If you have been prescribed it then I would suggest taking it, as your doctor suggests, and see if you experience side effects before making a judgement call on statins. As
@helli suggests, being aware of the potential side effects is extremely important.
Here is the official NHS advice on statins in the UK -
Here is another piece from the Mayo Clinic in the US -
This is information on the very rarest, and most serious, immediate potential side-effect of statins -
Please don't be alarmed by that last link. In short - if you experience mild muscle pain or 'brain fog', perhaps give it time and decide if it's the the statin or something else that might be causing it. Be objective - I know someone who spent a year thinking it was statins causing his muscle pain but decided, in the end, that it was due to his age and the exercise he was undertaking. He quit, but later went back on his statin. If you experience 'mysterious' muscle pain then perhaps make an appointment with your doctor. If you experience intense muscle pain, and your pee turns dark-red or brown, stop the statin immediately and talk to your doctor. This circumstance is very rare, but very serious.
Yes, statins will increase insulin resistance and potentially (probably) raise HbA1c a little. Not great for a Type 2, though the effect is small, and, if necessary, Metformin will counteract it. There is a reason that the 'official' advice for a newly diagnosed Type 2 to be prescribed Metformin, and, if indicated, also a statin. As far as I can tell: Metformin + Statin = net benefit overall.
Speaking for myself, I went on 20mg Atorvastatin and experienced no side effects. Later, after very big weight loss, I asked for my dose to be reduced to 10mg, and that did the trick just fine. I am not someone who trusts that the most serious side effects of any given medication will not happen to me. My official diabetes diagnosis, as established by a high-flying diabetologist, is that it was 'caused by X medication' - where medication X is not one I will name on this forum, due to risk of stigma.
Basically, a side-effect of a medication I was prescribed in the past caused my diabetes, and brought me to this forum. Even with that unpleasant and rare experience, and having read a huge amount about statins, I believe that starting a statin is worth the risk of side-effects and complications. Having been severely burned by pharma-related side-effects, and having spent 100+ hours learning about statins and cholesterol, I acknowledge the benefits that led to specific medications such as statins being approved in the first place. Statins work, and, compared to very many other medications, the risk is very low.
Very best of luck!