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But then i have i to ask should i try to eat dinner now without insulin? It still 4.1
But then i have i to ask should i try to eat dinner now without insulin? It still 4.1

It depends what you’re going to eat (how many carbs). If you’re having a small amount, you could try eating it without insulin and see what happens. Or you could take a smaller dose than you would normally.
How Long should i wait before i chect mye blood sugar? And how hight max it could be?
I’d test 2 hours after the start of your meal. I don’t know how high you’ll go, but it would be interesting to see. Also, if your blood sugar is a little high that will be good because you can reduce the risk of hypos, and also give your body a rest.
Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier Beccy. I had to go out. Pleased to see others have been helping you.

I too feel that 80 units of Toujeo may be the problem especially as you have a normal BMI now and you are still losing weight. Does your doctor know your current BMI? I wonder if the dose has been based on your weight when you were heavier. Reducing the risk of you having hypos should be your doctor's top priority because it is so dangerous to have them frequently.

One of the main problems with hypos is that it affects how your brain works, so it is really important to have a very set routine in treating them so that you don't have to think about it. Having a set amount of sweets or fruit juice or full sugar cola ready ready packaged like small cans of coke or little cartons of juice or little bags or pots with 3 jelly babies in or 4 Dextrose/Glucose tablets with you wherever you are really helps. Also carrying enough to treat at least 2 or 3 hypos is important. I have a little back pack handbag that has everything in it and goes everywhere with me, so I don't have to think if I have stuff with me, it is always on my back and that leaves my hands free to do other tasks.
As an example of how hypos affect your brain, I will sometimes be half aware of going hypo but because I am busy doing something and my brain is struggling to think straight because it is getting low on fuel, I focus more on what I am trying to do and get that task finished instead of testing and treating the hypo. This happens to many people, so you really have to be consciously thinking "How do I feel?... Could I be hypo?" Are my lips tingling or is my vision getting a bit blurry or do my legs feel a bit shaky. I often do this when I am out walking ..... just making little mental checks every now and then, looking for the slightest sign that my levels might be getting low. My peripheral vision is usually one of the first signs I get that I may be heading into a hypo. I can see what is in front of me clearly but the things that are out at the very edges of my vision start to get a bit faded and blurry. That tells me I need to stop what I am doing and test and if necessary treat, and then I open one of my little bags and eat the contents..... usually 3 jelly babies or 4 Dextrose tablets. You have to be alert to the risk of hypos when you are doing everyday things. maybe set an alarm every hour through the day to make you start thinking about how you feel. Learn what your hypo sighs are.... They can be different for everyone. Some people feel hot and start sweating or their heart starts pounding. Some people feel like they are in a vacuum like their world is closing in. It is hard to explain unless you actually feel it. I have had that sometimes. It feels like I am surrounded by cotton wool damping out the outside world, sights and sounds. Really bad ones, my vision doesn't return when I blink so each blink, there is a very clear moment of darkness before I see again even though my eyes are open.... that is quite a scary one and I know it is a bad one when that happens..... thankfully only happened to me twice.
Anyway, these are all things to be aware of and if you feel any of them, you need to test and treat straight away.

You should test your Blood Glucose levels whenever you feel you need to in order to keep yourself safe.
Regarding target levels, I would say, if you can keep your readings between 6 and 10 most of the time that would be good but I wouldn't worry about going up to 12 or higher sometimes and I would go to bed no lower than 8. If you are below 8 at bedtime, then eat a couple of digestive biscuits to push your levels up before you sleep.
Well i need to check now. Because the clook and if irvis higth. Wish you a good night inka❤️

Nice to hear from you again

Before i startet insulin i felt low blood sugar hypo? But now i dont feel it Moore before and then 2.2.

But i gonna do as you say and told me What you do.
I gonna be preperd..

But i am also very sick so lot on my main

Send a big hug
Thanks so much for all the information you have given today. It helps us to understand your situation much better and hopefully help you with better advice. I didn't mean to sound cross earlier, just frustrated that you weren't giving us enough information to help you and really worried. I know you have other health problems and that those will be worrying you but you have to focus on the things that you can change and improve and your diabetes management is in need of improvement. I understand that it is because you are not getting the support you need from your medical professionals, but we need you to be more precise about answers to our questions so that we can try to help you.
I really feel like we made a breakthrough with that today, so many thanks for helping us communicate better.

I am off out to have a walk up to see my horses now and say goodnight to them. Hope your animals are all well.
Hope you have a good night's sleep and tomorrow is a better day with your diabetes. X
Hi Beccy
I hope you have found the comments from people today helpful.
I have been very worried about you but feel unable to help much as I have no experience of insulin but do know that having the hypos that you get is not good for you.
Have a good night and get some sleep.
Hi Beccy
I hope you have found the comments from people today helpful.
I have been very worried about you but feel unable to help much as I have no experience of insulin but do know that having the hypos that you get is not good for you.
Have a good night and get some sleep.
Thank you
Thanks so much for all the information you have given today. It helps us to understand your situation much better and hopefully help you with better advice. I didn't mean to sound cross earlier, just frustrated that you weren't giving us enough information to help you and really worried. I know you have other health problems and that those will be worrying you but you have to focus on the things that you can change and improve and your diabetes management is in need of improvement. I understand that it is because you are not getting the support you need from your medical professionals, but we need you to be more precise about answers to our questions so that we can try to help you.
I really feel like we made a breakthrough with that today, so many thanks for helping us communicate better.

I am off out to have a walk up to see my horses now and say goodnight to them. Hope your animals are all well.
Hope you have a good night's sleep and tomorrow is a better day with your diabetes. X
Thank you.
You are a lovely
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