She has arrived........

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

This is my pump, primed with 300 units of sterile water.......🙂

So far I am really happy with it, its comfy, easy to work, not a bad word to say really...

Got a lot of stuff with it...........specifically a meter that send my BG readings to the pump, another to test for blood ketones as well..........bit of a pain having all these meters, but I will only be using the ketone one when I need to......

I have to return the pump on Monday so they can then work out my basal rate, then on the 21st I go live and need to go in every day till Thursday for training with 4 others, one of which is a 72 year old woman......

Very excited about the future............:D
Excellent! 🙂 Great to hear about the 72 year old too, wonder if she found it difficult to get funding?
Got a lot of stuff with it...........specifically a meter that send my BG readings to the pump, another to test for blood ketones as well..........bit of a pain having all these meters, but I will only be using the ketone one when I need to......

Lol, you need a cupboard dedicated entirely to all that stuff :D We had to have a sort out to free up a little space.

Daughter has your pumps' twin - though in pink 😎
Great news NRB!

Hope you can *finally* tame your DP 🙂
No name as yet, don't know if I will name her, see how it goes............🙂

Alan, I don't think she did find it difficult, she came from the same clinic as me and PCT and they just recently got the go ahead to buy 18 adult and 18 kids pumps, so they were looking for patients to go on them.....

Its a strange and unique circumstance that is local to Scotland at the moment and the opportunity to go on a pump may not come as easy in the future depending on all the politics.......
Looks good NRB 🙂

Keep us updated as to how you go on with her.
Good 4u NRB. The blood g meter talks to the pump & its just one less thing in your head. The amount of numbers you have to deal with ! Realy good luck i know you will like it. 🙂🙂
Fantastic NRB !

I wish you a long and happy life together!
Thanks guys I love it already.........

I haven't read the instruction manual but I think I am pretty familiar with the main functions so far........

Sleeping with it is no problem too, I though it might get damages but does mean I have to sleep with something on in order to clip it on, but that's no big deal really....
Good luck NRB the DP will soon be sorted out! 🙂

It's funny how everybodies introduction to the pump is different. I was given my pump by my DSN shown how to do cannula changes,priming,filling cartridges etc and away I went wearing it pumping insulin on day 1 'actual' pump training other than the manual.....and give me a call if you have a problem!
Thanks guys I love it already.........

I haven't read the instruction manual but I think I am pretty familiar with the main functions so far........

Sleeping with it is no problem too, I though it might get damages but does mean I have to sleep with something on in order to clip it on, but that's no big deal really....

.....mine just lies in bed with (naked) me, even when I toss and turn it doesn't really cause a problem....I have never ripped out a cannula in bed...yet!
.....mine just lies in bed with (naked) me, even when I toss and turn it doesn't really cause a problem....I have never ripped out a cannula in bed...yet!

I am sure i will try it out naked very soon.........

I think if your pump team know your competent enough they are happy to let you do your own thing....

They say at least 30% of my basal will go and that all my insulin/carb ratios will return to 1:1 or 1 unit to 10 grams.....

Have other experienced this.......?
I am sure i will try it out naked very soon.........

I think if your pump team know your competent enough they are happy to let you do your own thing....

They say at least 30% of my basal will go and that all my insulin/carb ratios will return to 1:1 or 1 unit to 10 grams.....

Have other experienced this.......?

They did tell me this, however, I didn't notice any difference with my ratios and my pump basal pattern matched my Lantus on MDI. If anything I now use more insulin. I have put on weight since pumping. So, it might be weight gain/insulin resistance....who knows!
I'm so pleased for you and your pump. My basal dropped from 34 units on MDI to 24 units on the pump.
In total, I am on 58 units MDI, so I am hoping to cut down from that.........

Just started running now and I needed to chop 6 units of my 34 to not go hypo, so if I keep that up my TDD should drop dramatically.....
looks fab! When I got mine (Roche) in 2009 they were boasting about the ability to bluetooh inof from meter to pump...take it most pump brands these days have that option on a model too?

.....which brings me onto a random question: what pump brand would you recommend overall, in terms of ease of use, reliability, mod cons and support from the manufacturer? Having only been to one event (2 years ago) where other brands were briefly introduced, I have no real comparison........
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