stinging injections

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I'd also advise not pinching the skin too hard, pinch but keep it loose.

Also, sometimes if you prime the pen and leave a drop of insulin at the tip it will be easier to inject and less painful.

Finally, if injecting into the stomach, if, just as you inject you breathe in, it can stop it being so painful.

I have quite a few injections that I don't feel anything at all when I do this.
I never pinch my skin. I was told it's better to relax and it seems to work for me!
I inject novorapid before meals rotating between my tummy and outer thigh. I find it best if i sit down and inject the tummy alot less painfull. I also inject lanctus before bed which i inject into my bottom no problem at all. I did how ever when injecting my thigh the other day i think go into a muscle, i had a little blood when i pulled the needle out and later my bsl shot down very quickly. It was all new to me and a little worrying but all seems fine now.
As regards finger pricking i too was having lots of problems but thanks to the help of the guys on here its now getting a lot easier.


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