Spot the problem

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I make the best coffee at home! Black. Made simply in a cafetiere. Coffee from Tropic which is fairtrade and roasted locally. Tea. Always loose leaf. Made in a pot. I like the ritual of it all. Again, no milk. Lapsang Souchong for preference.
Bean to cup machine for me.
Coffee beans roasted in Lancashire (Wildpen coffee.)
I noticed oat milk has quite a lot of carbs. I occasionally use almond or coconut milk with no sugar but, because it has a lot of other things in it, I prefer to keep it to a minimum.

I think cappuchinos and lattes 4 or 5 times a week have been my downfall recently and may have helped push my blood sugars up a bit from normal to just on pre-diabetes.
We had a small machine which has been broken. My downfall is I like socialising but will stick to tea or herbal tea for a while.
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