Statins without side effects.


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
As the title suggests, I am looking for information from people taking statins who are not getting side effects.

I have been advised as a type 2 diabetic to take a low dose of Atorvastatin. For its bebenefits but not the cholesterol lowering properties.
I know lots of people who will try to put you off taking them and those who have stopped due to side effects. I would be interested to hear from anyone taking statins without side effects and can feel the benefit.

My cholesterol levels are acceptable at present, and without all the bad press for statins, it is difficult to find unbiased opinions.

It has been suggested that there are ways to mitigate the side effects, I wondered if anyone had found any.
Despite the Internet, side effects are not common. I've been on a high dose statin for years with zero probs.
Judging by most people’s comments on this forum: 1) statin side effects are rare, as @Eddy Edson says; and 2) they really do seem to work.

I had side effects but I wouldn’t discourage anyone else from taking them. As for “mitigating”, my only option was to stop the statins and take a different type of medication.

Good luck!
As the title suggests, I am looking for information from people taking statins who are not getting side effects.

I have been advised as a type 2 diabetic to take a low dose of Atorvastatin. For its bebenefits but not the cholesterol lowering properties.
I know lots of people who will try to put you off taking them and those who have stopped due to side effects. I would be interested to hear from anyone taking statins without side effects and can feel the benefit.

My cholesterol levels are acceptable at present, and without all the bad press for statins, it is difficult to find unbiased opinions.

It has been suggested that there are ways to mitigate the side effects, I wondered if anyone had found any.
I take 10mg atorvastatin and appear to have no side effects. I was suspicious as I had symptoms that could have been the statin but stopped taking them for a few weeks and there was no difference in the symptoms.
My other half was getting symptoms from the one he was prescribed so has stopped taking and has noticed a big difference particularly the strength in his legs.
Both of our cholesterol levels are good.
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I take Atorvastatin 10mg daily due to family history. I’ve not noticed any side effects either.
I’m on Rosuvastatin after I did notice some muscle aches on Simvastatin and Atorvastatin, but I was newly diagnosed, and had been having high Blood Glucose for quite some time, and didn’t know that lowering them could cause neuropathic pains in arms and legs, so it could have been down to that, looking back. I had a break, as my cholesterol levels were normal anyway, but I started again when my levels rose a bit, and so far so good with this one.
As the title suggests, I am looking for information from people taking statins who are not getting side effects.

I have been advised as a type 2 diabetic to take a low dose of Atorvastatin. For its bebenefits but not the cholesterol lowering properties.
I know lots of people who will try to put you off taking them and those who have stopped due to side effects. I would be interested to hear from anyone taking statins without side effects and can feel the benefit.

My cholesterol levels are acceptable at present, and without all the bad press for statins, it is difficult to find unbiased opinions.

It has been suggested that there are ways to mitigate the side effects, I wondered if anyone had found any.
Tbh, the only way to find out is to give them a try and see what or what does not happen.
I’ve been on 20mg Atorvastatin for several years with no discernible negative effects at all.

The only effect I observed is that it swiftly shifted all the elements of my lipid panel into their recommended levels.
I’ve been on 20mg Atorvastatin for several years with no discernible negative effects at all.

The only effect I observed is that it swiftly shifted all the elements of my lipid panel into their recommended levels.
Same here, 20mg atorvastatin, no issues
I'm now on 40mg of atorvastatin per day, and have been so for some time. My doctor considered that 20mg was not having a sufficient effect on my cholesterol. I am not aware of any side effects which could be put down to a statin over the last 30 years.

