So long folks...

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Tom a good soldier also know s when to retreat and rethink his stragegies please rethink yours xxx

At the battle of Dien Bien Phu fifteen thousand French soldiers held out against the Viet Minh onslaught for two months as a matter of pride. Had they had no pride they would not have held for so long in a battle that is referred to as the Stalingrad of the jungle. There is no other option, think along the lines that John Chard VC was obliged to at Rourke's Drift.
At the battle of Dien Bien Phu fifteen thousand French soldiers held out against the Viet Minh onslaught for two months as a matter of pride. Had they had no pride they would not have held for so long in a battle that is referred to as the Stalingrad of the jungle. There is no other option, think along the lines that John Chard VC was obliged to at Rourke's Drift.

im not going to argue Tom with your believes... i just hate to see any fighting x:(
wowser! Blimey...

Tom, hope it all goes well especially regarding the pump, and more importantly I hope it's not pink! Now get your head down and be a good student😉 Take care Solider, and if we meet again I'll be buying you a pint not a softie okay?!

Sam, hope you feel better and enjoy 30stm!! Sorry if I stoked the fire on this occasion, look after yourself, hope you get things on track soon, and get the dream team as your diabetic team, and hope to see you around?!

No one else allowed to leave for the rest of the month😛😉
I dont no what has been done or said for you two, to be so angry?

But you should consider sticking round with all your fellow diabetics,

If you are going top leave support, all the best for the future 🙂
Gosh I am shocked. Have I missed something? Obviously. Sam and Tom I am VERY sad to see you go and hope that one day soon you'll rethink. But until then, take care and I hope everything works out for you. xx
I don't know, I go out to the pub for a couple of hours and leave you lot to play quietly and all this happens! No-one needs to leave.:(
Hi all unusual for me not to be involved in the leaving lol, i dont know whats been going on as i took some time out lately , usually id be all clued up, i know theres no point saying please dont go , but i only hope you both reconsider you will both be big a huge loss to this place xx
I don't post that much on here but do read a lot.
One of the things I like is here is that it's normally a supportive, forum, without constant feuding. I hope you both reconsider. It's a great shame when people who have a lot to give decide to leave forums.
Meanwhile a couple more 'military' quotes

There never was a good war or a bad peace.
Benjamin Franklin

or how about

'No good decision was ever made in a swivel chair'
George S. Patton:
Why not follow Northerners example, go out for a pint and come back later?
It is a regretable fact that virtual arguments are always the most difficult to sort out because you cannot meet face to face and clear the air, and because it's so easy to re-read what's been written and stoke the fires of hurt feelings and resentments.

Tom and Sam, it is of course entirely your decision whether to stay or go. You'll both be missed if you do go. I really hope both of you will take a little time out and then come back to us. You both have friends in here and have been a great support to many folk. Also, there's a good deal of support you can get here you may not find elsewhere. I know there are other fora out there that cover the same ground, but this is by far the best and liveliest I've found.

Whatever you decide to do, I wish you both the best. Look after yourselves.
I have only had chance to pop in briefly over the past few days as to many things are going on in the real rather than the virtual world. Suffice to say it is all linked to the credit crunch and involves real people - one of whom I have worked with for nearly nine years. It is not appropriate to go into more detail here.

Now I drop by to chill out and find I have missed what appears to have become an emotional charged afternoon. Tom and Sam, I would rather you stayed as I feel you add to the forum as everyone can based on their own experiences with having diabetes and everything it entails. Ultimately it is your decision and yours alone. Whatever you decide I wish you both all the best in the future.
OMG! This is the first thread i've opened when I came online this evening, so I have NO idea what's happened to upset people.

I can see there's obviously no point in asking for a re-think, but I really hate to see people leaving.

I wish you both well with your future diabetes treatment, but most of all with life in general.

It was a pleasure meeting you Tom.

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I may at some point in the future decide to return. However, that will only happen when people are a damn slight more tactful and keep what is said in private messages in private. If they have beef with me then it's best dealt with in private. I won't be in for a while though.
Tom and Sam, I am sorry that you feel that you must go.

I hope you both reconsider but if not take care and I hope everything goes ok for you in the future.🙂
NO TOM !!!!!
will you please pm me.....your posts were one of thereasons i took up the corage and come on here...i love the fact that we are all different xxxxx

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