically asked why I needed the appt. I told the nurse I felt confused and wasn't sure if the diet I was doing was the right way to go. (She weighed me and I had lost 1,5 stone since 10th - yeah (but is this okay- it does seem a lot. I am not complaining as I have about 8 stone to lose!) I don't feel hungry and am now extremely active and feel much better than I did before.

The issue came up when I tried to discuss strips. She was absolutely adamant that T2's do not need to test other than the HBa1c that she will do every 3 months. She is also doing an annual check in a months time??
She strongly stated that the surgery would never provide strips on prescription for T2's and that she didn;t want to see pricks on my fingers.

I have been buying strips myself but they are so expensive. The strips have been encouraging me to get off my bum if my sugars go a little high and exercise away. They have also kept reminding me of why I am dieting. I therefore do feel a little lost without them, but at ?23 per pack - ouch!
I have been testing first thing in the morning and before and after 2 meals so this would cost me a fortune over a month.

does anyone have any suggestions/comments? I know my surgery will not give in. It appears only T1 get strips!

Sorry for the winge.

Although most surgeries seem loath to give testing strips to T2's that are diet & exercise controlled only, to say that they would never give give them to T2's at all is totally crazy!

I'm T2 and on Insulin and tablets and need to be able to test.
I think your surgery need to seriously re-think there stance on the prescription of test strips to T2's as it is totally unacceptable and narrow minded.
Thanks Phil. The nurse was adamant though - under no circumstances.
Hi there Lucy it is utterley outrageous yet unfortunetly very common in here to hear of poor type 2s struggling to try and get strips they quite clearly deserve, no matter how much some GPS.surgeries are shown the good in testing they still wont budge and the narrow mindedness sticks, why should you struggle and have to pay for strips it is disgusting, have you ever taken in your results to show them that testing is working?
I am quite new to this Steff and this was my first meeting. Do you have any idea of the cheapest place to go for strips? I have the accucheck aviva nano? I am going to need a loan at this rate.
Hi Lucy, I'm afraid it's as the others say - very common for people not on insulin or drugs that might cause low blood sugar to be refused strips. Sometimes, a doctor can be persuaded if you can show them how you are using the tests to assess your diet and activity changes and how they affect you, but it's rare to be able to persuade them if they are intent on saving their money. There was a study a few years back that concluded testing for D&E Type 2s was not beneficial, so this is what they rely on. However, subsequent studies have discredited the earlier study and concluded that, with education of how to respond, could be very beneficial!

You might try getting another doctor, who may be more up to date.
I can't really change doctors. I suppose what I am wondering is am I medically disadvantaged by not testing? Could anything bad happen by not noticing something whilst testing? Does that make sense? Am i making too much of an issue over testing/
As i say I am new to this. I was thinking of buying one more set and seeing if sugars are good and then not testing after that due to cost.
Am i right in thinking below 7 on fasting is good and below 8.5 2 hours after food.
What should figures be just before food? What is normal?

Sorry if I have expanded on original question here - they keep popping in to my head.
I can't really change doctors. I suppose what I am wondering is am I medically disadvantaged by not testing? Could anything bad happen by not noticing something whilst testing? Does that make sense? Am i making too much of an issue over testing/
As i say I am new to this. I was thinking of buying one more set and seeing if sugars are good and then not testing after that due to cost.
Am i right in thinking below 7 on fasting is good and below 8.5 2 hours after food.
What should figures be just before food? What is normal?

Sorry if I have expanded on original question here - they keep popping in to my head.

If your control has been good whilst you have been testing, and you are making improvements in your HbA1c (the 3 month check) then you shouldn't need to worry too much - just stick to the diet that has given you improvements so far. You might want to do the occasional fasting test just to keep an eye on things. The testing for people in your situation is useful mainly for determining what foods and activities work best for you in keeping your levels under control. I believe that, once people are happy with their diet and know what things to avoid then it is less of an issue. But please forgive me anyone who disagrees, obviously I can't really know as I'm not in that situation, being on insulin.
Thanks Northerner. I am still working out what keeps them ok and what doesn't so maybe just another month with them would be sufficient then.

