So long folks...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Two of the finest military eras had one thing in common. Defeated or shamed generals would commit ritual suicide to avoid the embarassment of their defeats catching up with them. I must now do the same. I will now be falling upon my sword in much the same manner as a few Roman generals and committing Hara Kiri as many a defeated Samurai has done in their time.

If my posts have offended then I make no apologies for that. It's simply my view and you don't have to share it or indeed dignify it by reading it. I've made my decision to end my posting on this set of forums as some do seem to find that my posts are a waste of oxygen. Well ladies and gentlemen if that's the current atmosphere then so be it. I won't be darkening this place again with my shadow. I wouldn't advise any attempts to talk me out of this as they will be met with scorn and derision.

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I think after this mornings events I will be saying goodbye too. Yesterdays thread was not meant to offend in any way, but I am personally rather offended with what has happened this morning. And more so I am very upset at it. It is no secret that the past few weeks have been tough for me, and when i say tough I mean very tough - losing my job for being diabetic being only 1 cause of it. It is things like that that make me think long and hard over being a member here.

I am very upset over what has happened. VERY. It would have been nice if it could all have been resolved in PMs. And as for being attacked for bad language which by the way, wasn't even bad at all? I think that is wrong.

So this is goodbye.

It's a shame because I have made a lot of good friends here. But like Tom, attempts to talk me out of it will be met with scorn also.

Provito In Altum
Two of the finest military eras had one thing in common. Defeated or shamed generals would commit ritual suicide to avoid the embarassment of their defeats catching up with them. I must now do the same. I will now be falling upon my sword in much the same manner as a few Roman generals and committing Hara Kiri as many a defeated Samurai has done in their time.

If my posts have offended then I make no apologies for that. It's simply my view and you don't have to share it or indeed dignify it by reading it. I've made my decision to end my posting on this set of forums as some do seem to find that my posts are a waste of oxygen. Well ladies and gentlemen if that's the current atmosphere then so be it. I won't be darkening this place again with my shadow. I wouldn't advise any attempts to talk me out of this as tehy will be met with scorn and derision.


NO TOM !!!!!
will you please pm me.....your posts were one of thereasons i took up the corage and come on here...i love the fact that we are all different xxxxx
I think after this mornings events I will be saying goodbye too. Yesterdays thread was not meant to offend in any way, but I am personally rather offended with what has happened this morning. And more so I am very upset at it. It is no secret that the past few weeks have been tough for me, and when i say tough I mean very tough - losing my job for being diabetic being only 1 cause of it. It is things like that that make me think long and hard over being a member here.

I am very upset over what has happened. VERY. It would have been nice if it could all have been resolved in PMs. And as for being attacked for bad language which by the way, wasn't even bad at all? I think that is wrong.

So this is goodbye.

It's a shame because I have made a lot of good friends here. But like Tom, attempts to talk me out of it will be met with scorn also.

Provito In Altum

Not wanting the scorn, but still this is met with sadface :(
I think after this mornings events I will be saying goodbye too. Yesterdays thread was not meant to offend in any way, but I am personally rather offended with what has happened this morning. And more so I am very upset at it. It is no secret that the past few weeks have been tough for me, and when i say tough I mean very tough - losing my job for being diabetic being only 1 cause of it. It is things like that that make me think long and hard over being a member here.

I am very upset over what has happened. VERY. It would have been nice if it could all have been resolved in PMs. And as for being attacked for bad language which by the way, wasn't even bad at all? I think that is wrong.

So this is goodbye.

It's a shame because I have made a lot of good friends here. But like Tom, attempts to talk me out of it will be met with scorn also.

Provito In Altum

NO SAM !!!!!!!! again your posts were a reason i came on this forum in the first place can everyone CHILL OUT (sorry for shouting)
My reasons for calling it a day are my own and they will stay as such. My mind is made up, once I have made a decision I will stick with it until the bitter end.
I just can't deal with the drama at the moment. Why did it all have to kick off this morning??? I tried to be calm over it, but it has gotten TOO MUCH. :(
My reasons for calling it a day are my own and they will stay as such. My mind is made up, once I have made a decision I will stick with it until the bitter end.

come on .....we can all sort this out I appreciate your reasons are your own but TOM you are an inspiration for many on here...I especially love the advice and support you give the parents with teenagers..... surely that is worth something
I just can't deal with the drama at the moment. Why did it all have to kick off this morning??? I tried to be calm over it, but it has gotten TOO MUCH. :(

i know how you feel sam the drama gets too much especially if its not constructive but sam alot is going haywire so please Deep Breathe ....keep calm x
Think this has got out of hand a bit. I thought it was resolved in the Sam's thread and that it had been sorted out.

This is the problem with messages rather than face to face chats.

Sam, you don't need to go anywhere, before you take the stand and say you are off, please think about it, you are a big player on this forum and you will be sorely missed and I think the use of the wording was misunderstanding between different ages. I agree with Bev in that children use this forum but I can see why you wrote what you did, because you were hiding the real word but unfortunately these days kids do know what it means and they do copy and would think it ok but unless I had a child of a certain age then I wouldn't have thought about it like that. So please reconsider.

