Steff - please read this...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I got your last PM and I can't reply to it.

Please send me a PM or text me so I know you are OK.

I'm getting worried.
Ditto Steff

Have I missed something? What has happened to Steph?:confused:Bev
come on steffy please open up we can help you hun xxx
thats what we are trying to find out peter she not been back on the forum since :(
Hello please dont worry about me.I have basically just sorted my self out , must of cryed for england, i will be writing a thread in next few days but for now i want time out my head is totally screwed, the long and short of the story is i have left the practice i was with and i am now joining my other havles surgery, of course it aint that easy we have had to devise a plan of action, other half has wrote a very nice letter , but either way i have left and my gp knows it.

Thanks for all the concern ok guys your really nice people , at this present moment i have zero confidence and zero believe in myself hence why im going away for a few days, if ive lost confidence in my gp then how the hell do i cope.
Oh Steff, sounds like you've had a really, really rough day. Take all the time you need hun, but remember we're only a few keystrokes away and ready to help if we can.

Take care of yourself petal

Sorry to hear you're having a bad time of it. I've been glad of your support and wanted to return the favour (((Steff)))
steff, honeym big hugs. PM me if you need to hun xxx
big hugs cuz xxx thanks for letting us know ...good luck tomorrow with the meet xx
Steff, so sorry to hear you're feeling so low. You've been so kind to me recently, I'd like to 'be there' for you too, even though there's absolutely nothing I can do to help you, other than be here if you need someone to moan to.

I know you feel you need to be alone right now, but please don't bottle it up when there's plenty of folk on here who you can vent to, privately if you prefer it that way.

Good luck anyway hun, hope the move to a new surgery goes smoother than you anticipate.

Sending big hugs oop north for you.

steff you can pm anytime if you need to vent
Steff, hope the move to a new Quacks is smooth fast and amazing. You take care of yourself girl, and don't forget there are people here who are here for you, as you so often are for them.

Hope you're back to yourself in no time,

My internet was playing up last night.

I've been up since 6 trying to get it to work. Now it is I've PM'd you.
I hope the transfer goes smoothly, it shouldn't be too much of a problem in my exerience. I am sorry if I have upset you or made things worse by our conversation, wasn't my intention. I hope you are feeling better soon and a few days away to concentrate on yourself helps. Cuddle you son and keep talking to your partner, x
Steff I really hope you get sort rapidly and if I can help in anyway let me know. Your strong and everyone on here is behind you and will try and help you all the way with there support. Hugs to you XX

Thank you all im overwhelmed at all this support, I got a call this morning fom guess who my EX gp i wonder why, hmm anything to do with the fact you dont want your rep ruined, i have relunctantly agreed to see him later today at 2.
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