Sleeping tablets..?

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hi emma cant offer much advice but i am going though the same problem at the moment {{{hugs}}}
If it hasn't already been suggested, keep a diary. Write in it about an hour before you plan to go to bed if you can, and write down all the worries you have. Hopefully then, when you go to bed you wont be sitting worrying about things and will find it easier to go to sleep. You can then review the diary once a week or once a fortnight and see if anything has worked itself out.

Another alternative is if you have afriend or someone who could stay with you once a week and have a sleeping aid then.

I hope it gets sorted and you get a good nights sleep.
well done em you should be proud of yourself i must admit i didnt get past the OW THAT HURT xxx i have had to use sleeping tablets in the past and the effect on me the next day was strange you feel totally out of touch i certainly couldnt drive ...but thats me and everyone is different i would advise to speak to nurse or gp before buying anything over the counter. lavander oil in your bath if you get a chance for a soak and just try and clear your mind a little when starting to sleep... try and remember when you had a lovely sleep and what it felt like falling asleep then .
You have got alot on your mind and your hormones, sleep patterns,, engery levels, eating habits all go a bit haywire when you have a baby plus you have the D so good luck x

Thank you, I have to admit I'm basically ignoring my diabetes at the min I don't really have time for the tight control I'd gotten used to whilst I was pregnant :( I slept fairly well last night when I eventually drifted off so I think I'm going to stay away from the sleeping tablets for now. Thank you for all the advice last night 😉 x
If it hasn't already been suggested, keep a diary. Write in it about an hour before you plan to go to bed if you can, and write down all the worries you have. Hopefully then, when you go to bed you wont be sitting worrying about things and will find it easier to go to sleep. You can then review the diary once a week or once a fortnight and see if anything has worked itself out.

Another alternative is if you have afriend or someone who could stay with you once a week and have a sleeping aid then.

I hope it gets sorted and you get a good nights sleep.

That's a really good idea caroline thanks I think I will use it later x
hi emma cant offer much advice but i am going though the same problem at the moment {{{hugs}}}

Thank you ((((Hugs)))) back to you too 😉 hope your able to sleep better soon x
HI Emma - I was just wondering how you are getting on? Are you managing to sleep any better?

I find even when I am tired it takes me ages to get to sleep, ages ago I started seeing if I could count to a 1000, and that sort of worked as I never remember getting that high... now I get past 1000 and work backwards lol.. i tried the old counting of sheep but that didnt work lol and then one night i went 10 sheep, 10 goats, 10 horse, 10 giraffes etc... then I found I was searching for different animals to count!!! but every night I now count and can't get out of the habit and I am sure that keeps me awake (with my eyes closed), but if I don't count then I find myself thinking breathe in, breathe out...

I do have sleeping tablets (zopiclone) and I take them as and when I want, 1/2 a tablet works fine for me when I need a good sleep for a solid few hours and they work well.

Hope that you get some sleep..
Hi Guys,

Don't know what is wrong with me over the last few days but whenever I get into bed although I am absolutely shattered I sit there thinking for about an hour and then after that I relax a bit but still can't sleep and it is driving me mad. I need to get some shut eye so that I have enough energy to deal with jessica and at the minute I'm really struggling I keep crying because I'm just so tired. Anyway my question is do any of you use sleeping tablets and as a diabetic are they a good idea?

Thank you.

Emma x

I suffered very badly from insomnia about 20 years ago. I tried drugs, herbal remedies and various mental relaxation techniques. In the end I found listening to books on tape enabled me to drop off. I would listen to anything from BBC drama productions to unabridged readings of thrillers and non-fiction.

I don't know why it worked but it did. Perhaps it will for you.

I use herbal ones. And never had a problem because my body wakes me up when low. I use them for a couple of weeks to get me back into a good routine then im usually ok until i have a late night then i gotta go bk on the tablets unless i can wake up the following day early.
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