Started on pump!

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Hi Mand...

Thats brilliant..I'm really glad your son felt relaxed and had a great time..just as it should be 🙂

Also really pleased for you both that the pump is going great:D

Brilliant Mand -- so glad to hear all went well for you! The levels are okay for a day, aren't they...

How is he now? And you?

Hi everyone

After his successful trip to France, we had a day at home then have been away for the weekend. I returned home Sunday eve but the kids stayed on till Monday with their dad. They are all back home now with me.

His readings have continued to be great! Mostly between 5.8 and 8.1. He had the odd 3.9 or 4.6 but only two higher readings of 11.1 and 14.0. Really pleased with this as we had to guestimate some of the food and he snacked between meals and had a late supper snack, things we would not do at home.

He thought it was just great having the pump as he could just press a couple of buttons each time he ate rather than having to set up a jab, have the jab then put all away. The couple of higher readings he had were just a push of a button to correct and the lows just a couple of jelly babies. No need to carry around carb snacks. SSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOO much easier!

I do not wish to sound too gushy about the pump because of course there are draw backs but these seems so small compared to the advantages. The biggest problem so far is that is can at times be a nuisance if he just pottering around the house in flimsy boxers as it pulls them down but he just has to learn to wear pj bottoms insead. Also toileting or getting changed sometimes is a little difficult but if too much of a problem he just detaches the pump for a minute. There is always a way around the problems.

We now need to keep him in a routine for a week or two without any trips etc so we can see how things are and make any necessary adjustments.

We changing his cannula every two days but would like to try leaving three. His nurse says we can but i understand some people have problems with blood sugars rising if leave it three days and i do not want anything interferring with the readings as we could then be making unnecessary adjustments.

Not sure how helpful/interesting or boring my posts are to you. I know some people respond to my posts regularly but just wondered if anyone else is reading them but not responding (which is fine, i do not expect a reponse, i am just curious as i am just wondering if i am posting the kind of things you want to hear? Any feedback would be appreciated as i do not wish to bore or annoy anyone. 🙂🙂
My goodness Mand that is just SO fantastic -- absolutely brilliant readings! You must be completely delighted. And he must feel so good too. The difference physically is pretty impressive I think -- my son certainly is much more even.

You seem to be going through the same thing I was a couple of weeks ago: is anyone interested?! I'm certainly very interested, and am delighted always to hear how things are. The practices between hospitals are different, and also the patterning of things is so different person to person -- so I'm ALWAYS up for hearing from you.

I'm wondering if you have been using the wizard yet? You must have nerves of steel if not!

Re changing sets: we do every 3.5 days actually, having cleared it with our team. The main reason for this is that we didn't think we'd be able to remember when we last did it on every three days -- we are stupidly busy really all the time, racing around, and if something doesn't occur on regular days of the week, we are *very* likely to forget it. So we do Wednesday night and Sunday morning at the moment, though we have adjusted that occasionally for one reason or another...We haven't found any problems with bg rising, though for us there *is* a thought that E may be rising slightly at a set change, so we *may* end up doing an extra little bolus on his set change times -- which is very common I hear.

So: keep the posts coming. Shall be interested to read if others are reading....Is there anybody out there?!

I'm one of those that is reading but not commenting! I'm not really sure if I can contribute to these threads as I'm not on a pump, but I am reading with much interest!

I think it's really useful reading about starting pumping from you and others who are writing it as they're doing it. It really gives you a good idea of how the whole process works, and what it's like both on a diabetic control level, and on an mental/emotional level. Like Patricia says, it's also interesting reading how different hospitals approach it differently!

So yes, please keep posting! I find it really interesting and helpful, and I'm really pleased things are going so well for you and your son! 🙂
Hi everyone

After his successful trip to France, we had a day at home then have been away for the weekend. I returned home Sunday eve but the kids stayed on till Monday with their dad. They are all back home now with me.

His readings have continued to be great! Mostly between 5.8 and 8.1. He had the odd 3.9 or 4.6 but only two higher readings of 11.1 and 14.0. Really pleased with this as we had to guestimate some of the food and he snacked between meals and had a late supper snack, things we would not do at home.

