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No problems

Ive been on simvastatin for over 5 years a total of 80mgs a day and found no ill affects. It is a a drug that you either get on with or dont, so please dont take my word for it. 🙂

My Dr put me on statins as soon as I was diagnosed with Diabetes (Type 2 in April - Type 1 now). In recent months I have been having very odd liver function test results and my diabetic nurse at the surgery said that statins work on the liver directly and so have been known to do some odd things and she wondered if this was why I was getting the odd LFT results.

I googled (Yes I know that's not where to get information) and it seems that statins have been known to have adverse effects on the liver so I took myself off them. My chlorestorel doesn't seem to be worryingly higher without statins and my LFT results are much better but my Dr is worried I have taken this step - any comments from the panel here ?
All these medications are chemicals that have some effect on the naturally produced chemicals of our bodies. What suits one system often has a totally different reaction with another - hence the covering of all possible side effects printed out by the drug companies. We are becoming so litigation conscious that every possibility is covered.
If your GP is concerned, refer to your diabetes clinic. There are so many different views on the use and indeed misuse of statins it is hard to find the truth.
My Dr put me on statins as soon as I was diagnosed with Diabetes (Type 2 in April - Type 1 now). In recent months I have been having very odd liver function test results and my diabetic nurse at the surgery said that statins work on the liver directly and so have been known to do some odd things and she wondered if this was why I was getting the odd LFT results.

I googled (Yes I know that's not where to get information) and it seems that statins have been known to have adverse effects on the liver so I took myself off them. My chlorestorel doesn't seem to be worryingly higher without statins and my LFT results are much better but my Dr is worried I have taken this step - any comments from the panel here ?

I was put on simvastatin 40mg when diagnosed, along with many other medications. I suffered bad side-effects and stopped taking simvastatin, but now my doc has put me back on it and I'm slowly increasing the dose - currently at 30mg and seem to be ok. I've had a lot of liver tests over the past few months and all are showing elevated bilorubin levels which the doc thinks may be Gilbert's Syndrome - perhaps you have this and that's why your lft is abnormal? Apparently it's not a problem. My cholesterol when on 40mg simvastatin was 2.2. It went up to 3.7 when I stopped taking it - still acceptable, but the consultant wants me to keep taking it because it can have other benefits besides lowering cholesterol levels, apparently. I'd rather not take it, but I've taken the decision to trust the doctors for now.
I've just had another blood test done and will see what the results are. Will store your information away for use later on. Many thanks, Northerner.
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