Some dumb people out there

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Hi there,
Our local history group have been researching the history of a large "Lunatic Asylum" in our patch. In the 1930s , the decade after the dicsovery of insulin, they were injecting troublesome patients with insulin to put them in a coma and keep them quiet.
One of the Attendants was asked, what if you injected too much ? Well of course was the reply we did have some that didn't wake up ! This technique called "Insulin Therapy" was eventually stopped after an enquiry.
If you remember the odl Quincy Md series ( sometimes still seen on afternoon TV) Insulin was used as a moider weapon on one occasion because there was no real trace of it after death. On anoither occasion Quincy proved the suspect couldn't have done the moider because he was hypoing severely at the time

Also you have the true life case of Claus Von Bulow who used insulin on his wife, and Beverley Allitt the nurse who used insulin and murdered at least 4 kids under her care..
oh I like the look of that! Might bug the other half into getting it for me xx
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