Some basal results - can anyone look over for me please?

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Well Laura - let your best not be in such a hurry, Mate!

It's like the tortoise and the hare you know - taking all this slower - will actually get you there quicker! Honest it will.
I know it's not some instantaneous solution, I know there's always changing goalposts with diabetes, but you are coming across quite patronising? I am asking for help, from people who have done this longer then me, on a forum designed for pumping. I have a very busy life and so time and the "correct" conditions to do all this testing aren't always easy for me - I have set aside time this past week or so to try to get results I can begin to work from.

What are your suggestions that I should do then to take it slower?
I know it's not some instantaneous solution, I know there's always changing goalposts with diabetes, but you are coming across quite patronising? I am asking for help, from people who have done this longer then me, on a forum designed for pumping. I have a very busy life and so time and the "correct" conditions to do all this testing aren't always easy for me - I have set aside time this past week or so to try to get results I can begin to work from.

What are your suggestions that I should do then to take it slower?
With respect Laura,
Jenny is quite correct slow things down as Rome wasn't built in a day, the more changes you make in one go the muddier the water.
Jenny speaks from experience, I remember it well lol and 😛@trophywench
You are not the only one with a busy life style and like you we all have to find time to do the leg work with pumping that is part of pump life. Bottom line is you only get out of pumping what you put in. We are only tying to help you so don't throw it back in peoples face.
With respect Sue,
I didn't suggest I was the only person with a busy life. I am sure Jenny does speak from experience, which is why I am here asking people to try to help me look over my results. I am certainly not throwing anything in anyone's face, that's a little rude. What would you change if those were your results?

Maybe I was/am suggesting too many changes at once, this is where I seem to be getting myself confused though - but I was taught to look where a change occured and change the setting approx 2 hours before?

So changing the 10am one up to 0.950 should bring that 12noon in a little lower, but then I see quite a dip at 3/4pm (which is often when I dip in the day) so should I not apply a reduction to the 1 and 2pm too? Then fast and re-test over that time frame in a couple of days?
I think your results are much closer to perfect than you realise Laura 🙂 if I show similar results at my clinic they say, 'we won't see another of these today like this!'

Again, not suggestions, just my thoughts looking at these as if they were mine:

12:00 - 0.600 - 7.7
13:00 - 0.600 - 5.7 .550?
14:00 - 0.550 - 6.4 .500?
15:00 - 0.550 - 4.8 .500?
16:00 - 0.475 - 4.7 .550?
17:00 - 0.475 - 6.7 .650?
18:00 - 0.650 - 7.8

I'd probably ignore the 'dip' at 1pm as quite frankly meters just aren't that accurate, and unless you see that several days running t could well have just been 'one of those things'.

I can see a dip in your BGs 3pm-4pm and a dip in your pattern 2pm to 5pm, but these don't seem to 'line up' so that the basal dip precedes the BG dip. The shape/timing has prob shifted since you set it up before. I would be inclined to back off basal earlier, and ramp it back up earlier too.

Tricky really as if you are not careful you can end up with dozens of rates!
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Sorry Laura! Were I trying deliberately to be patronizing - believe me, not only would everyone else be jumping down my neck - but it would be much more heavily loaded towards it. There would be no possibility of anyone not noticing unless they can't read yet. I also do 'sarky' pretty well too.

I have been there myself more than once as Sue mentioned LOL - but the kind of good, kind of frustrating thing I've found with pumping is that I can alter something by an absolute gnat's whisker at - I dunno - 1am or something - and it's still affecting my BG by eg 9pm. So I just have to wait till I can see if it does or not, before I tweak anything else. Drives me potty sometimes. I am not terribly patient.

I have therefore discovered and had to accept, which I didn't want to believe you me cos when I want something done, I want it DONE - precisely because I'm busy and only want to visit each problem ONCE - and sort it so I can forget it and get on with whatever - you cannot DO this with a ruddy pump! It is only for that one reason, because it does give me better results for more hours out of every single day of my life, and I therefore feel I'm doing better for ME as a whole - that I don't say 'Bollards to the stupid thing!' and throw it in the bin!

So I have to accept it, if I want to keep the benefits.

My driving instructor (Married man, two grown-up daughters) was wont to say to me week on, week out - 'Patience is a virtue, find it if you can. Seldom in a woman - often in a man!' He didn't annoy me saying it - cos I knew very well he was ruddy well right! (Bet his daughters and wife used to want to hit him though .....)
How did you get on for the rest of Sunday @lauraw1983 ? Are you considering any more tweaks?
Hi Mike - thanks for asking, came on last night to update but my laptop took a massive wobbly at home! In work but will update later on. Going in the right direction mostly though!
Hi Laura

I eventually gave up looking for perfection in my readings, acne I realised that this was not going to happen. Like you I took the time to check on the Basal rates and adjust as necessary. Well done for your persistence with it all. It is well worth it.

Delivering the bolus before the meal is worth doing but it is difficult sometimes. I try to test once I start cooking (actually usually once my husband starts cooking - a bit of a gem), calculate the carbs and then decide on timing of the bolus dependent on BG and nature of food. The lower the BG ( ie if it is low 4s), and the lower the GI of the food the nearer the meal I bolus, and vice versa. Having said that I often forget, or I am too engrossed in what I am doing and don't want to stop. I've only recently started this so I am still sorting how early to do the Bolus so Mike's ideas have been useful.

Thanks for starting this post and for all the advice from everyone.
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