Self appointed 'diabetes police'

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Arghhhh! First a warning, this is nothing more than a rant, no pearls of wisdom, no questions etc, purely a rant...

Those of you that saw my earlier post will see I've had a bit of a variable day, a frustrating and disappointing increase in my a1c, yet positive developments with my quest for a pump...

Well, get home tonight and asked by my housemates how the appointment went, most of them suitably sympathetic yet pleased with developments...... except one who responded with, 'well I'm not impressed....' when I probed further she told me that she felt I 'clearly wasn't trying hard enough' and 'there are plenty of different ways to get good control so why don't I try them first'. I tried to explain the reasons behind why I wanted a pump (problems with hypos, better control etc) to which she repeated that I obviously wasn't trying hard enough and start doing more work on controling myself on njections without expecting more help...!

At that point I was pretty speechless and we were interrupted so the conversation didn't continue.

Now I know she was out of order, I'm confident in what I'm doing, in that she doesn't really know what she's talking about and know I shouldn't listen to her.....yet I really feel quite upset by the whole thing. I'm trying to reason that she means well but I really can't see it. Just frustrated, had managed to take something positive out of today yet I didn't seem to even be allowed that!


If you've managed to read through my rant thank you for listening, know this is probably the one place where peole will know where I'm coming from!
What a &^%^$^^& don't let one person spoil your day... you know what you have been doing with your diabetes and it isn't to be seen as a failure that you go on to use a pump.. what planet is this person from...
That is shocking! I'm not surprised you were upset, what a horrible thing to say to someone, especially when she has no clue what she's talking about! 😡 The ignorance of some people is just mind-boggling.

I'm glad to see you're getting somewher on the pump front though, that's fantastic news! :D
It's a fact universally acknowledged that some lay people without diabetes know Everything about diabetes and we, who have diabetes and live with it 24 hours are day, are clueless in the matter.
It's a fact universally acknowledged that some lay people without diabetes know Everything about diabetes and we, who have diabetes and live with it 24 hours are day, are clueless in the matter.

Here here (or hear hear - never know which is right). You are correct of course. You are all totally clueless and people like this ignoramus obviously is very clued up in all things diabetes. Perhaps she should become a consultant or DSN. How about it is suggested to her. I will happily do that for you Aymes ! 🙂
Here here (or hear hear - never know which is right). You are correct of course. You are all totally clueless and people like this ignoramus obviously is very clued up in all things diabetes. Perhaps she should become a consultant or DSN. How about it is suggested to her. I will happily do that for you Aymes ! 🙂

Believe it or not, today she applied to become a nurse!
Here here (or hear hear - never know which is right). You are correct of course. You are all totally clueless and people like this ignoramus obviously is very clued up in all things diabetes. Perhaps she should become a consultant or DSN. How about it is suggested to her. I will happily do that for you Aymes ! 🙂

Sadly, I think some of them DO become DSNs and consultants! Don't let one person's ignorance drag you down aymes. I know just how you feel - you know you know more than this person, and want them to be convinced and apologise, but they just won't listen to reason!
Sounds like she was trying the if I say this enough times then you will believe me technique.

It's really horrid when your doing all you can and trying really hard and someone says things like that. Try not to take it to heart and concentrate on the fact you have a nice consultant who is prepared to listen and knows what she is talking about.
Believe it or not, today she applied to become a nurse!

Oh dear God, lets hope she doesn't specialise in diabetes. I presume that now she has applied she will become even more of an expert. Someone to steer clear of or alternatively practice some very sarcastic replies, this is probably what I would do as I just love getting my frustration out on wallys !
I realy hate people who think they know it all,i will be the first to admit that even though ive been diabetic for such a long time i am realy pretty thick and dont know half that i should but what i do see is your posts and others like yours and nobody can try harder then you guys are,infact its all of you that have inspired me to try harder, a few weeks ago i had some one tell me diabetes was easy to manage in fact it was my brother who said it but i just bit my tongue and changed the subject.
There are a lot of 'smarty pants' out there - who know NOTHING! Take no notice of her and just be glad that she is not one of your team!

One of the most annoying things I have found is when some diabetics themselves try to give rubbish advice! You can tell that they dont know much and they stand there trying to give me or Alex advice that we both know is RUBBISH! One woman told me to give Alex 2 pieces of toast and a big glass of milk so he wouldnt go hypo in the night - I pointed out that this would make his levels go far too high and its not what we wanted - but she just said 'well its better than going hypo'! I dread to think what that childs hba1c is. Or you get the 'couldnt care less brigade' who tell you that your over reacting and you shouldnt worry about things until they happen! Alex just gives me a 'knowing' look when this happens!