He thought it was just great having the pump as he could just press a couple of buttons each time he ate rather than having to set up a jab, have the jab then put all away. The couple of higher readings he had were just a push of a button to correct and the lows just a couple of jelly babies. No need to carry around carb snacks. SSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOO much easier!

I do not wish to sound too gushy about the pump because of course there are draw backs but these seems so small compared to the advantages. The biggest problem so far is that is can at times be a nuisance if he just pottering around the house in flimsy boxers as it pulls them down but he just has to learn to wear pj bottoms insead. Also toileting or getting changed sometimes is a little difficult but if too much of a problem he just detaches the pump for a minute. There is always a way around the problems.

We now need to keep him in a routine for a week or two without any trips etc so we can see how things are and make any necessary adjustments.

We changing his cannula every two days but would like to try leaving three. His nurse says we can but i understand some people have problems with blood sugars rising if leave it three days and i do not want anything interferring with the readings as we could then be making unnecessary adjustments.

Not sure how helpful/interesting or boring my posts are to you. I know some people respond to my posts regularly but just wondered if anyone else is reading them but not responding (which is fine, i do not expect a reponse, i am just curious as i am just wondering if i am posting the kind of things you want to hear? Any feedback would be appreciated as i do not wish to bore or annoy anyone. 🙂🙂

I read all the pumping posts and find them really interesting, keep posting. I do not always reply as i have nothing to add, but yes i do enjoy them and appreciate them
Mand and Patricia,

I log on every day to read your posts! I just dont always comment as i have no real advice or anything! I am just lapping it all up and so is A - i have been giving him some tips and he is getting excited about it!!

He did ask me what the '2 boys off the forum' found the best thing about having the pump? I said i would ask you....

Mand - brilliant results! How has your son taken to the pump in terms of it physically being attached? What sets do you use?:DBev x
Sorry not updated my thread. It is on my priority list for tomorrow.

Until tomorrow....................
Hi all

Sorry i have been a bit slow in updating my post but i not been feeling on top of the world last few days. I have had a bad back but on the mend now. Also the 3am testing gets to you after a while. It is quite tiring! But not really complaining as i know he was lucky to get a pump and we still think it is the bees knees!

Can i start by saying a big thank you to you all for responding with such encouraging words about my thread. A special thank you to Randomange and Tracey w who do not usually post on this thread. Can i say to you both (and everyone else) that i am more than happy for you to read my thread without you responding/posting on it so please do not now feel obliged to do so (unless you want to, of course!). I am the same with other peoples threads sometimes (apart from the pumping ones) because often you enjoy reading them but have nothing to add, especially if others have aleady said what you would say anyway!

But it is just nice to know that you are all out there and that you are interested in what i am saying. I am now encouranged enough to continue. So thank you all. x 🙂 x

Anyway, my son still getting on well with the pump. Numbers not quite so steady last few days though nothing too bad. As you know, he went on the school french trip the wed/thurs of the week before last, then on the Friday of that week we went away for the weekend until the Monday. I spoke to his dsn on the Tuesday and we have agreed to leave all the settings as they are at the moment but to keep him in a regular routine for a few days, until Tuesday of next week when she is coming to see us at our house.

We feel he needs a few days of normal routine to see how things really are. The problem with the trip and long weekend away was that he was eating all over the place, snacking every couple of hours, eating food that was hard to carb count, not going to bed till extremely late etc etc.

On Tuesday she will look at his readings, look for patterns and advice us re any changes. Obviously we will make changes ourselves if anyting too dramatic happening but so far it is not. If fact most of his readings are good but there are still some too high or low but, as i say, now he in a normal routine, we can work out why these are happening.

I am still avoiding the foods that everyone has problems with eg chips and pizza etc as we still not been taught bolus wizard yet. Perhpas that will come on Tuesday?

Bev - You asked how he was getting on with physically wearing it. He is fine with this. Never complains and just gets on with it (phew!). It does inconvenience him at times (he has caught the tubing on door handles a couple of times and sometimes has to detach pump for a moment whilst dressing or going to the loo but manages with it on if he can). But i think he sees these as very small inconvienences compared with having to jab so often. Without a doubt, he is soooooooooooo much happier on the pump!
You also asked about his sets. He uses medtronic quick set 23in (60cm).
The best things about the pump is not having to keep injecting, the convenience when out and about for bolusing and the better blood sugar levels. How is A now? Is he better? How are you? Any pump news yet?

