Sleepless nights

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I had a rubbish night's sleep last night. Went to bed around 11:30 and was still tossing and turning at 2 am, then I may have got a little sleep until about 4:30 but couldn't get back to sleep again. My sugar levels were normal before bed - 7.3 and I woke to 5.9, so it wasn't anything to do with that I don't think.

Just wanted to moan, I know it's not the end of the world!😱🙄
I'll join in with the moan, rubbish night's sleep too. Working late so bed at 1am, then hypo 3am. Hadn't had dinger so the combination of hypo and dinner meant I over treated far too much so kept awake buzzing on the sugar! Just got up, bg 10, grrr. Hypo headache too.
ill also join in up at 12 and 2 and 5 with poorly son, then hyper about 8ish (15.4) earliest ever hyper ive had as well dam marmite!
Does anyone else find that when they are tossing and turning and can't seem to go back to sleep that it takes a long time to test to check if hypo? I will think after a while that maybe I am hypo and thats why I can't get to sleep, but I can't summon the energy to wake myself up properly and test.
I hope everyone is feeling better. We all have bad nights from time to time. Eveyone here worries if I don't get out at least once a night for the bathroom!
I always get out at least once during the night, more if I am high

Sometimes I can hang on, but I'm up most nights around 4:30! Better than the three or four times in the first few months after diagnosis though, so I guess my levels are pretty stable now generally.
Isn't this like the question most nurses should have learnt never to ask diabetics 'can you provide a sample - now?' isn't the answer always 'yes'???

The upside of a poor nights sleep on a Friday or Saturday night is of course you have the next day where you can take it easy, or for me, I really push myself in the afternoon, typically a very long walk with the dog (taking precautions for hypos - just in case I have to think 😛) and then hopefully that night the combination of a previous poor nights sleep, plus the extra exercise from during the day, well, I sleep like nothing before.

Only problem is, if you have autonomic neuropathy in your bladder, you need a very good empty before you hit the world of nod.

My lodger, one Mr Bruce never seems to have a problem sleeping, except when it's cold and usually around half an hour before the heating is supposed to come on (new boiler on Thursday this week :D) when he wants tucking under his fleece because he's cold - who is who in this house I don't quite know 🙄...

Hope you all sleep well tonight. Oh and Northerner, if you get those images of KB out of your head before you hit the pit, it might just help 😉
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don't know why but my sleeping pattern is out the window I'm sleeping for 4 hours at a time ,
i can go to sleep OK but i then wake 4 hours l8tr have to get up for a bit then try again and get another 4 hour ,don't know why doc has`nt a clue either
Welcome to my world Northe, that's how my sleep is every night :D
Does anyone else find that when they are tossing and turning and can't seem to go back to sleep that it takes a long time to test to check if hypo? I will think after a while that maybe I am hypo and thats why I can't get to sleep, but I can't summon the energy to wake myself up properly and test.

LOL! Definitely! Crazy isn't it!

Northe, sorry to hear you can't sleep - must be something in the air - I had the same Saturday night - woke up at about 3am due to dog barking and someone coming in late - GGGrrr. AT 5pm, gave up trying to get back to sleep and got up. However, after tiring day yesterday, went to bed at 8pm (Can't remember the last time I went to bed before midnight!). Woke off and on, but went straight back to sleep to wake at 8am! However, I know why I can't sleep - thinking about family probs and yet another crises etc.

Do you have vivid dreams? I keep having recurring theme (one of several) - wading or swimming through water (perhaps it's a message to get up and use the loo!)
I have had rubbish sleep for about the last week, I think 'cause I have so much onmy mind. I don't think I have had more than 2 hours sleep without waking up. I am tempted to take some herbal nytol tonight, but I have had a really bad night-hypo once after taking it. I guess I did not wake up as quickly as normal. I might eat something before going to sleep and just have higher sugars for a night.
I have had rubbish sleep for about the last week, I think 'cause I have so much onmy mind. I don't think I have had more than 2 hours sleep without waking up. I am tempted to take some herbal nytol tonight, but I have had a really bad night-hypo once after taking it. I guess I did not wake up as quickly as normal. I might eat something before going to sleep and just have higher sugars for a night.

Sounds like a plan. sometimes I get up and write everything down than I'm thinking about, if it's a 'must remember to this and that' type thing. seems to help, because i know I can forget about it then.
Only woke up twice last night - hurray for calms tablets

Glad to hear you got some sleep!

I had another totally rubbish night last night:( I've decide it's because I've been far too lazy lately, so have been out for a run today for the first time in ages. Hopefully that will help me sleep tonight and help my levels too, as they have been creeping up lately.
That sounds better Rachel!

Are you sure it's not because your already getting excited about Father Christmas coming Northener? Haven't been out for a run for a while, what with cough, cold, then another virussy thing. Have been out walking tho'. Have noticed levels going up too. :(
I'm on nights at the moment so just woken up, night nurse definatly helps me to sleep.
Katie I used to find that I could sleep best between 6-11am, which was fine when I wasn't working.
I'm on nights at the moment so just woken up, night nurse definatly helps me to sleep.
Katie I used to find that I could sleep best between 6-11am, which was fine when I wasn't working.

Yes, that's how it seems to be at the moment, but don't think it helps with my levels! and I end up really tired the days I do work. Need to try harder!
I must be lucky because I've never had a rubbish night's sleep in my entire life - not that I can remember anyway! 🙂
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