Squashes, with no added sugar?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Is it okay to drink squash? Keep reading that you should avoid sugary drinks and I do drink a lot of squash in one day. Is that acceptable? With no added sugar or are the normal squashes, without any added sugar, okay? Are they just referring to coca cola etc..?
No added sugar squash is fine as long as the carb content is low. I love Morrison's no added sugar apple squash 🙂
I'm the same, always have no added sugar squash with no effects. I like Tesco's own orange, lemon and pineapple squash.
That seems to be the thumbs up for all squashes with no added sugar, including Sainsbury's which are the ones I use... that's great. I can continue on with my drinking then...!
Another vote for 'no added sugar' - I usually have Robinsons, which appear to be perpetually on offer 🙂 I did try some Tesco cheaper stuff, but it tasted like it was full of additives 😱
Another vote for 'no added sugar' - I usually have Robinsons, which appear to be perpetually on offer 🙂 I did try some Tesco cheaper stuff, but it tasted like it was full of additives 😱

I'm suspicious of the word "added" , maybe I'm utterly wrong but I avoid them.

Different if it said "zero" sugar, as it is I drink zero sugar Irn Bru.
I'm suspicious of the word "added" , maybe I'm utterly wrong but I avoid them.

Different if it said "zero" sugar, as it is I drink zero sugar Irn Bru.
They don't add any additional sugar to the product, its just the natural sugars from the fruit in the drink.
They don't add any additional sugar to the product, its just the natural sugars from the fruit in the drink.

Understood. I will hold my hands up, I used to hoover up biscuits and adored Jaffa cakes ( biscuit or cake ?) now I try to avoid sugar at all costs, unless ofcourse Ive been dumb enough to take a Gliclazide.
How about carbonated water? I know cola and suchlike aren't good for you, but is carbonated water okay to drink, with the cancer scare attached to that..
If we believed everything we read about food/drink causing problems we probably wouldn't eat or drink!!! I still drink carbonated water.
If we believed everything we read about food/drink causing problems we probably wouldn't eat or drink!!! I still drink carbonated water.

What I wouldn't give for a chippy tea, but, I'd probably get a huge Hypo, cancer and burst in a shower of intestines,,, apparently.
Guess the odd can would be acceptable, bit all that bubbly effervescent would seem to be not conducive to take, internally on a regular basis..
I drink sparkling water everyday as well as tap water, I also have a can of Coke Zero or Lilt zero every day.
I've been drinking them far to long for me to start worrying about them. Plus they keep changing their mind about what's good or bad to have.
And they are so refreshingly delicious to taste, too! I agree. Difficult to resist whether good or bad for our health!
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Dr Pepper zero is my personal favourite can/bottle of fizz.
I think I'm allergic to squash. It always catches in my throat and makes me cough. 🙄 I only like water.
Guess the odd can would be acceptable, bit all that bubbly effervescent would seem to be not conducive to take, internally on a regular basis..
That sounds suspiciously Daily Mailish. There is nothing in carbonated water that can possibly cause cancer, any more than hard tap water. I drink a lot of carbonated water, and notwithstanding the many medical conditions I have I don't think anybody has ever told me that fizzy water caused any of them🙂

Despite the proliferation of fizzy drinks, people are living longer and healthier. That's not a cause and effect, but it shows what you can do with statistics.🙄
I don't think anybody has ever told me that fizzy water caused any of them🙂
Of course not, it's your diabetes haven't you learnt that yet Mike? :D
Referring to an alternative drink. How about hot chocolate? Is that acceptable to have on a daily basis or is it equivalent to having a chocolate bar every day? To keep as a treat only...?
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