Sugarbum - i have a (unopened!) box from Carelink. Says it contains a cd and usb stick. Is this what you mean? Should i be using this? I have not got around to it yet but it sounds like i should have! Oops! Still uisng daily journal which is great for being able to record everything but does not easily show patterns.

Well, I will update again on Tuesday when we have seen his dsn and let you know where we are at.

Hope you are all well. Speak soon. xxx 🙂 xxx
Hi Mand,

How are you? Hope you are feeling better and the back is good etc. Im glad you have kept posting, I do read, sometimes I dont comment as I am someone who dwells here very late in the evening as I get home from work very late, about 10-ish and Im often too tired to reply to threads! But like Patricias thread, I like to tune in and read a few pages together, and I do catch up eventually so please dont loose faith in my interest!

Yes, the small CD and memory stick is the Carelink! Do you run Vista? If you do you may encounter problems but the technical team at medtronic can talk you through (it just means temporarilly changing a couple of security settings). Also when you sit down and upload information from the pump through the program you mustnt have a dual wave on progress (which I typically go to upload in the evening after a meal....durr!).

I still complete the log book manually as well. I find it useful, even though I hate doing it. My DSN likes me to.

You have some great numbers and I felt a pang of envy when I read that! My adjustment hasnt been so smooth but I am working on it. I am extremely happy though for you all how well you are doing. And you are not hammering "bolus wizzard" unlike me, I addicted! I am baffled at times by correcting and active insulin but getting there. Does your son decide himself how much he is adminstering or do you decide? Whichever the case, you are clearly doing very well.

I myself didnt anticipate how much I now know about pumping in such a short period of time. You are going to be a fully-fledged expert by the time Bev is up and running and no douubt like everyone a great support. I hope you in your self feel the achievement...

Anyway, take care Mand and keep posting!

All my love, Lou xx
Hello Mand

Let us know how you get on Tuesday -- curious to know if you will at last be let into the secrets of wizard bolus-ing...! We think it's kind of amazing...

Anyway. Sorry your back giving you gip (jip?) -- I know the feeling. When you're this tired, it's all terribly wearing. BUT it does, really does, get easier.

Do you think you will continue to test? Or will you leave it when you can? It's such a personal thing....

Keep us up to date! Look forward to it.

Hi everyone

dsn came to visit today and she very pleased with my sons numbers now he on the pump. Just need to do a little bit of tweaking. He hypoing at midnight but stable and good numbers at 3am and 7am. So have now added a fourth slightly lower basal rate from 10pm to midnight. Will see how that goes. Also he running too high when he checks his blood before lunch so tomorrow he has to have breakfast and bolus at 7.30am (gasp! He not been getting up till 10 now it is the hols!) then he has to check his blood two hours later then every hour until 1pm (which is when he usually too high). This is to see if he gradually rising due to basal or whether he just needs more insulin to carb ratio for breakfast.

Once we sort out the midnight low then we will not have to check him every night (phew!!!!!!) but to do spot checks and see if all ok.

We will review situation next week and see if anymore tweaking needs to be done. Once it looks like all ok then we are going to be taught bolus wizard.

I realise that this must seem like a long wait for the wizard compared to some of your others but i am happy to wait as his numbers so good. But i am avoiding pizza and some of the other foods you have all mentioned as being particularly difficult without using the wizard. So once he using it then we can re introduce these foods.

Lou, still not got round to looking at carelink but this is because my back still giving me gip (Patricia, i do not know if it gip or jip either! 🙂) so i can only sit for a limited time. Hopefully next week i can take a look at it.

Nothing else to add apart from the fact my son still very, very happy on the pump compared to multiple injections but of course this is a very personal choice and there are no rights or wrongs.

Will update again soon.

Hope everyone reading this is well. Hi to you all.

Bev, can't wait till you have a pump thread too. It is so good to be amongst people in the same situation.

