Seeing diabetic specialists face to face

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Colin g

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Anyone else waited two years to see a diabetes nurse or doctor. COVID restrictions must be lifted now . Had a phone call from a consultant in February for a few minutes. Apparently diabetic nurse left last may and she was worth her weight in gold . Anyone else in the Sunderland area having same problem?
It’s all phone calls now here
I just opted to change my face to face appointment to a phone appointment.
The default at my hospital based diabetes clinic is to drive around the hospital car park for 15 minutes to find a space and be granted the privilege to pay to park then wait for 30 minutes because the clinic is always running late and have a 5 minutes with the consultant or DSN.
I would rather have a phone based appointment which saves time and money. Regardless, I have get my bloods taken a week prior at my surgery so they have the results they need for the discussion.

So, I can have face to face but don't see the point.
I think I was asked if I would prefer a face to face appointment at some stage during the past year (I think it may have been last October) but to be honest, now that I have Libre I am happier just to have a telephone consultation and they have access to all my data via LibreView, so no need for me to travel down there and pay a fortune for parking for a 10 minute appointment.

Most of the information I need for managing my diabetes is here on the forum and from the data on my Libre, although the DAFNE course run by my clinic was exceptionally good and very worthwhile. I see my check in with the consultant as a bit of a rubber stamp, but I appreciate the opportunity to request a change of insulin if I feel it might be helpful or ask for some new tech etc. or discuss if I am perhaps a bit too cavalier about the number of hypos my Libre records. I know some people rely on their DSN to discuss problems with their levels or changing basal doses or ratios but I am confident in doing all that myself, so my appointment is mostly just a review and an opportunity for me to ask for something I think might help me.... usually something I have learned about on this forum.

I am at Durham hospital so not far away but obviously not the same staff. Not even sure if I have a DSN as I just speak to the consultant a couple of times a year.
Anyone else waited two years to see a diabetes nurse or doctor. COVID restrictions must be lifted now . Had a phone call from a consultant in February for a few minutes. Apparently diabetic nurse left last may and she was worth her weight in gold . Anyone else in the Sunderland area having same problem?
Unfortunately the problem is wide spread as a massive shortage of DSN's and consultants. As I'm independent and manage my diabetes myself I don't need any input very often so my attitude is let someone who needs the face to face have the apt.
I think I was asked if I would prefer a face to face appointment at some stage during the past year (I think it may have been last October) but to be honest, now that I have Libre I am happier just to have a telephone consultation and they have access to all my data via LibreView, so no need for me to travel down there and pay a fortune for parking for a 10 minute appointment.

Most of the information I need for managing my diabetes is here on the forum and from the data on my Libre, although the DAFNE course run by my clinic was exceptionally good and very worthwhile. I see my check in with the consultant as a bit of a rubber stamp, but I appreciate the opportunity to request a change of insulin if I feel it might be helpful or ask for some new tech etc. or discuss if I am perhaps a bit too cavalier about the number of hypos my Libre records. I know some people rely on their DSN to discuss problems with their levels or changing basal doses or ratios but I am confident in doing all that myself, so my appointment is mostly just a review and an opportunity for me to ask for something I think might help me.... usually something I have learned about on this forum.

I am at Durham hospital so not far away but obviously not the same staff. Not even sure if I have a DSN as I just speak to the consultant a couple of times a year.
I was at Durham hospital myself for about 15:years as I worked in Durham .. I don't drive so no problems with parking fees . Last two diabetes nurses I've had have been great . Unfortunately they have both moved on . Very rare I see the same consultant. Normally young students
Anyone else waited two years to see a diabetes nurse or doctor. COVID restrictions must be lifted now
I think it's mixed. My GP surgery doesn't want people going in unless they have an appointment (and appointments are phone first) and the local hospital where the DSNs normally used to see people has big banners outside saying that measures are still in place (so face masks, keep 2m apart, etc.).

By chance my last two reviews have been in person. The first time because I messed up: I thought it was a phone appointment but they sent an SMS reminder telling me about the procedure for a face to face appt so I went in. The last time was in January I think, when I think they'd relaxed things and that was a regular in person appointment (at my GP surgery but with one of the DSNs also present).

No idea what the next one will be like. I think (apart from the usual chronic shortage of staff) there are problems with staff being off sick. It's almost like abandoning all efforts at infection control during a pandemic might have negative consequences.
I have been really lucky in that, apart from one occasion when I initially saw a junior doctor who clearly was just learning about diabetes and knew a lot less than me, I still saw my consultant because the junior couldn't answer my questions, I have always seen or spoken to the same consultant since then. I found it a bit difficult at first to develop a rapport with him but we are both on the same page now and I would be rather upset if he left and/or I saw/spoke to someone else. That said, I am only 3.5 years down the line with my diagnosis so plenty of time for things to change as it no doubt will. I know I am very lucky compared to some people on the forum.
I haven't seen a DSN face to face since a few months bedore Covid. I had a few telephone appointments during Covid but over a year ago they discharged me back to GP care. I've never been under a Consultant.

