Semi Aquatic Mamil

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You must have nerves of steel HOBIE ~ and yes I remember Michael Fish saying people had been in touch with him to ask about a hurricane 😱that was heading towards the UK but he poo-pood it!!! Then it hit us! I don't think he has ever lived it down and of no-one will let him either!:D
I "Turned Turtle" 3 times, That is when the mast is straight down under the water. with a 23ft mast its a stunt to right it. When I got in I had a hypo & was looked after by a Dr who was also competing. I think I won do you :D
I've managed to get a little swimming in now. We went off to Stoke as my daughter is at Keele Uni and the Keele Drama Society were doing The Crucible. The hotel has a swimming pool so I did 1500m on one day and a load of drills on the next. The hotel pool is only 15m long so I had to reset the counter on my watch. I'm also having a day off work today so I went to the Hornsea leisure centre first thing and got another 2.5k in.
I'm hopefully doing a repeat of the start of last year by working on my swimming until the weather improves and I can get back to my bike. I have entered the Lakesman 140.6 triathlon as my 'A' race for 2018 so I have lots of work to do. On the semi aquatic mamil front, For 2019, instead of entering another long triathlon, I have been contemplating attempting to swim 500 miles in a year. I have been doing the sums and of course this works out at nearly ten miles a week, every single week. I would have to do 2k daily or 80 lengths every day. One problem is that there may be days when I can't get to the pool and So I would have to do extra work to get ahead first or spend time playing catch up afterwards. Thinking it over I'm not sure that it is possible for a swimmer of my limited ability although I would expect to have improved a little by the end of the year one would think.
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