She has arrived........

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looks fab! When I got mine (Roche) in 2009 they were boasting about the ability to bluetooh inof from meter to pump...take it most pump brands these days have that option on a model too?

.....which brings me onto a random question: what pump brand would you recommend overall, in terms of ease of use, reliability, mod cons and support from the manufacturer? Having only been to one event (2 years ago) where other brands were briefly introduced, I have no real comparison........

Hi Dory, when do you get a new pump/upgrade? I thought this happened every 3 years?
.....mine just lies in bed with (naked) me, even when I toss and turn it doesn't really cause a problem....I have never ripped out a cannula in bed...yet!

yep, me too - and I toss and turn quite a bit! In fact, the only time I've ever had one ripped out was whilst I was doing the hoovering (tubing got caught on hoover handle, cue expletive from me)!

In total, I am on 58 units MDI, so I am hoping to cut down from that.........

Just started running now and I needed to chop 6 units of my 34 to not go hypo, so if I keep that up my TDD should drop dramatically.....

I was on nearly 60u when I was on MDI - I'm now down to 17. 🙂

Hi Dory, when do you get a new pump/upgrade? I thought this happened every 3 years?

well this is how fantastic Surrey and Sussex PCT is. they give you a pump and hope that you never get back to them....I've been on this one for just over 3 years now which I think is terrible as even Roche state that a new one should be given every 3 years! Which is why I'm looking at alternatives. I like the look of the omnipod (no tubing and waterproof!) but not sure what it's like in practice......
Well, that's me 3 days in now and so far its going great.......

My basal rate for the day is 1u/hour, which will change to something different during the DP hours and I think from the morning till about lunch time......

I went carb free from dinner right through to 3 am and I held steady, both Monday and Tuesday I am confident my 1u/h will be ideal there...

It really is amazing how much more effective the insulin is used when pumping.........cant remember the exact figure, but its something like half the insulin you inject when on MDI isn't used...........

So where does it go...........? Probably into creating more weight.........

Done my first proper line and cannula change today, all went well.........

After my basals are correct I will get back to exercising..........cant wait......

congrats NRB. It's amazing the difference a pump makes isn't it! 🙂
Hi Dory, when do you get a new pump/upgrade? I thought this happened every 3 years?

I think my clinic suggested new pump after 4 years in my area (if I remember right that was the duration of the manufacturers warranty). Though I'm not sure who initiates/propels the change. Would be worth asking your pump DSN perhaps?
if I could get in touch with my DSN I would! Unfortunately there are only 2 of them covering my hospital and the area of Surrey it covers and I rarely get to speak with them - there have been many occasions where I've needed advice on something that was worrying me about high bGs. Once, I phoned 4 times over the course of 2 weeks leaving messages and no one bothered to return my call. It's terrible.

But yes, will give them a call and see where I get. I think Roche gies a 3 year guarantee from memory.
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