Sick and Tired of Type 1

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Might not be an unhealthy way by choice especially at the moment re cost of living, many can’t afford health food right now. My type 2 was triggered by an eating disorder, developed it as I hit puberty and was triggered age 13 into insulin resistance then infertility and by 21 was diabetic. There’s research going on on young type 2 diabetes triggers now so hope risk can be managed eventually.
I was lucky enough to attend the professional conference this year as a patient lived experience speaker and there’s a huge amount of type 1 research in progress, it’s just takes time, you can see some of the topics on research page of the website, also volunteers are needed, if you register as a volunteer you get emails as research volunteers are needed, more lately have been type 1 than type 2 but goes in fits and starts, it’s not all drug trials, there’s lots of other ways to help, listen to episode five of the podcast.
Sorry to hear about your Eating Disorder that must be hard to live with as well.
What point are you trying to make?
I don’t have diabetes. My daughter does. And yes she’s getting great treatment thank you, and that’s because she’s a type 1. Why are you on here the
I don’t have diabetes. My daughter does. And yes she’s getting great treatment thank you, and that’s because she’s a type 1. Why are you on here then if you don’t believe what we say?
I shall go now though as I obviously can’t help you. I do genuinely hope you find someone who can.
7 months sounds good, the next appointment is 10 months away for me as a t2 to discuss the results of my blood tests with the dr.

You are prejudiced in saying t2 is caused by age and lifestyle, those may be factors but it’s a lot more complex than that.

Try actually being classed a t2 before you insult us
Type 1's get insulted all the time, i just made a coment never meant to be nasty bye
n if you don’t believe what we say?
I shall go now though as I obviously can’t help you. I do genuinely hope you find someone who can.
I’m type 2, diagnosed age 21 so clearly not caused by age. My insulin production has been proven to be very low, and losing weight doesn’t make my pancreas produce more insulin. Whilst a lot of type 2s are overweight there’s a lot who are underweight too.

In your first post you said “Type 2 is a life style condition becasue of a persons weight or unhealthy lifebut for many T2s it is not. Why did I get T2 age 21 when loads of other people were older, heavier, worse lifestyles without getting diabetes. Why are there athletes with T2 and people who have never been overweight in their life that have T2? You’re wrong about T2 being a lifestyle condition, lifestyle is simply part of a very complex range of factors.

As for your “T2s get all the help” comment, you’re genuinely just making things up now. As a T2 I had to fight for access to insulin, even with seriously high blood sugars and none of the tablets working. I had to push for access to a specialist service at all, as T2s are typically only managed in their GP surgery.

I’ve paid to fund my own blood glucose testing for most of the last 15 years, because test strips are limited or unavailable for many type 2s and cgm was completely unavailable for T2s until the last few months, when it’s become very minimally available, whereas for a T1 on exactly the same treatment cgm (like freestyle libre) is automatically eligible. I’ve absolutely no chance of an insulin pump as a T2 on insulin whereas a T1 would at least be able to discuss the benefits and make a case for funding. I’ve never ever been on an education course because the carb counting course in my area is only for T1s not T2s.

So please explain exactly where all this superior help is that T2s apparently get over T1s
Read google about type 1 Diabetes and type 2 all i can say have a nice day.
Read google about type 1 Diabetes and type 2 all i can say have a nice day.
I’ve really no clue why you want me to google t1 and t2 diabetes. I know way more than you’ll find on a quick google of the difference between t1 and t2.

Can someone else help me understand what point this poster is trying to make because I’m completely lost.
Sorry to hear about your Eating Disorder that must be hard to live with as well.
Thank you and yes it is but I am now speaking publicly for DUK to try and help other young women like me who have the genetic predisposition to type 2, one of the conference talks last April was on this and was very educational, I am still fighting for remission, have achieved it twice despite being third generation type 2, lived with horrid sugar cravings all my life, I try to go as low GI and carb as possible but have eight different gut conditions that don’t tolerate it so have to muddle along as best I can. Using plant based diet where I can now to keep fat content down as I get pancreatitis and keep to wholefoods diet as part of this much to the disgust of my bowel issues!
Hope you are doing ok today!
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