Silly idea but....

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I think UPFs are a bigger problem than processed and it's a shame that they figure large in so many people's diets. Adding nutrition to the school curriculum would be a positive, as would encouraging everyone to be more active. But, as the saying goes, you can take a horse to water...........
How are you going to make everyone go for an hour long walk every night when they have a family to feed, food shopping to do, house to clean and are exhausted after doing two jobs to be able to afford to feed their family?
The world is more broke than UPFs and ignorance.
Time for exercise (and cooking from scratch) is a middle class privilege.
If more and more perople are becoming overweight and becoming diabetic would it not be a good idea to teach nutrition at school and stop making processed food etc and everyone go for an hours walk every night even if its raining?

Nutrition and healthy eating is taught at school. The problem is bigger than that and many factors are social.
If more and more perople are becoming overweight and becoming diabetic would it not be a good idea to teach nutrition at school and stop making processed food etc and everyone go for an hours walk every night even if its raining?
Not all diabetes is caused by lifestyle, though it is a factor in t2 diabetes.

I don’t have the time or the energy to go for an hours walk every night, it would make my chronic fatigue worse. Many working people after work need to go to a second job, do the housework, get the kids to bed, they don’t have an hour to walk.
I think UPFs are a bigger problem than processed and it's a shame that they figure large in so many people's diets. Adding nutrition to the school curriculum would be a positive, as would encouraging everyone to be more active. But, as the saying goes, you can take a horse to water...........
Well I have just found the water after 68 years and have started to drink.!
Not all diabetes is caused by lifestyle, though it is a factor in t2 diabetes.

I don’t have the time or the energy to go for an hours walk every night, it would make my chronic fatigue worse. Many working people after work need to go to a second job, do the housework, get the kids to bed, they don’t have an hour to walk.
I think I was referring to avoidable diabetes but did not say so. I have known my lifestyle wasn't the best but now I am diagnosed type 2 I have had to change my ways. I am still working at 68 and find the walking stops the BG getting too high. Walking/exercise is something I should have been doing all my life of course so a recent convert!
How are you going to make everyone go for an hour long walk every night when they have a family to feed, food shopping to do, house to clean and are exhausted after doing two jobs to be able to afford to feed their family?
The world is more broke than UPFs and ignorance.
Time for exercise (and cooking from scratch) is a middle class privilege.
I wasn't going to make anyone do anything it was just a suggestion- I am just a 68 year old and still working. I shop once a week and clean the house when I feel like it - not often! I cook my meals from scratch but that is fish and veg now which takes 20 mins. Then I need to walk to stop the BG getting above 8.5.
Not all diabetes is caused by lifestyle, though it is a factor in t2 diabetes.

I don’t have the time or the energy to go for an hours walk every night, it would make my chronic fatigue worse. Many working people after work need to go to a second job, do the housework, get the kids to bed, they don’t have an hour to walk.
Yes I was referring to Type 2 really but I should have been more specific. Although I am still working I only have one job and I have recently been diagnosed so have changed my ways somewhat. The walking is the only exercise I can stomach.
As a man housework is done sporadically ie Easter, Christmas and if I am expecting visitors. I clean the kitchen while I wait for my veg to steam. Never eaten so much veg since diagnosis.
Time for exercise (and cooking from scratch) is a middle class privilege.
I do both but I didn't imagine for one moment that it made me middle class. If it does then that's not bad for someone who grew up on a council estate in South Wales.
I do both but I didn't imagine for one moment that it made me middle class. If it does then that's not bad for someone who grew up on a council estate in South Wales.
Are you a single parent of 3 children working 2 jobs to make ends meet?
No, me neither and I have time to do exercise and cook from scratch most nights.
I may have also grown up on a council estate but definitely consider myself privileged to have the time to do this.
Not sure if it makes me middle classed but my point is time to look after one's health is a luxury that many cannot afford.
I'm definitely of the opinion that the vast bulk of us are firmly working class - surely everyone that depends on a wage/salary from employment in order to pay the mortgage or rent for housing and to maintain their basic life ie food, utility bills, transport and clothing (then what ever further expenses to support the lifeSTYLE they adopt are a luxury but not truly essential, hence you just have to drop them if/when you need to) is working class?
I am actually a lord in Scotland (Laird) because my daughter bought me a square foot of land in SCotland which entitles me to call myself a laird. I still work and shop in Lidl but carry an M and S bag!
Reminds me of the morning I was at our LIDL and a smartly-dressed lady with a full trolley was putting things into the boot of a Merc. Everything was packed in Waitrose bags.
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I am actually a lord in Scotland (Laird) because my daughter bought me a square foot of land in SCotland which entitles me to call myself a laird. I still work and shop in Lidl but carry an M and S bag!
My son got himself registered as an ordained minister of some made up internet church and opened a bank account in the name of "Reverand Dishevelled".

The stupid things people do when they're teenagers. Not me of course, I obviously never did anything stupid.😉
If more and more perople are becoming overweight and becoming diabetic would it not be a good idea to teach nutrition at school and stop making processed food etc and everyone go for an hours walk every night even if its raining?
you think it is that simple ?
I don't think people would do an hour's walk every night though. I agree entirely about UPFs but the problem is they are cheap and not everyone can afford "healthy" food. Also if people are working and looking after children they don't always have the time to cook from scratch. I did once speak to a lady on holiday and say this very thing though and she said that she had worked when she was younger and had children and always cooked from scratch. She felt there was no excuse. As I don't juggle work, children and having to cook for everyone I am not going to judge.

It would be a good idea to teach nutrition at school I think.
They do teach nutrition at school @Maz2 It starts in primary school.
Thank you for that info. I wasn't aware of that. We were not taught much when I was at school but, then again, it has been a long time since I was there and things will have changed.
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