Bye for now. Love Mand xx
Hi everyone

dsn came to visit today and she very pleased with my sons numbers now he on the pump. Just need to do a little bit of tweaking. He hypoing at midnight but stable and good numbers at 3am and 7am. So have now added a fourth slightly lower basal rate from 10pm to midnight. Will see how that goes. Also he running too high when he checks his blood before lunch so tomorrow he has to have breakfast and bolus at 7.30am (gasp! He not been getting up till 10 now it is the hols!) then he has to check his blood two hours later then every hour until 1pm (which is when he usually too high). This is to see if he gradually rising due to basal or whether he just needs more insulin to carb ratio for breakfast.

Once we sort out the midnight low then we will not have to check him every night (phew!!!!!!) but to do spot checks and see if all ok.

We will review situation next week and see if anymore tweaking needs to be done. Once it looks like all ok then we are going to be taught bolus wizard.

I realise that this must seem like a long wait for the wizard compared to some of your others but i am happy to wait as his numbers so good. But i am avoiding pizza and some of the other foods you have all mentioned as being particularly difficult without using the wizard. So once he using it then we can re introduce these foods.

Lou, still not got round to looking at carelink but this is because my back still giving me gip (Patricia, i do not know if it gip or jip either! 🙂) so i can only sit for a limited time. Hopefully next week i can take a look at it.

Nothing else to add apart from the fact my son still very, very happy on the pump compared to multiple injections but of course this is a very personal choice and there are no rights or wrongs.

Will update again soon.

Hope everyone reading this is well. Hi to you all.

Bev, can't wait till you have a pump thread too. It is so good to be amongst people in the same situation.

Bye for now. Love Mand xx

Hiya Mand

You will hopefully be able to have different patterns as well. For the holidays we are on pattern A so the morning basals all start a couple of hours later as we get up later. It is working really well.

You sound like you are doing brilliantly, I'm so pleased for you. We have a 10 pm to midnight basal as well, same as you bit lower than the one before.
So do we -- well sort of: we have a lower one now from 8-12, and an even lower one from 4-8pm...

All sounding great Mand -- so admire your good numbers even without wizard. Wow! I guess the great advantage of this system is that you really understand exactly what the pump is doing technically before becoming utterly dependent on it just doing it without you thinking everything through....

Sorry your back still a hassle. Ugh. Do you have physio for it? Confess I have been to physio umpteen times for various complaints, back included -- all injuries and weirdnesses from years of ballet...! A good one is invaluable though.

Hi Mand!

I am astounded that you havent been doing the wizard - but still have some great numbers! It seems that even when pumping, different teams deal with things very differently. I wonder what our team will do? I have a confession to make, I am feeling a little anxious about A going on the pump now - i dont know why - i think i am just a bit anxious about starting all over again after putting so much effort into MDI - then everything changing.😱

But at least i will have these threads to look back on and we can all help each other!:DBev
Hi everyone

Well, after lowering his basal rate from 10pm to midnight to stop the midnight hypo, he was 14 at midnight then 11 at 3am! 😱 We had only changed from 0.6 to 0.55 for that two hour period. Anyway, going to leave it as it is and see if same happens again tonight!

Got him up at 7am this morning to eat breakfast (was like waking the dead!) then checked his blood two hours after eating and are now checking every hour, as instructed by his dsn, to see if he gradually rises by 1pm (as he usually too high at this time). He is stable so far and around the 6 and 7 mark so looks like the problem is that he needs more insulin/carb ratio for breakfast rather than his basal is wrong. But we have not completed test yet as still have the 1pm check to do but not likely to have risen that much since 12 noon which was 6.1.

Adrienne, his dsn did say that we will end up on 2 patterns. One for school and one for weekends and holidays. x x

Patricia, I have not been to physio for years re my back as it usually recovers within a few days whether i have physio or not so i do not bother anymore, especially as it ?36 pounds a visit! But i went yesterday as my back not recovering like usual. He throughly checked me and just thinks i have a couple of aggravated discs and possibly an inflammed facet joint. Gave me some exercises to do and have another app on Fri which i can cancel of Thurs afternoon if feeling much better. x x

Bev, I understand that you will be feeling nervous about the change. All i can say is that it has dramatically improved the quality of my sons life (no frequent injections, can eat so freely, if too high then just press a button instead of yet another jab etc etc) and because his readings are massively improved it also giving him a better chance of not developing health problems further down the line. I am completely here for you (and i know the others will be thinking the same).
You are not alone and I here for you anytime. Really looking forward to hearing how you get on with it. x x

Will update again soon.
Love to you all. x x
Hi Mand

Crikey that's a big difference for .05 of a unit! I'm wondering when he ate and what he had? It's not surprising that the 3am was still high -- because if he's high going into the night it will remain so on a stable basal...but it's why he leapt so high in the first place. Hmm. Let us know what happens tonight.

