Second birthday pictures!

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I agree ...any chance of names.
I have worked out who Northerner, Andy HB, Steffie, Gail, Hazel and Shiv are (I think) oh and Rossi but it would be good to have names to the others.

Looks like you all had a great time!

wow, inspector clueso, you are good 😱 how do you do that?
very good piccies but my face looks so red lol
Thanks Alan for the pics and the names!
Hi guys...awwww I should of been in the piccies, and yes there would of been at least 100 piccies if I had been there 🙄 looks like you all had a wicked time 🙂 x x x Happy 2nd Birthday forum!!! x x x
Probably because I didn't bring my kangaroo with me 😉

Well that would have been a talking point throughout the pub if you had brought the kangaroo..!!! lol It could have sat in the middle with rossi and held court..
Well that would have been a talking point throughout the pub if you had brought the kangaroo..!!! lol It could have sat in the middle with rossi and held court..

kangaroo wrestling now that would be a good game! (obviously not hurting any animals in the process)
kangaroo wrestling now that would be a good game! (obviously not hurting any animals in the process)

yup that would be good to watch, you going first Rossi 😛 lol
You all look as though you had a good time from the photo's. Its nice to put names against the faces. Hopefully get to meet you all at the next meet.

Happy Birthday 🙂
great pics everyone, looks like you all had a great day 🙂
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