Sleepless Nights

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Old Holborn

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I go through periods of sleepless nights. Can go months with no problems then for nights on end no sleep at all. I've had about six hours sleep since I woke up Sunday morning, just the odd half to one hour nap. It's got to the stage where my eye's are so sore it hurts to close them.

I've tried counting sheep, reading, playing the sound of singing Whales, making the bedroom as dark as possible and many other things.

So happy crew what do you suggest ?
Do you have a bedtime routine? Might help if you have a routine. If you shower before you go to bed, try a relaxing bath instead.

We have recently started doing things like turning the TV off an hour before we want to go to bed. Is your bedroom not too hot and not too cold? How noisy is it?

Hope sleep improves for you.
SHould have said, I moved this to the general message boards, you will get more response.
I think Caroline is spot on i have started putting the t.v of 20 minutes before i go to bed so i can wind down i just sit on the sofa reading the tv magazine or the days paper, it relaxes me and means i usually get a more disturbed sleep, i often have a bad nights sleep if i have gone to bed very giddy still having the sounds of the tv running through my head does not help.Do you have a bath near bed time i do and i lie in it a good 40 minutes and relax mind you sometimes i have fallen asleep in the bath lol .You will get plenty advice/tips in here so dont despair help is at hand x
Do you have a bedtime routine? Might help if you have a routine. If you shower before you go to bed, try a relaxing bath instead.

We have recently started doing things like turning the TV off an hour before we want to go to bed. Is your bedroom not too hot and not too cold? How noisy is it?

Hope sleep improves for you.

Bed 11pm, read for an hour, live at the far end of a Cul-de-sac with no one under 55 so no noise. Due to other health reasons unable to take a bath :(, have assisted showers. No central heating but bedroom warmth ok.
I wish I could help you mate, I'm having the same problem. The other night I went to bed at 11:30, maybe got some fitful sleep around 3:30 and woke at 5, so got up. Been like that for about 5 nights and getting really fed up with it. I sleep well if I've had a drink, but don't really want to use that method too frequently.

Hope it's better for you tonight.
You lot know more now than my own family. Never thought I would reveal that to anyone.

Thank you for taking us into your confidence.

Some folks find recordings of things like waterfalls and rivers, or the sea relaxing, but they make me want to visit the bathroom more often or there are things like birdsong and the wind in the trees that are quite relaxing. You can get them from places like Amazon and New World Music.

A couple of glasses of wine help me sleep too, but I try not to go down that route too often.
A couple of glasses of wine help me sleep too, but I try not to go down that route too often.

Stopped the booze on 16 June 1980, the day when my doctor told me my health problems had started. One glass of wine with Xmas lunch in 2000.

The sickening was in August 1980 my sister and her husband bought a Freehouse pub. 😡
Stopped the booze on 16 June 1980, the day when my doctor told me my health problems had started. One glass of wine with Xmas lunch in 2000.

The sickening was in August 1980 my sister and her husband bought a Freehouse pub. 😡

I can empathise, I was diagnosed just before the biggest chocolate festival of the year EASTER!
I have a hard time getting off to sleep, as soon as I switch off the telly and the lappy all I can hear is the bleeding tinnitus. It's so loud it wakes me up too, often 3 or 4 times a night. Sometimes I get up more tired than I was before bed.

I do have a routine before bed, I have a hot drink and do some relaxation yoga techniques that help me unwind.
all I can hear is the bleeding tinnitus. It's so loud it wakes me up too, often 3 or 4 times a night.

Luckily I've only got background tinnitus, so not affected very much by it. It's mostly in the daytime mine plays up.
Mine's there 24/7, no respite. I driving me nuts but I finally whinged so much that the doctor is referring me to a specialist for a consultation. Now all I have to do is wait for the appointment.
I've tried counting sheep, reading, playing the sound of singing Whales, making the bedroom as dark as possible and many other things.

So happy crew what do you suggest ?

Def TV off so I'm not thinking about what I've just seen, ditto reading anything at all for a while before bed.

Also I find having a warm (not HOT) bath with a few drops of lavender oil in it makes me feel nice and cosy and drowsy (and you don't wake up smelling of lavender in case you're worried - as a chap I mean).

I know how it gets though - chasing sleep (not sheep) is so annoying.
Def TV off so I'm not thinking about what I've just seen, ditto reading anything at all for a while before bed.

Also I find having a warm (not HOT) bath with a few drops of lavender oil in it makes me feel nice and cosy and drowsy (and you don't wake up smelling of lavender in case you're worried - as a chap I mean).

I know how it gets though - chasing sleep (not sheep) is so annoying.

Here I am folks, it's nearly 4am
Is it worth having a chat to your doctor? Most don't normaly like to prescribe sleeping pills as they can be addictive, but if you have tried everything else and nothing has worked it's worth a try. Maybe just have something for one or two nightds in the week?
Is it worth having a chat to your doctor? Most don't normaly like to prescribe sleeping pills as they can be addictive, but if you have tried everything else and nothing has worked it's worth a try. Maybe just have something for one or two nightds in the week?

Got an appointment with my GP on Monday, will tell him to write a script.

Managed to get nearly 5 hours sleep.
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