Did the physio put any nice heat or electric current on you? That should help symptoms anyway?! Hope it feels better soon...

Bev: quite understand. I won't pretend it's not a great deal of work. But there's something about it which isn't as stressful, I'm not sure why. Much more feels predictable. It *will* be okay. And I really, really think that the payoff of Alex feeling better and being freer will just be worth every moment.

Does he have his date? Did I miss something?!
Hi mand!

Great to read your DSN updates. I am flabberghasted that there has been such a change to such a small increment of insulin?! Thats mad!

Glad things are going ok. The eating breakfast so early and waking the dead thing doesnt sound as good though. My lazy side of life has been made much better over the last couple of weeks being on patterns. I cant tell you how frustrating it was reading all this stuff about lying in being easier on pump and couldnt work out how. Hopefully this will help things, keep us posted.

How is your young man doing on school holidays? Must be a welcome break for him and good timing. You have done so well to factor all this into your lives and keep schooling.

Keep well and keep us updated!

Lots of love xxx
Hi Everyone

Hope you are all well. 🙂

Well, as you know, he was going too low at midnight so we made a small basal change from 0.6 to 0.55 from 10pm to midnight. In my last post i said that, after making this change, he was then 14 at midnight! Well, i am happy to report that that was a one off. The following few nights at midnight he has been 8, 10.2, 9.2, 4.1 and 6.2. So a bit up and down. But at least not extreme either way. He generally fine at 3am and 7am. We have had to change his breakfast carb/insulin ratio to 1:9 instead of 1:10 as he was going too high before lunch but after our experiment last week, we know his basal is correct and that he just needed more insulin with his breakfast.

Generally, throughout the day, his levels are very good. I am still being very strict at the moment. He has to come home for lunch or take a packed, pre carb counted lunch out with him. Also not been allowing him to go to the many sleepovers that he gets invited to during the hols and have not allowed him to eat at other peoples houses so much either. I have been strict simply because if his levels are not right, how can i tell if the pump settings are wrong or whether he just not getting the carb/insulin requirement right? Especially when they graze so much on food throught the night on these sleepover! (Also, they seem to forget the 'sleep' part of the sleepover!).

But last night he was a bit upset about being so restricted during the hols so i am going to cut him some slack! I am now confident that he safe on the pump. He does not swing dramatically high or low anyway. So, okay, his readings won't be as perfect some days but i have to balance it up against the quality of his present life too.

This is the hard part of being a parent. I am not the one with diabetes but i live and breath it. I think i need to work harder at finding a better balance between controlling his diabetes and controlling his life! I need to remember to see things from his perspective too. I love him so much and am devoted to his care but maybe i need to back off a little. :confused:

Anyway, will be speaking to his dsn today or tomorrow and will see what she makes of his current readings and see what tweaks she recommends. Of course, we will just get this sussed then he will return to school and it will all go to pot! :(

He has had three mild hypos in the last couple of day but this has been due to excessive activity without us doing a temp basal. The problem is that he does not play a sport, he just goes out to play. He rides his bike, maybe go to somewhere where there are some ramps to ride over, maybe kick a ball about at the local leisure centre field etc. There is no way to quantify his activity. Each day is different, depending on who is out playing, what they play, whether is suddenly starts to rain and they are indoors on the computer. Even when he goes to band practise at his friends house, they practise for a while then all go and jump about on the trampoline for a while - or maybe not! Any tips, anyone????????????

Anyway, to sum up, we still very happy with the pump. Life is so much easier for him and his diabetes is so much more controlable. And the best bit - his levels are sssssssooooooooo much better!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Just need to teach him to carb count better. Any ideas???

How you doing, Lou? Will keep an eye out for an update on your pumping thread.

Hope Patricia having a good hol!

Bev, any news yet re a date for pump for A?

How are things Adrienne? Any advice re any of the above?

Well, i think i have probably bored you all enough for today! Will update again soon.

Love Mand xx
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