So how do you really feel about your control?

So how do you really feel about youre control?

  • (I'm Type 1 and) I have excellent control! Go me!

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • (I'm Type 1 and) Yeah, I'm happy with my control :)

    Votes: 6 10.2%
  • (I'm Type 1 and) Well, it's not exactly what I'd call good, but it aint too bad either

    Votes: 19 32.2%
  • (I'm Type 1 and) It's just not good enough, damn it. Must try harder.

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • (I'm Type 1 and) It's terrible! I'm a bad diabetic, bad bad diabetic.

    Votes: 4 6.8%
  • (I'm Type 2 and) I have excellent control! Go me!

    Votes: 5 8.5%
  • (I'm Type 2 and) Yeah, I'm happy with my control :)

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • (I'm Type 2 and) Well, it's not exactly what I'd call good, but it aint too bad either

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • (I'm Type 2 and) It's just not good enough, damn it. Must try harder.

    Votes: 8 13.6%
  • (I'm Type 2 and) It's terrible! I'm a bad diabetic, bad bad diabetic.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So how do you really feel about youre control? Tell!

My last posting kinda inspired me, ok so everyone's giving advice about we should do, but how many of us, are as good as the advice we actually give? I mean, I know what I should do, I just kinda don't do it?

I like to think that there are other people that struggle too (and that I'm not the worst in the world). Also that there are people that don't and one day I won't either. Also, if you do have good control? Did you ever have really bad control? How long did it take to get ther?

So I thought I'd do a poll to find out? So vote in the poll to which one is closest to the truth, (and feel free to discuss as usual)
My HbA1c has gone steadily down since I was diagnosed, but not fast enough. I didn't bother trying to control my diabetes for a very long time. In fact it's only last October that I went on a DAFNE course and since then I've been trying. It's so much harder than it sounds when you read about it in leaflets or when doctors talk about it. They make it sound like all you have to do is take the right amount of insulin at the right time (with type 1) and it's all sorted. They make you feel like the only reason people have bad control is because they're lazy or stupid or don't eat right. In fact there are so many factors to juggle, many of which you can't control. Other medication, insulin resistance, emotions, exercise, change in routine, your liver getting up to mischeif with glucagon, hypo rebounds, etc.

My control has got a lot better since DAFNE, though sometimes I miscalculate and end up with highs. I can't control my morning sugars as that's all down to my pesky liver. I would say I'm getting there but with so many factors to fight against I don't feel like a failure for not getting it totally right.
Great idea for a thread!

I think it's as important to look at how people feel about their control rather than just how good the numbers are. For example someone may have a an A1c of 8% and be gutted because they normal have A1c's in the 5's, a different person may get 8% and be over the moon because their last was 15%. same number completley different feelings about it.

On to me, my last A1c was higher than previous but it was in the range that my team; especially my DSN wants, so she was more happy than me. I have found it difficult that my team wants more relaxed control yet at the same time I have recently been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy.

I have had a time about 2 1/2 years ago when i didn't have good control and didn't feel well with it, was hospitalised for a week with high blood suagrs.

Im more relaxed with my control now, especially when it comes to correcting, I tend not to correct until alot higher, whereas before I'd correct anything above target. My biggest problem is with insulin dosing, i carb count but have a difficult carb ratio menaing I'm very sensitive to insulin,making dosing hard sometimes. I'm reasonably happy with my control.

edit: just realised that although this was supposed to be about feelings, rather than numbers i can't seem to get away from them.
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I was so determed

I was dianosed in April last year - type 2 slightly over weight my fault probably. (or it could be just inherited Grandma & Mother)

I was / am trying to start a family and my first thought was 'I'm now not going to be able to have children'

The Doctors told me with the right control there was no reason I could not start trying again once everything was under control. (I lost two little souls back in 07 which the Dr's have since told me was probably down to diabetes)

I lost 2 stone in 3 months and brought my HbA1c down to 6 ( sugars 23 when diagnosed, HbA1c 8.3). I have lost 3 stone in total now and my HbA1c is now at 5.5.

My consultant gave me the go ahead to start trying again in July and has now run some fertility test (results tomorrow and I feel sick with fear/worry).

I have been so good with changing my diet completely and ensuring I eat the right so of food (I have little treats still now and again), making sure I exercise more (which I did a lot of before being diagnosed), and hopefully I will continue with this, even if I don't finally get what I want more than anything in life.
I am all still a bit confused by it all. I am diet and exercise controlled and am doing everything I should in terms of diet and exercise. However, as I am testing using Diastix and to date have had no positive readings (which I assume is good) I cant really tell what foods or exercise does what to my sugar levels. For example - does my running lower my levels - do certain carbs push them up? I have to make an appointment to see GP shortly (am putting it off as I also have to have blood test and they are going to measure EVERYTHING and I hate blood tests) so I am hoping to have a clearer picture after that. If everything has come down then I must be doing the right things - yes? I am also going to ask for a meter so at least I can maybe see what's what - even though it will probably take a while for me to pluck up the courage to use it! 😱
Itis still all a mystery to me too. SOme say go for between 5 and 8 and others say go for between 4 and 7.

