@Burylancs - are we at the point where we can agree that your suggestion that in the Direct trial,
"50% of calories from carbs, 10-20% from Protein and 20-30% from fats. Which means Taylor's guinea pigs were getting up to 20% of their calories from Fresh Air."
is not a good summary of the low calorie diet used? The record shows that a commercially available meal replacement was used with a basic formulation, 59% carbohydrate, 13% fat, 26% protein, 2% fibre as given in the preprint of the Lancet Article presenting the Direct trial results.
It is a pity that neither of us has been able to identify the primary source for the numbers you quote. My suspicion is that they derive from a misrepresentation, which may or may not have been deliberate, of the formulations used in the DiRECT and ReTUNE trials and the differences in the way fibre content is assessed in different countries.
Could we also agree that, no matter what you think of basis for the trial and its ultimate value, it was a well conducted and reported piece of scientific work?
As for the relationship between Profs Lean and Taylor, I'd rather base my judgements on the formal record rather than academic gossip.