Sleeping tablets..?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Guys,

Don't know what is wrong with me over the last few days but whenever I get into bed although I am absolutely shattered I sit there thinking for about an hour and then after that I relax a bit but still can't sleep and it is driving me mad. I need to get some shut eye so that I have enough energy to deal with jessica and at the minute I'm really struggling I keep crying because I'm just so tired. Anyway my question is do any of you use sleeping tablets and as a diabetic are they a good idea?

Thank you.

Emma x
Hi Emma, there are a few of us who have been having trouble sleeping of late, myself included. I did contemplate some kind of sleeping aid, but I would be worried that it would stop me from waking if I went low, so I have decided against it. I have found that things have improved by trying to stick to a 'normal' day - not staying in bed late, however little sleep I got during the night, and not going to bed too late even if I'm not tired. Eventually, this has resulted in longer periods of sleep. Of course, I don't have a little baby to disrupt my schedule!
i would think a sleeping tablet would not be a good idea... try focusing on not worrying about trying to sleep... i would imagine your day to day life is in J timeat the moment so catch your kip whilst she does if you need to catch up, Sometimes just the physical rest will be good.
Would a herbal remedy do?

The likes of Nytol and other herbal remedies are designed to help you to relax enough to drop off to sleep, but my understanding is that they won't necessarily keep you sleeping if there is something trying to wake you - like a hazard, a child, or a hypo?

I found that the hardest thing for me for a long time after taking steroids (during chemo) was switching off my brain long enough (I was wired to the moon) for me to drop off to sleep. Herbal remedies like Nytol and Valerian helped me. Best to check with your healthcare team though - no idea what impact this might have on diabetics (I 'don't think' I was one then..)

Problem is jessica doesn't really sleep during the day I didn't end up eating any lunch today as a result then had a hypo later. I've had quite a few hypo's lately so would have to make sure that my levels were steady if I was going to take one, it's probably not a good idea but I need to rest somehow.
The likes of Nytol and other herbal remedies are designed to help you to relax enough to drop off to sleep, but my understanding is that they won't necessarily keep you sleeping if there is something trying to wake you - like a hazard, a child, or a hypo?

I found that the hardest thing for me for a long time after taking steroids (during chemo) was switching off my brain long enough (I was wired to the moon) for me to drop off to sleep. Herbal remedies like Nytol and Valerian helped me. Best to check with your healthcare team though - no idea what impact this might have on diabetics (I 'don't think' I was one then..)


thank you karina for your advice
are you breast feeding ? i would still avoid the sleeping tablets cos the way they make me feel next day but everyone is different
No I was but I got an internal infection after the c section and as a result my milk dried up completely :(
I've taken Nytol in the past (pre-diabetes) and it did work well. Emma, can't you put Jessica in a dark cupboard during the day so you can get some rest? Never did me any harm!

(You might guess I don't have children!😉)
No I was but I got an internal infection after the c section and as a result my milk dried up completely :(

oh sorry, i remember now thats a shame i couldnt do it at all so well done for what you did x...have you taken Sleeping tablets before ?
I've taken Nytol in the past (pre-diabetes) and it did work well. Emma, can't you put Jessica in a dark cupboard during the day so you can get some rest? Never did me any harm!

(You might guess I don't have children!😉)


haha I think social services would be called if anyone found out plus if you put her down she starts crying almost instantly, but thank you for making me laugh 😉
oh sorry, i remember now thats a shame i couldnt do it at all so well done for what you did x...have you taken Sleeping tablets before ?

I am pretty proud of myself for doing it as long as I did because it played havoc with my levels but I wanted to give her the best start possible. No never taken sleeping tablets in my life.

haha I think social services would be called if anyone found out plus if you put her down she starts crying almost instantly, but thank you for making me laugh 😉

loved it aswell northe mum used to put me in the barn...not our barn but the one across the road in a neighbours garden!!😱
That sounds like a plan then... Emma - you go to the barn after putting J in Northerners dark cupboard. Problem solved.
loved it aswell northe mum used to put me in the barn...not our barn but the one across the road in a neighbours garden!!😱

parents, who'd have them 😉
That sounds like a plan then... Emma - you go to the barn after putting J in Northerners dark cupboard. Problem solved.

If I could find a barn round here I think I would be tempted. Northerners dark cupboard sounds like a euphamism :D
If I could find a barn round here I think I would be tempted. Northerners dark cupboard sounds like a euphamism :D

Oooerrr missus!!!! :D:D
I am pretty proud of myself for doing it as long as I did because it played havoc with my levels but I wanted to give her the best start possible. No never taken sleeping tablets in my life.

well done em you should be proud of yourself i must admit i didnt get past the OW THAT HURT xxx i have had to use sleeping tablets in the past and the effect on me the next day was strange you feel totally out of touch i certainly couldnt drive ...but thats me and everyone is different i would advise to speak to nurse or gp before buying anything over the counter. lavander oil in your bath if you get a chance for a soak and just try and clear your mind a little when starting to sleep... try and remember when you had a lovely sleep and what it felt like falling asleep then .
You have got alot on your mind and your hormones, sleep patterns,, engery levels, eating habits all go a bit haywire when you have a baby plus you have the D so good luck x
"Time for bed!" said Zebedee...

all this talk of sleep is wearing me out... Night, night everyone 😉
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