Sorry to be posting about my mental health


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Things have been very triggering for me in last few days. Its got to me a wee bit Have been talking to CMHTs S###### and hes reminded me that on my crisis plan there is if they have the bed of going in for 3 nights as a informal patcent and spending those days relaxing/talking about things. They have a bed on ##### ward. I have until 9am tomorrow morning to decide I dont know wot to do Im not sucidal but im in a bad way. Think I need it Will tale laptop with me so you dont get rid of me that easy lol
You don't have to apologise about putting up this post @gail2. Many of us have had mental health issues in the past including myself...but there's help out there..Have you considered taking a talking therapies course?..I'm sure there are some in the area you live in.
You gotta do whats best for you, simple as.....if you think it will benefit you then go for it... good luck with it.
I second that Gail, talking things through with others is definitely helpful and there's no need to wait until it gets much worse before you do something about it. Take care of yourself and if they're offering - take the help.
Hello, @gail2 . Sorry you’re having issues. I felt you were in a great place from your post a little while back. Definitely a good option to acept the offer from your CMHT. Keep well.
Things have been very triggering for me in last few days. Its got to me a wee bit Have been talking to CMHTs S###### and hes reminded me that on my crisis plan there is if they have the bed of going in for 3 nights as a informal patcent and spending those days relaxing/talking about things. They have a bed on ##### ward. I have until 9am tomorrow morning to decide I dont know wot to do Im not sucidal but im in a bad way. Think I need it Will tale laptop with me so you dont get rid of me that easy lol
It's great that you have a crisis plan - and that you're getting help with putting it into action. Good luck!
Things have been very triggering for me in last few days. Its got to me a wee bit Have been talking to CMHTs S###### and hes reminded me that on my crisis plan there is if they have the bed of going in for 3 nights as a informal patcent and spending those days relaxing/talking about things. They have a bed on ##### ward. I have until 9am tomorrow morning to decide I dont know wot to do Im not sucidal but im in a bad way. Think I need it Will tale laptop with me so you dont get rid of me that easy lol
There's a concept known as 'parity of esteem': the idea that mental health is just as important as physical health. So, it's just as valid for you or anyone else to talk about their mental health on this forum as it for people to talk about their physical health.
i didt know i had so man/y friends/suporters
So sorry to hear you have had a mental downturn Gail as you have seemed to be in a much better place recently and sounded really perky. If you feel you are slipping back then it is far better to get a bit of help now rather than wait until you get to crisis point, as it will then take longer to recover.

I had to up my medication yesterday because I have been struggling mentally for just over a week and normally I will start to come back up after a few days, but yesterday I really felt bad. I was so tense I could hardly breath and really anxious and I knew I needed a bit of extra help. In times gone by I would have eaten lots of comfort food and probably used alcohol too, but neither of those things are good for me, so I took an extra Amitriptyline and went to bed early and I definitely feel better today than yesterday, so hopefully I have turned the corner and keeping fingers crossed you will too..
So sorry to hear you have had a mental downturn Gail as you have seemed to be in a much better place recently and sounded really perky. If you feel you are slipping back then it is far better to get a bit of help now rather than wait until you get to crisis point, as it will then take longer to recover.

I had to up my medication yesterday because I have been struggling mentally for just over a week and normally I will start to come back up after a few days, but yesterday I really felt bad. I was so tense I could hardly breath and really anxious and I knew I needed a bit of extra help. In times gone by I would have eaten lots of comfort food and probably used alcohol too, but neither of those things are good for me, so I took an extra Amitriptyline and went to bed early and I definitely feel better today than yesterday, so hopefully I have turned the corner and keeping fingers crossed you will too..
Sorry to hear this reach out for help dont be afaied to ask for it i hope you feel better soon love and peace to you
I think if you have the opportunity there to be inpatient for a few days informally, it could be a really good way to look after yourself.

Sometimes triggers breeze past us easily and other times they just land and stick. Or they do for me. It can be really tricky to negotiate and you've done really well to reach out for help.
I actually prefer to be left to my own devices when I take a nose dive. I have the Amitriptyline to use as and when I need it and that definitely helps and I am pretty good trying all the other stuff like meditating and breathing exercises and doing physical exercise but sometimes I need a bit of chemical help too.
just had a surprise Vist from CMHT (City south Team). Itseems i come under them now since i moved to watton. P### and M### were very nice and we came to the dession that i need those 3 nights so am going in tomorro w morning they are going to pick me up at 10ish. They said im not bad enough to warrant assement under the MHA but it needs to be nipped in the bud b4 it gets to that stage. they did talk about going into H### T### H#### but its booked for the next 3 weeks(you stay here 4 five nights). Im very tired now tired and wheepy I think my friends passing and a tread have affected me more than i thought they could. im very vunerable right now, think i may post a lot tonight forgive me. thank you for your support . told them i wanted to take my laptop was told they would remove the charger lead from me and that it would be charged up in the office (this is standard pratice in case u get the wrong ideas)
I think the idea of nipping it in the bud is a very good one. And if posting lots helps occupy your brain and keeps you safe then do it!
I think the idea of nipping it in the bud is a very good one. And if posting lots helps occupy your brain and keeps you safe then do it!
thankyou for your kindness
@gail2 your post about the team calling and your discussions is impressive. The thoughtfulness and care you felt from them shines through. How good for the team and you that you have been offered something positive and planned. It is good that you have been able to express your concerns so eloquently and can have the respite you need. If you had not been such a good advocate the help may have been later and perhaps chaotic. Well done.
@gail2 your post about the team calling and your discussions is impressive. The thoughtfulness and care you felt from them shines through. How good for the team and you that you have been offered something positive and planned. It is good that you have been able to express your concerns so eloquently and can have the respite you need. If you had not been such a good advocate the help may have been later and perhaps chaotic. Well done.
was really impressed about there responce normally you get the words have a hot drink and take a warm bath its there stantard response Sorry about spelling i cant be ars3d to use spell cheak
when they mentioned the MHA it scared me and took me back to the bad days when i usedto get sectioned a lot i dont wamma go thuo that again i have been sectioned 12 times
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have decided not to take laptop need a break from it will be not posting till friday sometime will post tonight and most probably in morn b4 i go im nervous its been a good 4 years since i was in a ward but i need to go in am going to take clothes y phone [have to hand over charger for oberouse reasons] and diary i can record my thoughts and feelings as normal
its 1am and i cant sleep am wide awake and wired feel so out of it. mind on overdrive have called CMHT a few times they have sid i may need somerhing to help me sleep but need to see pdoc first to have a chat about thipgs and my meds im so wide awake i could stay like this for ever Am worried as lack of sleep can and has tipped me into pycosis b4 wrong spelling hope this makes sense staff keep poking their heads around door every 20 mins to see if im ok
im ok but so tired feel both tired and wide awake at same time if that makes sense
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