seen the diabetic nurse today

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
well today i went to the DN for a check up - she said my BS from the blood test (HbA1c?) was 11 or double what it should be. She has increased my metformin to 4 tablets a day. she also mentioned bayetta but didnt elaborate. i also told her about my leg and she was less than interested. i'm in loads of pain so i dont really know what to do about that. just keep on with the pain killers i suppose.

she also said that more metformin wouldn't really bring my BS down by much only 1%.

also took my daughter for her first art therapy thing today, walking back from there was a bit of a haul, hurt my leg too :(

**thus endeth the moans** :D
Hiya... sounds like not a brilliant appointment?... Would it be worth making an appointment with the GP about your leg? Then you could ask for clarification about whether it was a blood glucose level or the HbA1c she mentioned...

Hopefully the increased metformin dose will have you feeling better soon! 🙂
Doesnt sound like you were given much advice from them then.😱

I would go to the GP about your leg as it cant be right to be hurting you for so long and I also think the high levels will be contributing to the pain - so you need help with trying to get levels down. Do you test your levels? This would be a good start and would give you some ideas of foods to avoid. Your hba1c isnt great and you should have been given advice on how to get it down - not given more pills and told it wont help much. You do really need to start cutting down on carbs and do more exercise as it will help you with your hba1c.🙂Bev
Hi Simon, well at least you know where you stand (even if the DSN doesn't mind it being on one leg!). 11% is high and may be partly responsible for the pains in your leg, so it was a bit remiss of her not to examine the possibilities. I think the max dose for metfrmin is normally 2000mg/4 tablets. After that they will try adding other medications that have a different effect.

Byetta is an injectable medication that can help people reduce their blood sugar levels and also reduce appetite to help in weight loss - we have quite a few members here on it.

You might want to investigate learning more about what foods are good for you and which aren't, plus if possible get more active - both will help you more than the drugs once you have found something you enjoy and can stick with. Don't forget we are here for any questions you may have! 🙂
Hi Simon glad you went to appointment, i agree with bev did not sound like you got alot of help from DSN, just leaving you with no help or advice about your leg grr, hope the increase in metformin helps you out
Regarding byetta im on that and have been since april theres also lizzie53 squidge and thedame on it to my knowledge, like northey says it is injectiblie twice a day 30 mins to an hour before a meal, here is a little bit more info about it ust scroll down past the free meter offer x
urrrg no way could i inject :(
urrrg no way could i inject :(

It's really not as bad as it sounds Simon - far less pain etc. than a fingerprick blood test, if at all! With byetta, you don't even have to do complicated dose calculations either. 🙂
urrrg no way could i inject :(

I do understand the worry of injecting - but if you dont get your hba1c down - you wont have a choice. Needles are tiny these days and 2 year olds have injections - no problem.🙂Bev
work on it simon with diet and excercise along side your meds and i bet you get those figs down .. good luck
I thought that i was terrified my partner had to do it the first 2 times for me but it was mind over matter,i got used to it 3 days in and it really is not that bad, you will hardly feel it at all..
men are big babies are they?

I think it's a valid fear if you really don't know what it entails. Once you know and have tried it then it's less of a problem although still a genuine phobia for some. I think that, personally, I'd had so many injections and catheters (in cluding one up my femoral artery into my heart!) in the week preceding giving myself my first injection I was pleasantly relieved at how simple and straightforward it was!
Simon the injection aren't in great big 'cartoon' syringes any more ...much more sophisticated ...but they wont take you down that road until you've tried the others ...
work on it simon with diet and excercise along side your meds and i bet you get those figs down .. good luck

Like am says, you could try working on your diet more first. Have you been testing to see how certain foods affect you?

men are big babies are they?

I guess this means you have stuck one of Graham's needles in your stomach? 🙂
Imagine how I felt! Although there was one they put in a worse place, which was a bit of a sharp shock when they took it out! 😱

It doesn't get much worse than in the heart Northie, I remember how it felt when they did all the pre meds and checks and then did the stent operation to me, the pre meds and checks all went in through my wrist, but, the actual stent op all went through the groin (is that the femoral artery?) and I was conscious through out the whole op. Fun....😱
It doesn't get much worse than in the heart Northie, I remember how it felt when they did all the pre meds and checks and then did the stent operation to me, the pre meds and checks all went in through my wrist, but, the actual stent op all went through the groin (is that the femoral artery?) and I was conscious through out the whole op. Fun....😱

Yes Jimbo, I was having an angiogram to see if I needed a stent, which thankfully I didn't. Very scary!
Yes Jimbo, I was having an angiogram to see if I needed a stent, which thankfully I didn't. Very scary!

Yeap, been there, done that, great fun 🙄

Sometimes I wish my memory would improve a little faster! :D 'cos as soon as I saw Angiogram it all came back in detail. :(
Like am says, you could try working on your diet more first. Have you been testing to see how certain foods affect you?

I guess this means you have stuck one of Graham's needles in your stomach? 🙂

yes i did i tried in my arm belly and leg the leg was the more painfull one i did do it when i was training my childminder and the teachers as well and with all my operation i had about 30 injection when i was going in ITU i cannot remember a lot i was on morphine but after 6 operation 1 miscarriage and one pregnancy i had my share
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