Northey - if you dare try to correct my apostrophes - I will blow a gasket!😱:D Alex had a horrid day and had his annual bloods done at the GP's and was crying as the nurse was less than gentle - it has put him off! I am going to ask for the 'magic cream' for him next time as I have never seen him in so much pain! He now has 2 puncture wounds in each arm - not impressed! Does it normally hurt?😱🙂Bev
oh dear what an ignoramus, ive had all sorts of comments since my two have been diag recently one of them was 'surely you can control them with diet' well i could have chinned the person but managed not to keep calm and bore them to death with the facts, ive got used to the idea that i will get more pathetic comments like this too and wont be able to explain the facts to eveyone 😡

Hope it didnt ruin your entire day xx
There are a lot of 'smarty pants' out there - who know NOTHING! Take no notice of her and just be glad that she is not one of your team!

One of the most annoying things I have found is when some diabetics themselves try to give rubbish advice! You can tell that they dont know much and they stand there trying to give me or Alex advice that we both know is RUBBISH! One woman told me to give Alex 2 pieces of toast and a big glass of milk so he wouldnt go hypo in the night - I pointed out that this would make his levels go far too high and its not what we wanted - but she just said 'well its better than going hypo'! I dread to think what that childs hba1c is. Or you get the 'couldnt care less brigade' who tell you that your over reacting and you shouldnt worry about things until they happen! Alex just gives me a 'knowing' look when this happens!

Northey - if you dare try to correct my apostrophes - I will blow a gasket!😱:D Alex had a horrid day and had his annual bloods done at the GP's and was crying as the nurse was less than gentle - it has put him off! I am going to ask for the 'magic cream' for him next time as I have never seen him in so much pain! He now has 2 puncture wounds in each arm - not impressed! Does it normally hurt?Bev

I'll correct them instead if you like, save you blowing a gasket (is that spelt right 😉) at Northerner, you can blow it at me or I could just say 'no comment' hehehehehe

I hope Alex is ok. Why was he having his annual review bloods done at the GP anyway and not the hospital, that is odd, and why in March when he was diagnosed in a November !!!!

I'll correct them instead if you like, save you blowing a gasket (is that spelt right 😉) at Northerner, you can blow it at me or I could just say 'no comment' hehehehehe

I hope Alex is ok. Why was he having his annual review bloods done at the GP anyway and not the hospital, that is odd, and why in March when he was diagnosed in a November !!!!

I dont know - the consultant just gave us the forms at last clinic 2 weeks ago and said take this to the gp - they do the annual tests. He had them done on diagnosis and then again last June. I asked for the coeliac test as he is showing some signs - so he said instead of waiting until June again - get them done now. So do you have yours done at clinic?🙂Bev
GRRRRR ANGRY LOUBIE!! How dare she, I know how hard it is and that you need to take the positives from today.
You know what suits you and as you say she knows nothing.
We all know your trying and so do you so thats all that matters!
Forget her as much as you can and focus on the positives as there are some
Thanks everyone for letting me rant, knew this would be the place where people would understand!

Deep down I know you're all right, she's the fool, not me, she's wrong, and even if she wasn't it's none of her business. I'm sure this time tomorrow I'll be saying the same things, just tonight it's managed to upset me!

To be honest, we've probably had a row brewing for a while, guess this is it! Just frustrating, why do some people feel the need to appoint themselves as the expert and judge of everything! Grrrrr is the only answer I have to it all!
There are a lot of 'smarty pants' out there - who know NOTHING! Take no notice of her and just be glad that she is not one of your team!

One of the most annoying things I have found is when some diabetics themselves try to give rubbish advice! You can tell that they dont know much and they stand there trying to give me or Alex advice that we both know is RUBBISH! One woman told me to give Alex 2 pieces of toast and a big glass of milk so he wouldnt go hypo in the night - I pointed out that this would make his levels go far too high and its not what we wanted - but she just said 'well its better than going hypo'! I dread to think what that childs hba1c is. Or you get the 'couldnt care less brigade' who tell you that your over reacting and you shouldnt worry about things until they happen! Alex just gives me a 'knowing' look when this happens!

Northey - if you dare try to correct my apostrophes - I will blow a gasket!😱:D Alex had a horrid day and had his annual bloods done at the GP's and was crying as the nurse was less than gentle - it has put him off! I am going to ask for the 'magic cream' for him next time as I have never seen him in so much pain! He now has 2 puncture wounds in each arm - not impressed! Does it normally hurt?😱🙂Bev
does have it on his harm or hands the blood test /i think it does hurts but last clinic graham didnot have any magic cream and he was better then when he has it
It's a fact universally acknowledged that some lay people without diabetes know Everything about diabetes and we, who have diabetes and live with it 24 hours are day, are clueless in the matter.

yes they know every thing !!!!😡😡
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