Tom, I realise you are going to scorn and derise me (not sure what the second word means but doesn't sound so good) but think you are jumping the gun here. Can't think of any army terms here. We have all followed your pump journey and now it is so damned near you can't jump ship (navy term possibly) and swim off into the sunset now. I won't beg you. We all have to respect each other's wishes but us mum's need to know how you get through uni etc with diabetes and a pump, our kids are not that far behind you really.

Bev and others (including me) have our views as do you and we all should just be able to have a blip, say our bits and move on, not move off, we are all adults after all .................😎
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Adrienne I thought it was sorted too, obviously I was wrong. But I don't think I can be a part of this community at the moment, and I really would like an apology. I have been upset greatly by this whole thing, which isn't good. Until that happens, and I have calmed down, then I don't think I'll be around yaknow.
come on .....we can all sort this out I appreciate your reasons are your own but TOM you are an inspiration for many on here...I especially love the advice and support you give the parents with teenagers..... surely that is worth something

Am, I am now past the point of no return. Perhaps I may have done some good, I will concede that. However, I will not come up short upon the commitment that I have made to myself.
Very sorry to see you go

I am extremely sorry that is the decision of Tom and Salmonpuff - I have in no way got involved in the personal element of the posts - as I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion and welcome them. My only stance is one that applies to absolutely everyone and the bad language issue.

We are very, very sorry to see you go and can only hope that things work out well for you both.

You input on this board has been invaluable. Many thanks, Admin xx
Take time and have a break. Sometimes feelings run high , and this can sometimes be a difficult means of commuincation.

From personal experience, I know some language upsets some more than others. Having had people round me that do heavy engineering jobs, the air can get quite colourful very quickly, so I have learned to ignore it, but others can't switch it off quite so easily.

I would suggest everyone has a think and comes back in a few days or a week to see how they feel. I should hate to loose good friends and good advice for the sake of something said in the heat of the moment!
Adrienne I thought it was sorted too, obviously I was wrong. But I don't think I can be a part of this community at the moment, and I really would like an apology. I have been upset greatly by this whole thing, which isn't good. Until that happens, and I have calmed down, then I don't think I'll be around yaknow.

Fair enough. I really think you should think about it though. None of it was said nastily and it was just a request from a mum, nothing more, it certainly wasn't said to upset you in any way. I think you have read into this wrongly, I know Bev well and believe me she doesn't have a malicious bone in her body, seriously. 😛 (I like that smile best)
Am, I am now past the point of no return. Perhaps I may have done some good, I will concede that. However, I will not come up short upon the commitment that I have made to myself.

Tom a good soldier also know s when to retreat and rethink his stragegies please rethink yours xxx
I am extremely sorry that is the decision of Tom and Salmonpuff - I have in no way got involved in the personal element of the posts - as I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion and welcome them. My only stance is one that applies to absolutely everyone and the bad language issue.

We are very, very sorry to see you go and can only hope that things work out well for you both.

You input on this board has been invaluable. Many thanks, Admin xx

Hi admin, this is preciseley the reason. My language was not bad in the slightest. I did not swear. This is just an issue that has gotten out of hand! My language certainly was not bad! I did not swear and I will stand by that fact!

The point is that now I feel I have to leave before I get banned for saying something I shouldn't! Like for language that someone sees as being bad when it actually isn't.

I might be back. I don't know. If I come back it will be because I feel that things have calmed down. Right now, its too intense for me. I have a gig to leave for in 5 minutes, and I want to enjoy myself, not be bogged down with worry over this :(
Tom, I realise you are going to scorn and derise me (not sure what the second word means but doesn't sound so good) but think you are jumping the gun here. Can't think of any army terms here. We have all followed your pump journey and now it is so damned near you can't jump ship (navy term possibly) and swim off into the sunset now. I won't beg you. We all have to respect each other's wishes but us mum's need to know how you get through uni etc with diabetes and a pump, our kids are not that far behind you really.


Derision generally isn't a good thing. In essence it means to mock. If people do want to know about university I'm sure there are plenty of other people out there who have gone through the same as I have. There will be other means of contacting me should people want to know about unveristy life and diabetes, however, they will not involve these forums. As for my pump, well, there are other places I can seek advice. Just not on here.

I have been tried in the court of public opinion, this is a court from which no defendant emerges with a not guilty verdict. Those that fight back against it are often shot down in flames, this is something that my pride will not allow. I do not do reappearances after I have said that I am going. I don't go back on my word.
Not sure what to say.

I am very saddened about how this has esculated (sp?). Tom and Sam I really hope neither of you leave the forum, you would both be greatly missed. Hopefully in a couple of days all involved will be able to see things in a bit more perspective. Everyone is entitled to there own views and we have to be respectful of each others feelings.

This forum gives so much support to so many people particularly when we are feeling really low and things are going badly.
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