I manage changes in dosage etc as best i can and come on here for advice or a rant when things aren't going to plan but other than that, i see the nurse at the GP surgery once a year who does my bloods, asks me how i'm getting on (but doesn't seem to listen or understand what i say) and tells me off about my weight.

If i have any major concerns or need a change of insulin, i need to contact the GP to ask for a rereferral then wait for a DSN to get in touch. Last time i needed an insulin change i had to wait around 6 weeks (i think) between speaking to the GP and seeing a DSN face to face, and that was way before Covid. The DSN did ring me in between once, just to see what the problem was.
the nurse at the GP surgery once a year who does my bloods, asks me how i'm getting on (but doesn't seem to listen or understand what i say) and tells me off about my weight.
Ps. The nurse at the surgery is not a DSN, they don't have one based there. Our DSNs in this region just seem to run clinics in certain areas on certain days so you have to try and get the one nearest to you if you need to see them.
Only telephone calls instead of face to face with the consultant and follow ups a few months later with DSNs, for the last couple of years. They are usually quite easy to get hold of should I need to.

First Gp nurse (definitely not a DSN) review this year, didn’t even get a call last year. This years was a complete waste of time. Usually I at least get another set of blood tests. Almost felt like ringing the dept of health and telling them to ask for their money back with regard to this particular appt. She was reviewing 4 month old results that the consultant had already reviewed 🙄
Only telephone calls instead of face to face with the consultant and follow ups a few months later with DSNs, for the last couple of years. They are usually quite easy to get hold of should I need to.

First Gp nurse (definitely not a DSN) review this year, didn’t even get a call last year. This years was a complete waste of time. Usually I at least get another set of blood tests. Almost felt like ringing the dept of health and telling them to ask for their money back with regard to this particular appt. She was reviewing 4 month old results that the consultant had already reviewed 🙄
Had a few like that meself . Ask them about liver and kidney Any problems. Say they don't know . Get bloods done at gp a few times the hospital hasn't received them . One hospital managed to lose 29 years of my notes . Think that was for their benefit used to take two strong bloke's to push the trolley with them on Was told by doctor that that day would be the start of day one
Anyone else waited two years to see a diabetes nurse or doctor. COVID restrictions must be lifted now . Had a phone call from a consultant in February for a few minutes. Apparently diabetic nurse left last may and she was worth her weight in gold . Anyone else in the Sunderland area having same problem?
I'm in West Yorkshire. During Covid I had a telephone consultation with the Diabetes Nurse and then went in for the foot check, blood test etc. Last November I had a face to face meeting. I don't see how they can do HbA1C without you going in.
See what the future brings . I'd rather have a face to face than a phone call. Luckily been stable for a long time now . That could change anytime . Sometimes this diabetes thing sneaks up from behind and floors you
I've never been under a Consultant.

I manage changes in dosage etc as best i can and come on here for advice or a rant when things aren't going to plan but other than that, i see the nurse at the GP surgery once a year who does my bloods, asks me how i'm getting on (but doesn't seem to listen or understand what i say) and tells me off about my weight.
Having been diagnosed in June, I must say the lack of communication from the DSN is one of the biggest things that is affecting my mental attitude to my diagnosis at the moment. I also don't seem to be under a consultant, and I feel this forum has been pretty much the most invaluable tool to me since I was diagnosed. My hospital does have a diabetes helpline you can phone Monday-Friday from 9am - 3.30pm, and having used it a fair few times, this has been of reassurance and help to me - you call, and a nurse will call you back on the same day.

However, getting an appointment to discuss anything other than a general question has been next to impossible, and it's really starting to frustrate me, but I don't know where to go with it. I had a phone call with the lead type 1 DSN the day after my diagnosis in June, but that is only because I rang the helpline as soon as it opened with a litany of questions that they basically just referred me to her to get my anxiety levels down. She was very helpful and gave me loads of info, as well as promising she'd ask consultant about a censor, but then was on holiday for 2 weeks. Next appt, mid July. She then rings on that day and apologises for it being 3 weeks (with many helpline calls in this time) - I think she thought with her being away that someone else would call me, but no-one did. Says she wants to speak to me weekly. Never hear from her again, eventually get paperwork through saying the next appt will be in 1-2 weeks, 2 weeks pass, still no word. By this time have questions about novorapid, so begin ringing the helpline. Explain about the appt situation, nurse asks if I'm just chasing appt. Say no, that I want my questions answered but just haven't had an appt to get the answers I want. Nurse on helpline finds my DSN, and I speak to her - but not a scheduled appt, only because I've pushed for it, and I get my questions answered. DSN says she doesn't think I need another appt until the DAFNE (or my hospitals version) of it this week, which I'm guessing will be a group set up anyway. Also says she will send me her email address. This was nearly 2 weeks ago and I have never recieved it. I'm starting to feel very frustrated with it all, particuarly the lack of sensor that was initally mentioned to me in June. (Realise I sound entitled here, but I am a teacher and in the classroom it would just be so helpful to have). But have no idea where to go really - the helpline is for medical problems so can't ring asking to speak to people unless I have a semi-urgent issue/question.

