Seeking Participants for Diabetes Website Study

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Zijie Xie

Relationship to Diabetes
Hi everyone,

I'm a Doctoral Researcher from Loughborough University. I am currently conducting a study on users' experiences with diabetes websites in the UK. This study has been approved by @Cherrelle DUK .

I would love to hear from you if you:
1) are over the age of 18;
2) have been diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes
4) are British or have resided in the UK for more than 10 years.

To thank you for your time, you will receive a £15 Amazon voucher as a token of appreciation.

If you are interested, please fill out the online survey and accept the invitation (no more than 5mins) for an online interview via the following link:

Your contribution will help us better understand the needs and experiences of UK individuals with diabetes when navigating diabetes-related websites. If you have any questions or need more information about this study, please feel free to contact me at:

Thank you for considering participating in this study.

Best wishes,
Zijie Xie | PhD Researcher
Loughborough University


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It is really challenging to recruit enough participants:(:(. Can anybody help me?
A 100 minute interview is a long time and off putting.
A 100 minute interview is a long time and off putting.
Hi, thank you for your message. The interview time is relatively long. The main reason is that participants will be asked to perform search tasks on three diabetes websites, including Diabetes UK. By doing this, we would like to understand the problems and areas of improvement on the diabetes websites.
i have sn i phone but awaiting a new computer, therefore cannot take part until then.
i have sn i phone but awaiting a new computer, therefore cannot take part until then.
Hello there,

Thank you so much for your reply.

I understand that you're currently waiting for a new computer. Not to worry, we have plenty of time for our research project. Could you please give an approximate idea of when you expect to receive your new computer?

The whole research will continue until 2025, so you have ample time to join us for a series of online studies. We're eager to hear your insights! In the meantime, if you're interested, would you be able to register your participation via the link below:

This way, we can keep you updated with any developments and schedule the interview at a time that works best for you once you have your new computer.

Best wishes,
How long will you be conducting your study for? I would be happy to take part but not until the school holidays (22nd July) I am a very exhausted teacher at the minute and wouldn't have time until them. Happy to help then if you still need it.
How long will you be conducting your study for? I would be happy to take part but not until the school holidays (22nd July) I am a very exhausted teacher at the minute and wouldn't have time until them. Happy to help then if you still need it.
Well done being s tescher at the moment is hard enough but with diabetes too. Enjoy your holiday
How long will you be conducting your study for? I would be happy to take part but not until the school holidays (22nd July) I am a very exhausted teacher at the minute and wouldn't have time until them. Happy to help then if you still need it.
Hi, thank you so so so much for your willingness to participate in our study. We completely understand that your current commitments don't allow for additional activities at the moment.

This study is expected to run until the end of August 2023, and our whole research will continue until 2025. Your availability starting the 22nd of July will work perfectly. We deeply appreciate your help, particularly given your busy schedule.

If you do not mind, could you please register your participation and indicate your approximate available date, via the following link:

So that we can send you a reminder closer to the date, as well as all the necessary information you might need to participate.

Thank you once again for your time and generosity. We look forward to meeting with you in July.

Best wishes,
I still need 10 participants with Type 1 diabetes and 8 participants with Type 2 diabetes. I would highly appreciate it if anyone could participate in my online interview. I really really really need your help.

If you're interested and would like to help, could you please register your participation via the following link below:

Thank you so so so much!

Best wishes,
I'm currently conducting two studies.

The one study is to recruit people with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes to join my online interview. As time compensation, you will receive a £15 Amazon voucher as a token of appreciation.

If you are interested and would like to help, you could register your participation here:

Another study is an anonymous online survey. The survey aims to gather initial insights into users' experience of using health websites. It should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. I urgently need more participants over the age of 30 to complete this survey.

If you're interested and would like to help, you can access the survey here:

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at:

Thank you!

Best wishes,
Zijie Xie | PhD Researcher
Loughborough University
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I am very grateful to the many people here who have helped my research a lot.

I still need 5 participants with Type 1 diabetes and 5 participants with Type 2 diabetes. I would highly appreciate it if anyone could participate in my online interview. I really really really need your help🙂.

If you're interested and would like to help, could you please register your participation via the following link below:

Thank you so so so much!

Best wishes,
Just wanted to say I took part in this study today, it’s really interesting and worthy research, I even learned something today about websites that I hadn’t spotted before! It might seem like a long time but it will benefit us as a community long term so do get in touch with Zijie, a truely lovely lady to speak to!
I too found this an interesting research . Zijie helped make it easy and i went over time as i talk too much. it went so fast i did not realise. I hope it improves things for others we are all unique .
If you have looked at this research and haven't taken the next step and signed up, i'd certainly recommend giving it a go. Zijie makes the session very interesting and it has certainly given me a new appreciation of the websites she is interested in and similar websites i use on a regular basis. Hopefully our feedback can help influence future design.
Just wanted to say I took part in this study today, it’s really interesting and worthy research, I even learned something today about websites that I hadn’t spotted before! It might seem like a long time but it will benefit us as a community long term so do get in touch with Zijie, a truely lovely lady to speak to!
@Sarahp, Thank you so so so so much for sharing your positive experience! It's truly heartening to hear that you found the study interesting and educational. Your participation is greatly appreciated, and your encouragement for others to get involved will surely make a significant impact on the research. It was a pleasure speaking with you, and I'm glad that the experience was as rewarding for you as it was for me. Thanks again for your contribution!!🙂
I too found this an interesting research . Zijie helped make it easy and i went over time as i talk too much. it went so fast i did not realise. I hope it improves things for others we are all unique .
I'm delighted to hear you had a positive experience with the study! Time does seem to fly when we're deeply engaged in meaningful conversation. Thank you for taking the extra time to contribute your unique perspective—it's truly invaluable for the research. Every voice, including yours, plays a part in making a difference. Thank you so so much for your participation! 🙂
If you have looked at this research and haven't taken the next step and signed up, i'd certainly recommend giving it a go. Zijie makes the session very interesting and it has certainly given me a new appreciation of the websites she is interested in and similar websites i use on a regular basis. Hopefully our feedback can help influence future design.
It's wonderful to hear such glowing feedback about the research study and your interaction with me! I appreciate your active participation and your eagerness to recommend others to join. Thank you once again for being a part of this!! 🙂
@Sarahp, Thank you so so so so much for sharing your positive experience! It's truly heartening to hear that you found the study interesting and educational. Your participation is greatly appreciated, and your encouragement for others to get involved will surely make a significant impact on the research. It was a pleasure speaking with you, and I'm glad that the experience was as rewarding for you as it was for me. Thanks again for your contribution!!🙂
Your very welcome, truely was a positive experience!
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