If I am below 8 I'm happy enough, if I go below 5 I start to feel kinda odd, but that is just me. These boards are great, but not everyone has access to them and the level of support we have here.

At the moment mymood is diabetes sucks, how do I get rid of it without too much effort...
i wish i was consistent sometimes i have good control but then for no reason it all seems to go tits up and it can be really hard to sort it doesnt seem to take much to up set my the moment i agree with caroline diabetes sucks
Me too. Just trying to get my diet and portion control is so hard.I get a day when my sugars are great but then I have something new and they're up again. It's a real struggle
Dizzydi-so sorry for your losses and praying you get the results you want tommorrow. 🙂Also well done on the fantastic weightloss and HbA1c!
Definitley need to try harder!!

My Control is terrible! (I'm a controlled by diet and exercise type 2er). It was really bad over xmas / new year (as in no control at all!) and consequently my numbers were very high 😱 Also as a consequence I clearly have too much sugar in my urine and have had very bad episodes of itching and soreness down below 😱

I'm doing my best to get back to a good diet, but really need to start the exercise again too - but it is so darn cold, that there is just no willpower to get to the leisure centre!! I have plenty of incentive, just no willpower!!

What frustates me a bit, is if I smoked 20 a day and wanted to give up, the NHS are falling over themselves to help me, both in terms of aids and emotional help, but for help with sticking to a good diet and exercise, when you have Diabetes, there seems to be nothing. 😡
Join the club felinefan! I need someone with a cattleprod to chase me round the block then stand in the kitchen door way so I can't get past! Do you think we could get that on the NHS?
LOL, no sunflower, but they could start with a free equivilent of Weightwatchers/Slimming World, where you'd have counsellors on hand for the emotional support too...but hey that's just a pipe dream! :(
Hopefully I control it, not the reverse. Doing a trial with some change of diet at the moment, but have to be careful as some of the bi-product is anti social.

Hope tomorrow's news is good
Just take each day as it comes, allow youself bad days. people without diabetes have bad days so I'm dam sure we are allowed them, be kind to yourself. try not to beat yourself up when results are high. Oh that sounds good advice I might just follow what I've just wrote. Julie T
"(I'm Type 1 and) It's just not good enough, damn it. Must try harder."
How I feel about my control

I think too much importance is placed on HBA1Cs. After all, they are only an average over a period of time. My level may be around 12 for a day and then 2 the next and the HBA1C looks fantastic at 7! I think it's more important to look at your levels on a day to day basis AND RECORD THEM (though I know this is so time consuming) but it really is a better way of showing any patterns and can help to improve the control. Heb
I think too much importance is placed on HBA1Cs. After all, they are only an average over a period of time. My level may be around 12 for a day and then 2 the next and the HBA1C looks fantastic at 7! I think it's more important to look at your levels on a day to day basis AND RECORD THEM (though I know this is so time consuming) but it really is a better way of showing any patterns and can help to improve the control. Heb

I think they're both important. As you say, the day to day readings let you know about any swings and the HbA1c gives a good indication of overall control in the absence of swings. My readings tell me that 89% of the time that I take them I am within range, so I'll be interested to see if the HbA1c backs that up, or if it implies I'm going high when I'm not taking readings - if you see what I mean!🙂
I think they're both important. As you say, the day to day readings let you know about any swings and the HbA1c gives a good indication of overall control in the absence of swings. My readings tell me that 89% of the time that I take them I am within range, so I'll be interested to see if the HbA1c backs that up, or if it implies I'm going high when I'm not taking readings - if you see what I mean!🙂

I agree that both are important for the same reasons as northener. I did a CGMS for 3 days and it showed that I was between 4-10 86% of the time which I was pretty pleased with. It's good to see whats happening when you aren't testing. If you get a chance to do it's worth it, very interesting.
I think too much importance is placed on HBA1Cs. After all, they are only an average over a period of time. My level may be around 12 for a day and then 2 the next and the HBA1C looks fantastic at 7! I think it's more important to look at your levels on a day to day basis AND RECORD THEM (though I know this is so time consuming) but it really is a better way of showing any patterns and can help to improve the control. Heb

I agree. HbA1c can be misleading as it is dependant on how long your red blood cells live, which varies from person to person, and can be affected by other ailments such as anaemia. I had the devil's own job persuading my gp that my glucose levels were much too high because my HbAic was only 7.2. When I finally got referred to the hospital my consultant said that, based on my self tests, my HbA1c should have been about 9 - I just must have unusually short lived red blood cells.

Now that I'm on insulin my control is much better and my last HbA1c was 5.6 (however applying a correcting factor to allow for my unrepresentative tests this should be about 6.7).
This forum is great, and all the users are wonderful, but we are all busy people too, with lives to lead. It would be nice if the NHS provided a group a little like weight watchers that met on a semi regular basis (once every 2 or 3 weeks). It would be a great way of making new friends who have to deal with the same thing, and to be able to chat face to face. I like face to face chats.
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