Some dumb people out there

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Firstly apologies for using the word dumb but it fits.

Alan's best friends girlfriend works in a school.... teaching assistant and first aid trained (apparently)

When having a converstation about diabetes and insulin the fact its dangerous for those who dont need in to be injected with insulin to do it infact can be fatal.

Her response " NO IT ISN'T! I have to inject children at school. If they start fitting etc "

No dear thats an EPI PEN. Or a Glucogen pen.

"Noooo It was an insulin pen. Its harmless. Trust me I would know. I've injected it into children before"

God I wanted to slap her... doesn't it make you want to leave your children with her.
I hope she sorts it out. Next time a kid has an allergic reaction, i don't think the insulin will help...Or just as scary, vice versa.
Wierd, she clearly doesn't watch enough TV detective shows, overdosing insulin was a big favourite for crime writers as until recently it was vertually indetectable. Hercule Poirot could put her straight...scary tho, indeed.
it would have to be a large amount to kill someone though i think remember seeing on on the crime channel were a nurse was using insulin to kill people with a thousand units though i think its been reported that athletes were using insulin as it contains steroids i may be wrong though
still not good to give it to a kid who doesn't need it and it doesn't bring you round if your having a fit
Isn't gonna help you if you're having a fit, is unlikely to stop you going into anaphylactic shock, and if you're diabetic, having a load of extra adrenaline injected into you is the last thing you need. (might work if you were hypo i suppose, but glucagon would be faster) Plus you inject in a totally different way. Insulin on the shelf and the epipen in the fridge....doesn't bear thinking about...
Do you inject anything for epileptic fits? I though that was all buccal (inside of the cheek) midazolam or rectal diazepam...I could be wrong, do tell me if i am.
Some people don't hve a clue. One of the managers at work was talking about a diabetic member of staff and the statement was she had a diabetic fit. Me being me and using this forum on a regular basis said do you mean she had a hypoglycemic incident where her blood sugars had dropped too low. No the manager was adamant she'd had a fit, so I said what do you mean like an eplipetic fit, he said no she's diabetic. Hopefully he was one of the people who took my advice and looked here and at diabtets UK, but it does make you wonder...
Epileptics have an adrenalin shot, ithink.
I do know that if you have a fit i.e epileptic fit, the blood sugars can drop as low as 0.5.
Plus, injecting insulin to a person fitting would make them worse, lowering the already low blood sugar... :confused:

Makes me wander how some people survived life this long...
It just goes to show that the wrong medical information in the hands of someone who thinks they know what they are talking about could have potentially dangerous consequences.

These people shouldn't be allowed near drugs and other medication if they don't even know what it's supposed to be used for. They are just an accident waiting to happen.
At the school little feller goes to they have a dedicate childrens first aider (sorry not sure how to spell pediatric) who deals with first aid emergencies and give children any medication they need. School policy is parents have to provide clear instructions for the use of any medication, dosage instructions etc and what to do should a diabetic go hypo or an asthmatic have an astma attack or an eplipetic have a fit or seizure. The first aider is trained in how to deal with all of these things, but the school still insists on having the information from the parents too.
Firstly apologies for using the word dumb but it fits.

Alan's best friends girlfriend works in a school.... teaching assistant and first aid trained (apparently)

When having a converstation about diabetes and insulin the fact its dangerous for those who dont need in to be injected with insulin to do it infact can be fatal.


Hi there,
Our local history group have been researching the history of a large "Lunatic Asylum" in our patch. In the 1930s , the decade after the dicsovery of insulin, they were injecting troublesome patients with insulin to put them in a coma and keep them quiet.
One of the Attendants was asked, what if you injected too much ? Well of course was the reply we did have some that didn't wake up ! This technique called "Insulin Therapy" was eventually stopped after an enquiry.
If you remember the odl Quincy Md series ( sometimes still seen on afternoon TV) Insulin was used as a moider weapon on one occasion because there was no real trace of it after death. On anoither occasion Quincy proved the suspect couldn't have done the moider because he was hypoing severely at the time
My secondary school insisted that i shouldnt be carrying my own inhalers around (Asthma) and that i should be kept with teh school nurse in her office. Which by the way was in the most remote part of the school and 9 out of 10 times, locked and the nurse no where to be found.
Just another show of medical ignorance. 😡
OMG that woman really does think she knows it all. I have learned that people are so ignorant towards diabetes, the other night at a dinner party a friend of a friend said to me 'ive been on a course and it was all about diabetes and how it can be controlled by diet, surely you can control theirs with diet' well i nearly fell off my chair and said obviously you werent on the course about people with type 1 diabetes who need insulin injected into them to live?!!! its really angers me and i could easily loose it with these people who make the comments (ive heard loads in the last 4 months, lots laughable), its almost like they are saying my kids have bad diets thats why they 'caught it' it really does take patience and i lack that unfotunately. x
I was so angry at her. I was like "Errr I should know.. Im the one injecting 4+ times a day not you skinny runt" Again sorry for the words used but shes stick thin size 6 - If only i could get down to 14 id be happy!! lol
I just recently did a first aid course, and the general rule about epileptic fits was that if it was under 10 minutes, you don't do anything. You obviously keep the casualty safe and away from hitting things, but never put anything on them, or in their mouths, and never hold them down.
There are so many myths about diabetes and epilepsy it makes me wonder if we are in the 21st century with modern not so wonder drugs or back with Brother Cadfael and his herbs roots potions and concoctions...

I think it was the Greeks who believed if you had a seizure yu had been touched by the Gods and were blessed...
Sorry to put a dampner on the thread but when you started talking about diabetes and epileptic fits it made me sit up, my other half had an ex he was with and she died of a fit she had in the night, i have no idea what he went through as he wont ever speak about it, but he did say it was almost easier to deal with her when she was fitting then it was when she was hypoing, i have never been in that situation though and dont have the right to tell him which is worse.
Im sorry Steff and I can't imagine what he went through x
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