FUN FACT I was on the original Oxford Heart Protection Study of simvastatin vs. placebo and various vitamins vs. placebo in 1994-1997. (By chance I had the simvastatin, it was revealed after the trial ended.)
Thank you to everyone who responded to my question. I will be starting them this next week. I would have started them already but got knocked a bit of balance, after catching Covid. My plan was to monitor for changes in blood glucose once taking statins, but the Covid already raised my regular levels by 1 to 1.5 points.
Sadly side effects are overstated by keyboard warriors. There re a lot of statins (currently five in the UK - Atorvastain, Simvastatin, Rouvastatin, Pravastatin and Fluvastatin). and doses out there. I was started on Simvastatin which did cause muscle aches. A friend who took about 17 (!) H&B products a day suggested CoQ10 which did nothing bar hammer my debit card! A change to Atorvastatin solved the issue. Besides lowering cholesterol statins reduce irritation often the precursor to plaque formation and stabilise any existing plaque. My cholesterol; was never high (4.2) but a hereditary issue lead to blocked arteries and all the males on the male side died from heart attacks prematurely (my grandfather when my father was five years old). There are now frequent pop-ups about Red Rice Yeast Extract (RRYE) claiming it is a natural product when it actually fermented and the active ingredient ois the same as Rouvastatin but the dosage and other ingredients uncontrolled. I am convinced my initial dose of 10mg was far to low and am now on 40mg.
My cholesterol level was about 6.5 on diagnosis (end Jan) and is now down to 3.2 after they started me on atorvastatin. I had heard of side affects from my step mom so I was reluctant to take them; but I averaged taking 20mg 50% of the time and I can't say I have noticed any side affects. I admit to worrying more about keeping BG levels in range!
My GP said it looked like I was doing ok
I believe there had been a trail of issues on my dad's side of the family but I can't ask him anymore... I'd rather be safe and continue my 50% regime until my GP says otherwise.
As the title suggests, I am looking for information from people taking statins who are not getting side effects.

I have been advised as a type 2 diabetic to take a low dose of Atorvastatin. For its bebenefits but not the cholesterol lowering properties.
I know lots of people who will try to put you off taking them and those who have stopped due to side effects. I would be interested to hear from anyone taking statins without side effects and can feel the benefit.

My cholesterol levels are acceptable at present, and without all the bad press for statins, it is difficult to find unbiased opinions.

It has been suggested that there are ways to mitigate the side effects, I wondered if anyone had found any.
I’m on a low dose and no side effects atall
Sadly side effects are overstated by keyboard warriors. There re a lot of statins (currently five in the UK - Atorvastain, Simvastatin, Rouvastatin, Pravastatin and Fluvastatin). and doses out there. I was started on Simvastatin which did cause muscle aches. A friend who took about 17 (!) H&B products a day suggested CoQ10 which did nothing bar hammer my debit card! A change to Atorvastatin solved the issue. Besides lowering cholesterol statins reduce irritation often the precursor to plaque formation and stabilise any existing plaque. My cholesterol; was never high (4.2) but a hereditary issue lead to blocked arteries and all the males on the male side died from heart attacks prematurely (my grandfather when my father was five years old). There are now frequent pop-ups about Red Rice Yeast Extract (RRYE) claiming it is a natural product when it actually fermented and the active ingredient ois the same as Rouvastatin but the dosage and other ingredients uncontrolled. I am convinced my initial dose of 10mg was far to low and am now on 40mg.

The marker my useless GP refused to check was Lp(a) - Lipo-protein(a). It is similar to LDL but sticks to the walls of arteries easier leading to narrowing. I will never know but if I had had a higher dose of statin I may have avoided bypass surgery (felt like I had been in a car crash but felt better by the day afterwards). I also would not be suffering the Phantom Pain that woke me up a short while ago!

Read about Lp(a) here - Is High Lp(a) Diagnosed?
I am on a high dose of statins with no side effects, apart from much improved cholesterol levels.
As others have said the side effects are rare. Let us know how you get on.
I have just started on stations so too soon to say if I experience side effects.
But I read the leaflet and surprised yo see some of the fife effects are as common as 1 in 10. This does not meet my definition of "rare".
I am keeping my fingers crossed that I am in the other 90%
I also took statin 10mg (avosomething) and while it did wonders for my Cholestrol down from 6 to 3.2, no obvious side effects. When I had the required three month liver function test, it elevated my liver enzymes, immediately told to stop taking them and a series of urgent blood tests to see if liver enzymes return to normal . Yes, they did and now I am waiting until annual bkood test to see where I go from here.
As the title suggests, I am looking for information from people taking statins who are not getting side effects.

I have been advised as a type 2 diabetic to take a low dose of Atorvastatin. For its bebenefits but not the cholesterol lowering properties.
I know lots of people who will try to put you off taking them and those who have stopped due to side effects. I would be interested to hear from anyone taking statins without side effects and can feel the benefit.

My cholesterol levels are acceptable at present, and without all the bad press for statins, it is difficult to find unbiased opinions.

It has been suggested that there are ways to mitigate the side effects, I wondered if anyone had found any.
I take atorvastatin , never had any side effects.