Started pumping novorapid today

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First set change tomorrow

Going to change my set before lunch. My question is how long after breakfast should I wait, in that how long does it take for the bolus to travel down the line?

I know it's dependent on the volume of the bolus, but would say any hour after be ok?
I would say an hour is plenty. I don't know if you've read anywhere else but I leave my old set in for a few hours (sometimes 4/5 hrs) - long enough to know that there are no issues with the new set. ........there haven't been but my DSN and medtrnoic rep thought that this was a good idea.
Going to change my set before lunch. My question is how long after breakfast should I wait, in that how long does it take for the bolus to travel down the line?

I know it's dependent on the volume of the bolus, but would say any hour after be ok?

As Riri say's leave your old set in for a couple of hours, this allows the remaining insulin to absorb and also gives you a back up if you get in a fluster.

As to how long you wait after breakfast depends on when lunch is 🙂 as that when you need to change the cannula.

Leave yourself 30 mins for 1st change as panic and knickers in a twist syndrome tend to set in on first change :D (been there worn the T shirt)

There's nothing to stop you filling up your new cartridge midmorning so that's ready and waiting before the change.

Your question re how long does it take for the bolus to travel down the line.......... When you do a set change you will go through a sequence which allows you to fill the tubing. So once this is done when you bolus, the pump delivers insulin into you straight away.
Thanks Riri & Sue

I did have a meltdown as couldn't work the inserter thing. Anyway, got it on and we're pumping fine again.
Great news - well done 🙂 It does get a bit more second nature with time !!
How you getting on ch1ps?
How you getting on ch1ps?

Really well thanks Laura. On about 17u a day now from 30. Numbers have been great. Coping well with set changes.

I'm so happy that I got approved for one. Life seems easier and certainly less of a grind like it was on MDI.
Really well thanks Laura. On about 17u a day now from 30. Numbers have been great. Coping well with set changes.

I'm so happy that I got approved for one. Life seems easier and certainly less of a grind like it was on MDI.

17u back ground? Wow!!

I got told my background would be at least halved & my ratios would change, have you found that?

I am getting excited about my pump day but am slightly scared about it all tbh
17u back ground? Wow!!

I got told my background would be at least halved & my ratios would change, have you found that?

I am getting excited about my pump day but am slightly scared about it all tbh

I was on about 30 a day (down from 60 a day last year), this is due to my consultant putting me back on metformin as my GP took me off if when I went on MDI. The metformin has been a great help.

17u is my total daily use, however, everyone is different. I have lost weight so that also is why I need less, plus the pump means you use the insulin more effectively.

I was worried the day before I got mine, but now I feel much happier. OK, I have to test more, but no injections and only 1 set change every 3 days. I feel life is more flexible especially not having to inject when out for dinner or using a toilet to inject if I am wearing a dress.

How long until you get yours?
I was on about 30 a day (down from 60 a day last year), this is due to my consultant putting me back on metformin as my GP took me off if when I went on MDI. The metformin has been a great help.

17u is my total daily use, however, everyone is different. I have lost weight so that also is why I need less, plus the pump means you use the insulin more effectively.

I was worried the day before I got mine, but now I feel much happier. OK, I have to test more, but no injections and only 1 set change every 3 days. I feel life is more flexible especially not having to inject when out for dinner or using a toilet to inject if I am wearing a dress.

How long until you get yours?

I was put on metformin when they took me off insulin (thinking I was T2 not T1)
Is metformin a help to T1?

Oh I'd love to loose weight but can't manage it but been told the pump helps with that. Not sure if that's true?

I'm on a lot of insulin a day, about 150u inc my back ground.

Get mine in less than 3 weeks (3 sept)
I was put on metformin when they took me off insulin (thinking I was T2 not T1)
Is metformin a help to T1?

Oh I'd love to loose weight but can't manage it but been told the pump helps with that. Not sure if that's true?

I'm on a lot of insulin a day, about 150u inc my back ground.

Get mine in less than 3 weeks (3 sept)

I think metformin is the first line treatment for T2 after diet & exercise. It has most definitely helped me. My consultant thought it might help as I do have a bit of insulin resistance (probably to do with my age and why I was classed T2 to start off with).

Some people put on weight with the pump as you can eat whenever you want. I've been consciously trying to eat healthily though and that has probably helped too.

Roll on 3rd September eh?
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