I feel as though I am just doing the best I can with what I have got at the moment, and whilst I know they are stretched and pushed, a regular appointment at this early stage would be nice, especially when things have been said to you. Sorry for the rant everybody, hearing your own experiences has helped a little, so thank you OP for this thread.
Think a lot of us are left to our own devices these days . It wasn't allways the case back in the day . Guess with a big rise in type 2 diabetes the. Staff pushed to breaking point
Having been diagnosed in June, I must say the lack of communication from the DSN is one of the biggest things that is affecting my mental attitude to my diagnosis at the moment. I also don't seem to be under a consultant, and I feel this forum has been pretty much the most invaluable tool to me since I was diagnosed. My hospital does have a diabetes helpline you can phone Monday-Friday from 9am - 3.30pm, and having used it a fair few times, this has been of reassurance and help to me - you call, and a nurse will call you back on the same day.

However, getting an appointment to discuss anything other than a general question has been next to impossible, and it's really starting to frustrate me, but I don't know where to go with it. I had a phone call with the lead type 1 DSN the day after my diagnosis in June, but that is only because I rang the helpline as soon as it opened with a litany of questions that they basically just referred me to her to get my anxiety levels down. She was very helpful and gave me loads of info, as well as promising she'd ask consultant about a censor, but then was on holiday for 2 weeks. Next appt, mid July. She then rings on that day and apologises for it being 3 weeks (with many helpline calls in this time) - I think she thought with her being away that someone else would call me, but no-one did. Says she wants to speak to me weekly. Never hear from her again, eventually get paperwork through saying the next appt will be in 1-2 weeks, 2 weeks pass, still no word. By this time have questions about novorapid, so begin ringing the helpline. Explain about the appt situation, nurse asks if I'm just chasing appt. Say no, that I want my questions answered but just haven't had an appt to get the answers I want. Nurse on helpline finds my DSN, and I speak to her - but not a scheduled appt, only because I've pushed for it, and I get my questions answered. DSN says she doesn't think I need another appt until the DAFNE (or my hospitals version) of it this week, which I'm guessing will be a group set up anyway. Also says she will send me her email address. This was nearly 2 weeks ago and I have never recieved it. I'm starting to feel very frustrated with it all, particuarly the lack of sensor that was initally mentioned to me in June. (Realise I sound entitled here, but I am a teacher and in the classroom it would just be so helpful to have). But have no idea where to go really - the helpline is for medical problems so can't ring asking to speak to people unless I have a semi-urgent issue/question.

I feel as though I am just doing the best I can with what I have got at the moment, and whilst I know they are stretched and pushed, a regular appointment at this early stage would be nice, especially when things have been said to you. Sorry for the rant everybody, hearing your own experiences has helped a little, so thank you OP for this thread.
I feel the same way, I was diagnosed end of June although confirmed on 1st July and my GP said to me, the following appointments would be telephone ones! Luckily I have actually managed to get a face to face with a DSN on 11th Aug as she needs to take more blood, check my feet and take blood pressure, none of which can be done over the phone.

This forum is a godsend and has been really good at allaying my fears without pushing opinions on to me, I am grateful for all the advice.

Can I ask if you have been referred for a foot check, eye appointment, or blood pressure check yet?
I feel the same way, I was diagnosed end of June although confirmed on 1st July and my GP said to me, the following appointments would be telephone ones! Luckily I have actually managed to get a face to face with a DSN on 11th Aug as she needs to take more blood, check my feet and take blood pressure, none of which can be done over the phone.

This forum is a godsend and has been really good at allaying my fears without pushing opinions on to me, I am grateful for all the advice.

Can I ask if you have been referred for a foot check, eye appointment, or blood pressure check yet?
I have had nothing yet ... I did have an eye appt pre-diagnosis earlier this year before all my symptoms started and no issues, keeping a close eye on my own feet and checked my blood pressure at home (normal), so I'm not too concerned - should I be pushing for these? I'm 30, don't know if that's considered 'young' in diabetes terms for these things, or if they should just start being offered now I've been diagnosed?
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