Service users' intention towards using mobile health app in hospitals

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It is actually more the term "disease" that I object to, than the chronic bit! I kind of accept the term chronic as being something that is a regular, ongoing issue. I don't see my body or pancreas as diseased! It just a few important little cells that accidentally got killed off. I may be wrong in my understanding of the word "disease"

This meant I had to grab the dictionary and check my understanding and was reminded that chronic also means
"(of an illness) persisting for a long time".

Yes I was somewhat shocked to hear aged 20 that I was now chronically ill (my childhood understanding had been chronic=serious)

I still don’t like the term, but medically it simply distinguishes long-term (chronic) from short-term (acute)
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Yes I was somewhat shocked to hear aged 20 that I was now chronically ill (my childhood understanding had been chronic=serious)

I still don’t like the term, but medically it simply distinguishes long-term (chronic) from short-term (acute)
Talking of childhood understandings, I remember struggling with the concept of "acute" whenever I heard it.
How could you have "a cute illness?"
In my experience an earache or sore throat was never cute and cuddly. Was my Mum calling it "cute" as a way to make it sound less bad?
I just looked up the same thing and came to the same conclusion. But, like @rebrascora I don't like the term. I think I tend to consider a disease as something that gets worse (not part of the OED definition but associations my brain make) and that is not how I see managed Type 1.
I prefer to just call it a chronic condition.
I've only just seen this thread and no I'm not taking part in the survey. I don't think of my diabetes or Pyoderma Gangrenosum as diseases but as chronic conditions that have to be managed. A disease, to me, is something that can be caught and transmitted easily to others.
Also I have zero apps on my phone as I live in a mobile dead area, it's only really on if I am out of the house on a rally with an old car in case I break down. If I am in a hospital I expect those working there to manage things and answer questions rather than having to look things up.
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