Can I just ask is the issue with gP's cost? If so why are the manufacturers allowed to charge so much. - Very green at the moment -sorry.
It just goes to show that dr's & nurses dont know everything, I havent got a dns and when i saw practice nurse in which my dr suggested making an appointment to be told about type 2 diabetes she told me that she's only taking blood (cholesterol 4.5 result) and urine sample (which is normal)and nothin about diabetes talk until i prompted her, dr forgot to put in notes for her to read, she tried to give me more handouts until i said i had joined on here, she told me not to test regulary but to make an appointment for 2 months time... yes for more blood 🙄 I havent made an appointment & nor will i with there blase attitude!!!!!

Incidently i bought nano strips from Lloyds yesterday and paid ?12.59 for 50!!! the pharmacist did mention about removing the vat from the price to the counter assitant so i never mentioned the fact that boots were selling the same strips for ?25 it'll be interesting when i go back to Lloyds to buy some more lol

Thanks to the internet and online forums (like this one) otherwise left to so called health professionals more peeps might be feeling ill. 😱
All the manufacturers have agreed a price with the NHS, which is around ?15 per 50 strips. As I mentioned, there was a study that said testing was actually bad for T2s as it made them more depressed and stressed when they saw bad results - the thing about that study though, was that they weren't allowed to ACT on the information and make adjustments to their diet! Crazy, but some doctors use that to make you think they're doing you a favour! 😱
Hi Lucy,

When I was diagnosed I tested once a day at different times. I also recorded what I ate and over time worked out a regime that I knew would keep my blood glucose within the guidelines (i.e. 4-7 before meals and 7-9 2hrs after and always below 10).

Once, I'd got a handle on that, I don't test that frequently (an average around once a week). But occasionally, I test if I feel a bit off or eat something I haven't before.

I buy my own strips now, but would expect a pot of 50 to last six months or so.

Of course, this all assumes that you are controlling you blood glucose levels well. If you're not, then more frequent testing is crucial to getting that control.

By the way, I bet these people who are refusing you test strips would be the first ones demanding them themselves if they had diabetes!! 😉


p.s. Losing the weight and exercising regularly are key to having good control, so well done!!
Aah Andy - thanks for that - and thanks to everyone else,
Sounds a good method to me.
have you always had to buy your own?
When first diagnosed as a T2 I did find testing worked reasonably, but very swiftly dropped down to testing 2/3 times a week only and now 5yrs in, only if I feel out of sorts without knowing why.

I work on the basis that I know what is good and bad for me, the clinic sees me every 6m so providing I am eating reasonably and getting exercise, that is all OK, and 'they' will tell me if different.

As a new diagnose though I do think it wrong not to give scrip for strips (my Dr great on that score) even if onyl till you sort out the good and bad. Keep asking and if needed try a different Doc or nurse at the practice and explain why you think it would save money in the long run. Maybe persuade them that 1 batch a quarter would not be excessive!

Good luck with it all

Hi I did try to fight my case but it was a definite no and that is from the whole surgery.
I guess the answer is to buy my own for a while and hopefully once i know where I am and that what i am doing is correct i won't need to.
what times of day would you suggest testing as a newbie?
I think that in general it's really useful for the first few months to be allowed to test several times a day to build up a picture of what foods and exercise do to levels, then to cut back on testing.
Yes it's a cost issue. Diabetics are cash-cows for Pharmacies but a thorn in the side of GP surgeries. We're a complete drain on their precious budgets.



It's utter utter madness.
Aah Andy - thanks for that - and thanks to everyone else,
Sounds a good method to me.
have you always had to buy your own?

No, I got the first two pots on prescription. But because things were pretty much OK after that, they were stopped (and I didn't press the point because I couldn't justify it).

Andy 🙂
I think that in general it's really useful for the first few months to be allowed to test several times a day to build up a picture of what foods and exercise do to levels, then to cut back on testing.

That's the quickest and more 'scientific' approach and gives a better understanding of which foods are really affecting you (i.e. the before and after tests would be really useful). The downside is that you get through the strips pretty quickly.

For me I tested just once a day at different times, e.g.

Before Breakfast
2hrs After Breakfast
Before Lunch
2hrs After Lunch
Before Evening Meal
2hrs After Evening Meal
Before Bed

My approach is fine if you eat a consistent diet with little variation. It also depends on your blood glucose levels behaving themselves!

Some people also suggest testing at 1hr after meals, but personally I found the 2hr timing just fine.

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