Sitting here thinking strange thoughts.....

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I wonder if there are any vets on here who could tell you how to do it properly?
Do animals get Diabetes ?

Yes they do. I know a large dog who has diabetes he has two injections a day. It costs the owner quite a bit of money but he has saved up his money over the past few years and now uses that.sheena
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I'm a vet - diabetes is relatively common in dogs and cats. Probably becoming more sore because of better owner awareness/diagnosis. Most patients/owners cope suprisingly well. Cats blood glucose can rise significantly with stress -eg. chasing it round the house with a lancet so not really worth trying to do a blood test at home to diagnose - better to get a urine sample - can get special cat litter to facilitate this or take it to the vet who can do a blood glucose and also a fructosamine - the equivalent of hba1c, therefore eliminating the stress factor.
Kidney disease is a very common cause of weight loss and increased drinking in older cats so most vets would test for this at the same time.
Thanks Ruth ..

I have an oldish cat she's nearly 13 .. and grieving for her pal .. who tragically I had to have put to sleep 6mths ago .. and I'm still heartbroken .. I have them both since about 5 weeks old.

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