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I seem to be alone here in that my DSN just told me to stab the lancet into the removed top part and bin it. Never had a sharps bin as I use a clipper for my needles and bin them too.
ove nvr had bin pigeom i did wat u said you did until a month ago then made use of spare pots
Problem solved!!

I ordered one of those diabetic kit bags off Desang so that I could have spares handy if needed (the carry thingy I got with my meter didn't hold a lot and was a bit awkward) and lo and behold it arrived the very next day! Along with it, the really nice people at Desang had included a free finger pricker - the Accu Check Multiclix along with 24 lancets. As the lancets are in a drum of six and retreat back into the drum after use, they can be disposed of in normal household waste! Added bonus - less painful to use than the one that came with my meter!

So, problem solved - have ordered lancets off e-bay at ?5 for 204!!

Thanks everyone for help and advice.

I ordered one of those diabetic kit bags off Desang so that I could have spares handy if needed (the carry thingy I got with my meter didn't hold a lot and was a bit awkward) and lo and behold it arrived the very next day! Along with it, the really nice people at Desang had included a free finger pricker - the Accu Check Multiclix along with 24 lancets. As the lancets are in a drum of six and retreat back into the drum after use, they can be disposed of in normal household waste! Added bonus - less painful to use than the one that came with my meter!

So, problem solved - have ordered lancets off e-bay at ?5 for 204!!

Thanks everyone for help and advice.


job well done karina x good good
Getting rid of sharps has become quite an irritation these days. When I was a youngster it was glass syringes (that you sterilised by boiling), needles that you sterilised and re-sharpened) and blood test meters had not been invented. I think Mum got rid of the old bits and pieces in a sealed biscuit tin. Over the years first disposable needles came in and then syringes ? these were handed out in small quantities to cover things like holidays, etc. As these became the norm BG testing came in ? again not frequent as you only got 25 -50 strips for six months! In the early 80?s 25 strips were about ?15 to go with your ?200 meter (serious money). Anyway over the years the amount of sharps increased markedly. At first the clinic would take a biscuit tin?s worth but then decided they would not. Eventually I got a sharps box from the nurse at the GP practice. When this was full I would phone up and go in and swap the full box for an empty one. Fine for years. About four years ago some jobsworth at the council decide this practice was unacceptable (this also applied to some chemists who did the same for their diabetics). Why? ? they went for incineration. It was deemed hazardous waste and had to be collected by prior arrangement. You had to get a script for a sharps box and got a tiddler that was good for about two weeks. It was easier to buy them as they come in at ~?1/litre. However getting rid of them is a nuisance. The council only collect on a Wednesday. They say you can leave the sharps box on the doorstep. I am not happy with this as it is in full view of everyone and I am concerned that some kids may pinch/vandalise/etc. it! There was an incident some years ago where someone ended up receiving a minor scratch and ended up having numerous tests for HIV and other infections. Not the sort of publicity any of us wants. It is about 18 months since I last had them collected so I will have to arrange this again when I have a Wednesday to spare. As I said very irritating when the previous system worked well! Change for change?s sake perhaps!
I got my first sharps from the pharmacy but I now ring the environmental health section of the local council who come and collect my full sharps bin and then leave a new one for me. 🙂
Blimey - what a pallava! I have to take mine back to the GP dispensary, as opposed to the pharmacy where I get my prescriptions, and get my sharps box on prescription.
Practice nurse's advice.....

.... was to use an old bleach bottle and chuck it in the bin when full (her reasoning being that it would be child proof due to the locking lid thingy)... I wonder how this would go down with my local council?! 😱

I got my sharp's bin on prescription and my nurse told me to bring it to the surgery for disposal when it's full.
PhilT - I got my sharp's bin on prescription and my nurse told me to bring it to the surgery for disposal when it's full.

Don't let the council know or some jobsworth will interfer. It's what mmakes their lives worthwhile to them alone!
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